Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 93 The Death of Leviathan (Part [-])

Chapter 93 The Death of Leviathan (Part [-])

When He Gang finally stood on Leviathan's bony spine, each erected spine protruded like a sharp, pale mountain.

The bloodless rotten flesh gathered at these bony spurs like a boiling liquid, and then grew an extremely ugly human face.

These faces made disgusting expressions towards He Gang, crying like a baby.

The Leviathan fell to the ground, and it fell to its knees, its back as huge as a plain facing the mountain.

Suddenly a huge human face appeared in front of He Gang.

It was a huge filth embedded in the flesh and blood of Leviathan's back, making people uneasy, disgusting, and crazy.

Huge and incomprehensible monsters resounded through the world, somewhat like the roar of some kind of feline animal.

"what is this?"

He Gang hides himself behind a bone spur.

Although flesh and blood were approaching him, they were easily torn apart by the holy light attached to the equipment.

This skill, which couldn't even instantly kill Night Dire in the early stage, also gained a bonus to the power attribute, unexpectedly possessing such a huge power.

Zou Wu turned into a flashing light, following He Gang and approaching the center of Leviathan's back.

The eyes of this giant beast were pierced, and the eyeballs looked like burst eggs, and a scarlet liquid dripped out of it, viscous and rich.

Neither He Gang nor Zou Wu expected that when they came to Leviathan's back, what would be presented before them would be a huge human face embedded in a gouged, bloody wound.

But when He Gang fixed his eyes, he realized that there was no human face.

That is clearly the pattern on the back of a bug!

It was a slug-like creature beating slowly like a heart, sucking something from Leviathan's body!

Its egg-shaped body protruded countless sharp, multicolored metal-like spines. These spines penetrated deeply into Leviathan's spine, and colorful light clusters continued to flow from Leviathan along these joints. Tan's body was injected into the bug's body.

At the rounder end of the oval was a floppy, foamy face with a round, thin mouth, from which protruded three eye-stalks topped with waxy yellow eyes.

The underside of the body is covered with white cones that may be used for movement, and these cones are also tightly welded into the Leviathan's gray and rotting flesh.

The diameter of this ghost thing's body is at least tens of meters wide, and sticky, sucker-covered tentacles grow on it.It seemed to feel the malice from He Gang and Zou Wu, and it stood up, the pulsating and swaying roar was deafening, and a spine pierced Leviathan below it.

Then the giant that occupied almost all the space of the sky and the earth under the field began to tremble violently.

There is some power that repairs all the scars on it.

Leviathan straightened his body.

Those limbs that were already distorted and did not match the body dropped flesh and blood due to decay, revealing the spliced ​​bones underneath.

The red gold in Hancock's eyes exploded directly.

He already realized what He Gang was doing.

At this moment, there is a huge force shaking the entire mountain, and the sky covered with dark clouds is also trembling.

The field is crumbling.

It was as if another closed time loop had begun, and everything around it that had been destroyed reappeared and returned to its original state.

Even the mountain village full of skeletons is the same.

The flock of birds hovered in the sky, but they dared not land on the branches anyway, because every branch within a few kilometers was vibrating at the same frequency.

This is... force!

Under the urging of the bug, Leviathan used some kind of ability or skill.

The earth cracked.

At this moment, the magma suddenly illuminated the plain under the dark clouds. From the north to the south, the stable geology suddenly collapsed, and there were huge mountain ranges uplifted during the plate movement, and the magma spurted out.

Looking down from the sky, a mountain range running through the entire plain suddenly flashed bright red, as if the earth was bleeding blood.

Something has come.

Something that would make Leviathan greater!
Hancock, He Gang and Zou Wu all raised their heads at the same time.

They saw that there were lines arranged like words in the dark clouds.

The messy blue-purple lines are like countless snakes twisting, like the hieroglyphs on the ancient stone tablet, they come alive, dancing like elves, all kinds of pictures that they dare not imagine in the deepest nightmare flash before their eyes.

This is a picture.

A picture that awakens the deepest fears in the human heart.

He Gang trembled all over.

He sees endless darkness.


A piercing scream escaped from the bug's swollen mouth.

The flesh and blood that had been annihilated by the holy light just now appeared beside He Gang again.

Time closed loop!

It's the means of this bug!

In the eastern sky, with the sun gradually covered by dark clouds, the shadow of Leviathan, which is so huge that it looks like a whole planet descending, barks its teeth and claws.

At this time, a huge sound of breathing came from under his feet, which actually overwhelmed the sound of the wind on the high mountain.

Breath of Leviathan!

Its breathing can actually make a sound like a whistling wind!

It can't be, it's already weak!

Hancock growled.

He took a few steps back and dealt with it cautiously.

Dark clouds gradually covered the entire sky.

In the darkness, Leviathan floated silently, as stiff as a huge stone sculpture.

The bones of its lower limbs cracked and fell off.

Then turn to ashes.

So it became the classic image of the whale Leviathan.

It slowly opened its eyes.

The pierced eye repaired itself visibly to the naked eye, and this huge and majestic creature actually seemed not to be harmed at all.

Its eyes seemed to be flowing with lava.

But when this ancient god-king-like brilliance touched the shadow in the sky, it dimmed in an instant.

Leviathan bowed his head.

In other words, it was the bug that lowered its head.

It says the name of the thing in their language:


The voice is full of awe.

That huge dizzying shadow looked up at the sky, looked down at the feet, and then scanned the hellish plain and mountain.

His size is far larger than Leviathan's true form.

But it seems to come from the same source.

Some details of the body are very different.

Great and boundless, with a ferocious face, bony spurs, and countless wings fanning out a hurricane behind him.

The shadow is almost condensed into substance.

The violent beauty suddenly poured down like a river of heaven.

At this time, Leviathan's unparalleled pair of blood-red eyes, as bright as the setting sun, were like cracks in the earth, revealing a fierce light.

It was clearly looking in this direction, but Hancock didn't feel like he was being watched at all.


been ignored.

Both He Gang and Zou Wu trembled under the pressure of the shadow in the sky that was obviously much larger than the small world shrouded in the whole field, as if time had stopped turning, and the whole world was only left with the sound of wind and rain.

In the wind and rain, Leviathan took a long breath, and the whole world seemed to tremble in the sound of its breathing.

One real, one false.

Two huge things seem to echo each other.

But none of them have a sanity of their own.

They're all controlled by that egg-shaped slug-like bug.

A volcano attached to the mountainside erupted in an instant.

The rock formation below seemed to be split open by an incomparable giant weapon, leaving scars as long as ten kilometers, and golden blood flowing out.

He Gang's ears were filled with the sound of dull explosions. The magma river was like a giant sword soaked in a storm to cool down, and the sound of boiling was transmitted from the ground to the sky.

It seemed like the sky was falling apart.

The shadow similar to Leviathan suddenly fell down.

A dazzling figure suddenly pierced the field that was already on the verge of collapse, and then burst into light as dazzling as the sun.

That figure appeared in the pure darkness of Leviathan's shadow, like a poppy blooming in a long river!
Beautiful and amazing!
But that seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

As the field covering the mountain dissipated, the holy light erupting above the figure instantly illuminated the shadow of Leviathan enough to make He Gang fall into crazy belief.

Then, the whole small world collapsed!

Numerous scars suddenly appeared on the worm's body.

Gurgling blood spurted out.

Leviathan fell with a crash.

(End of this chapter)

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