Chapter 90 Leviathan's Death
At this moment, He Gang finally saw the spear he had thrown.

It was inserted into the scales of Leviathan's strong claws, and the flesh had melted into a red liquid, and this sacred object also penetrated deeply into Leviathan's scales and pierced into its muscles.

The legendary creature was completely unscathed by the flames.

"The moment of the Holy Judgment doesn't work at all!"

He Gang shouted to Hancock loudly.

This skill is the most powerful skill that comes with the Gun of Longinus. It is conservatively estimated that ten drops of holy blood should be able to kill the golden rank filth.

But when it landed on the scaled claws of this huge monster, it was only stuck in the muscles.

Hancock cheered up again.

Two limbs with tiny fuzzy tentacles stick out, holding Longinus' spear.


Leviathan, who looked like a dragon and a whale, tore off the long spear, and threw it into his mouth like a toothpick, his teeth that could bite off gold stones and his jaw muscles agitated.

Then there was a tooth-piercing crackling sound.

But it was not the spear of Longinus that splintered, but its sharp teeth!

Hancock's pupils shrunk, wrapped in red-gold liquid droplets——

He knew the spear, Longinus, the holy relic that killed Jesus.

The bronze of the spearhead has been tempered for thousands of years, and the material of the spear body is also from the hardest ore on earth.

But what is a Leviathan?
One might be a high-ranking filth!
No part of it should be hard enough to be destroyed.


And the creature's teeth were... broken and crushed so easily.

And... it doesn't even seem to be able to cause any damage to the Longinus Spear at all?
"Angel ot uh'eog..."

The huge creature that stretched across the sky like a mountain opened its mouth like a black hole. When it spoke, the wind poured violently from east to west.

In He Gang's cognition, only when a creature reaches a high position, will this creature have the ability to break the rules of the world to some extent.

Although he has not really seen the power of high positions.

In Leviathan, the manifestation of this ability is "force".

It can manipulate almost all forms of force in the world, such as gravity, magnetism, even buoyancy and lift.

So its appearance is accompanied by a strong wind like a wave.

After Hancock became a dragon, he also possessed some kind of power beyond diamonds.

He's also close to the highs.

But the form of his expression is "can".

It is the state of motion when matter is divided into molecules, and it can control the activity of molecules arbitrarily, regardless of energy conservation and mass conservation.

The performance at the macro level is the sudden rise and sharp drop in temperature.

If humans in ancient times were lucky enough to see it, they would probably shout the God of Ice and Fire.

Hancock and Leviathan looked at each other across the clear sky.

There are tens of kilometers between them.

At the foot of the earth, some arcs can already be seen, and the entire mountain completely collapsed from the top of the mountain, forming another highland plain at a height of four to five kilometers.

"Is this the power of Leviathan?"

Hancock felt that the tattered clothes hanging on his body were in the way, so he grabbed the collar.

In an instant he caught fire where he held it.

Burned to ashes together with the scarlet cloak.

The ashes also fell down one after another.

His ferocious and terrifying face due to dragon transformation actually showed a smile at this moment, as if the Leviathan opposite him was not the most magnificent creature in the world, but an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

This feeling, this feeling of being crushed by pure power, has not been felt for a long time.

He went on:
"That would have to die too."

Now he was finally naked.

Hardcover, bodybuilding, like a combination of dragon and human.

Hancock is the "messenger" of a certain existence in another world. After he made such a gesture, that existence seemed to appear behind him.

A pair of incomparably huge, incomparably bright, and incomparably sacred eyes opened on that face of nothingness.

Then, it disappeared in an instant.

I just feel ferocious and cold, pouring down from the highest sky with the cruel beauty of great oppression!

They were silent.

But anyone could sense a storm brewing.

The already calm power in Leviathan's body surged again, just like the mountains and plains with a panoramic view in front of him, surging with wind and clouds.

Even tens of kilometers away, Leviathan could feel the scalding heat wave emanating from Hancock's body.

But under its influence, there are also wind directions that have been constantly changing, and a whirlwind suddenly blows up.

Suddenly, there was a swirling cloud layer in the sky, protruding downward toward the earth, like the sharp horns of a giant dragon reaching down from the clouds.

There were lightning flashes and rumbling thunder.

This is the vortex of the wind sucking down the rain cloud carrying tens of thousands of volts of high-voltage static electricity.

This is also the performance of Hallivia Tanli.

The entire space off the court that was nearly shattered trembled under this terrifying and turbulent oppression, and the billowing heat wave was black and pressed towards the thunderstorm.

Thunderstorms were not to be outdone.

Higher fields are indestructible.

They approached each other at a not-so-fast speed.

A certain aura is neutralized in the process.

So the vision of heaven and earth is gradually weakening and disappearing.

When the two approached a certain critical point, everything collapsed.

Hancock actually pressed all the energy from the Dragon Heart into his body, and he completely tamed those restless forces by fighting against Leviathan's domain.

A platinum-level item is like an artifact when used on Hancock.

He now confronts the Leviathan.

Like an ant facing a tiger.

He just said:
"There are many heartbeats in your body."

His super senses allowed him to hear the restless heartbeat and boiling flesh in Leviathan's body.

But that heartbeat is much more than just one.

There are countless of those weak, filthy heartbeats.

But there are only two heartbeats that are truly terrifying, like earthquakes.

Then there was silence that lasted only a few seconds.

Then, the war broke out!


Accompanied by hissing, the Leviathan was as powerful as a dragon!

The leviathan's whale-like body elongated in a surge of flesh and blood.

Its attacking posture is so beautiful that it looks like a magnificent and enchanting dance, which is the characteristic of a high position in this world.Their huge bodies cannot completely concentrate the polluting power that breaks through the rules and regulations, but certain strange movements and postures allow them to completely control their bodies in an instant, and allow these polluting forces to be mobilized and enriched at will. somewhere in the body.

In this way, when facing Hancock, Leviathan's power will still only be higher than the latter!
A new field, or domain, unfolds in this dance.

That is... the realm of death that slaughters everything!

It hissed long, thick, and the gaps were full of active flesh and blood filthy scales swelled.

Changing light flows in the huge scarlet pupils, reflecting the figure of Hancock with his arms crossed to block the violent air current.

Blood seeps from the crevices in its scales.

Then, their weight was added to the extreme, and the phantoms passing along the way did not have time to dissipate.

So there was a bloody heavy rain in the sky!

Every drop of rain is a weapon for killing!

At the same time, the power of the dragon and the power of the messenger instantly covered Hancock's pupils, and his vision was pure gold.

His expression was ecstatic, but with strong dissatisfaction.

He yelled:

"Come to fight!"

The red-gold heavy rain from the Leviathan domain turned into a tornado sharper than steel, wrapped in dazzling light, and bombarded Hancock head-on.

Like a shooting star.

Destroy everything!
But Hancock stepped forward to meet the red-gold shooting star.

He responded to Leviathan's declaration of war.

He is fearless.

(End of this chapter)

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