Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 10 Lin Zuo Town (1)

Chapter 10 Lin Zuo Town ([-])

All night without incident.

In the end, the two headed north again after getting up in the morning. Strangely, it seemed that they had passed the edge of the city. The scenery had turned into sparse vegetation, and a slightly wider stone road appeared under their feet and stretched forward.

"As long as we find the way, there will definitely be so-called shelters along the way!" Wang Peng said excitedly.

Finally, after walking along the road for nearly two hours, the two finally found a town similar to a shelter in the distance!The two excitedly increased their speed, but moved forward cautiously.Because they don't know if this will be the stronghold of the Horde or the stronghold of the Burning Legion.But after taking a closer look, the hearts of the two were finally relieved, because they saw the flag flying above the watchtower in the town, the familiar golden alliance lion on a blue background!
"Two more fugitives."

Four or five Union soldiers stood at the gate of the town and saw the arrival of Wang Peng and Axi and lowered the suspension bridge over the moat.Wang Peng and Yan Xi walked over the suspension bridge cautiously. After a day of excitement, Wang Peng still felt lingering fears even when he saw the Union soldiers who were so kind to him.Wang Peng also took a look at the ranks on the heads of these soldiers standing guard, and they were only 25.

"You two, go through the gate and go inside. You can see a temporary shelter. It's probably past 9:[-] in the morning, but you haven't caught up with your breakfast. Let's go." A soldier said rightly.


Wang Peng and Yan Xi walked and observed this huge town.How could such a large town suddenly appear?Wang Peng looked at the name on the huge city gate: Lin Zuo Town.Indeed, walking all the way from the ruins of the city has turned into a forest area, but Wang Peng is also puzzled. It stands to reason that according to his previous memory, walking north from the city center is a township area, and there is nothing to worry about. forest area.

"It seems that the changes brought about by formatting are even greater than I imagined!"

Walking into the gate of Linzuo Town, you will see a long street. The houses on both sides are low and wooden, but they are not like the simple European style in World of Warcraft, but tend to be classical Chinese houses. , but it doesn't look like either.And the people walking through the streets are wearing simple and unsophisticated clothes, which are also in different styles.Seeing the arrival of Wang Peng and Yan Xi, all eyes were focused here.

"A lot of refugees have come here recently!"

"Yes, the Burning Legion's offensive has been very fierce recently."

"Yes, but don't be afraid, we'll be fine."

Yan Xi frowned, listening to the whispers of passers-by, she was still very confused.Many places are very strange, obviously our clothes are completely different from theirs, but they accept us as if we are just refugees from other places.It seems that we already exist in their world.

The town is very big, definitely not like a gold glitter town in World of Warcraft, with only a dozen people or four or five houses.When Wang Peng came here just now, he observed the appearance of this town. It is generally a quadrilateral structure, with one side estimated to be close to 200 meters. There is an arrow tower on each of the four corners, and it is surrounded by towering walls. There is also a road outside. The moat is about 10 meters wide.As soon as I entered the town at this moment, I still couldn't fully understand the structure of the town, I just felt that it was very big.

"Let's go, go straight inside and you will see a temporary shelter, maybe my parents will be there!" Yan Xi ran anxiously.

"Hey! You two, go over there and register first!" A tough uncle shouted at the door of the shelter.

The temporary shelter is a wide martial arts arena. Looking from the door, Wang Peng saw a dense crowd!Those should be the people who survived yesterday.Thinking of this, Wang Peng's mind changed again, so if these people are players, then the other people in this town must be NPCs!

On the side of the martial arts field, there is a hut with two large characters of registration written on it.

"Come on, fill out this form and you can go inside." The staff in the cabin threw a form to each of them.

Wang Peng picked up a pen, which seemed to be a quill, filled in the name, age, occupation or not, Wang Peng thought, doesn't everyone have a occupation?
"Here, here is your number."

A piece of iron is engraved with "Linzuo 11204" on it, and Yan Xi's is 11205.

"Let's go, the mayor seems to be speaking." The registration staff waved to the two impatiently. Registration from yesterday to now is enough.

Seeing that guy's impatient look, Wang Peng didn't get angry, but Yan Xi just turned his head and left, Wang Peng didn't care about this guy, and went out to follow Yan Xi.

"My poor refugees, I am deeply saddened by the suffering you have suffered. The demons of the Burning Legion once again attacked many places. We paid a heavy price, but in the end we still resisted the demons' attack. I know you are very sad and have lost your beloved relatives and friends, but you must stand up strong, turn the pain that the Burning Legion brought you into strength, and defend this world! For the alliance!" On the high platform of the martial arts field, It looks like the gentle mayor is giving a speech.

"Fuck you! What the Burning Legion, what Alliance, what the hell are you!" Someone underground stood up and pointed at the mayor's nose from a distance.

"that is!"

"Give us our world back!"

The yelling and crying of more than 1 people underground covered the entire martial arts field. Looking at the scene, Wang Peng only felt how it would end? More than 1 people got up, and under the instigation of some people, the soldiers who wanted to rush over the barrier attacked the mayor.The town's garrison chief immediately drew out his sword to warn the rioters.Think about it, although these soldiers are few, they are all elites, excellent fighters above level 25, and the garrison officer himself is a powerful fighter at level 50.Facing a large number of low-level refugees, it can be said that he can deal with it alone.

But the mayor signaled him not to draw his sword.

The mayor closed his eyes, raised his hands and faced the rioting crowd, chanting a holy mantra.

Suddenly, a huge sacred symbol appeared on the top of the entire martial arts field, with golden flowing lines spreading on it, and a little bit of golden glitter fell from the huge symbol, which seemed to be small letters one by one, which was a kind of strange language.The entire martial arts field became quiet, and then many people began to cry. Those letters seemed to carry sacred magic, which made everyone feel a burst of warmth in their hearts, so that they were moved.

"This, it's unbelievable!" Axi stretched out his hand to catch the small golden characters falling from the sky. The characters melted into her body when they met her hand, and a warm current flowed from the bottom of her heart.Tears flowed out of Axi's eyes unconsciously, and she felt the kind of happiness like being surrounded by her parents.So warm and wonderful.

"This, this, **** can't be a priest's skill! What is this? Let me think about it, holy hymns? Pray for prophecies? Healing prayers? It's amazing!" Wang Peng was surprised,
"Be quiet, my dear townspeople, we have repelled the Burning Legion, but they will return again. Therefore, we need many brave people to fight against them. I know that many of you have passed The trial of a profession, becoming a warrior, a mage, or a priest like me."

"I hope you can practice hard and grow into a person who can contribute to the league. There are still many people who do not have a career, but you also shoulder a major mission. You will provide later guarantee for the fighters on the eve, Food, clothes, and many things have to pass through your hands."

"Tomorrow the garrison officials from Haiyan City will come here. At that time, you will go to Haiyan City to learn from various professional mentors. I hope you will not disappoint the king's expectations."

(End of this chapter)

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