Chapter 9
The dome of the chapel has been shattered under the raging flames, and the huge colored printed glass facing the extreme end of the gate, which was originally brilliantly sunny, was blackened by smoke.

Countless mysteries were torn apart in Fiendfire by mimics from another world.

Embers from the burning vines fell down one after another.

There is no doubt that this place is the most ominous place in New York. If Dumbledore had not been summoned, it would not be long before He Gang would be swallowed alive by the things rushing out from here.

But when they moved forward, they finally saw that Fierce Flame, after burning under the huge cross, stopped with claws and claws, as if there was an invisible wall blocking the demonic fire from another world.

"I think we should go, Professor!"

He Gang grabbed Dumbledore's robe.

The strength of this old man is surprisingly great.

He couldn't pull it at all.

The bloody red subtitles on the system panel made He Gang a little anxious.

【Friendship of the Lord of the Great Abyss】〖Bronze Level Trigger Task〗

Description: The Lord of the Great Abyss, "Memetic Stop", is a true "memetic stop". Unlike Lamia, he possesses unparalleled power and omnipresent authority.

Description: Beware of the merfolk who lure you into the sea, traveler!
Mission statement: The Trinity Church between Broadway and Wall Street was once the most sacred building in Lower Manhattan, it is the lighthouse of the Hudson River port!But it is precisely because of this that people pray to God here every week, but it is not God who responds to them, but the ruler from the abyss and the raging sea!After the "Meme Stop" event, the power of the Lord of the Great Abyss has completely eroded this place.

Mission requirements: Destroy the Trinity Church or expel the authority of the Lord of the Abyss.

Tip: Dead things are not dead, and living things are difficult to survive.

Reward: Experience*100, Tainted Holy Blood*3, Spear of Longinus (1/3)

"No, it's locked here."

Dumbledore immediately protected He Gang behind him.

His expression was stern.

Different from the seriousness he often showed, He Gang could feel the seriousness of the matter from Dumbledore's current performance.

"Locked? What does that mean?"

He Gang was terrified.

You know, there are as many as three "meme blocking" entries on this damn mission page alone!
He didn't want to think about what this meant.

"That's the literal meaning...the Iron Armor Curse!"

A transparent spherical magic shield as thick as tank armor instantly enveloped the two of them.

The fierce fire was divided by inexplicable forces in the chapel, just like the Red Sea was divided when Moses led his people to escape from Egypt.


The mimic creatures in Fiendflame slammed into the invisible barrier over and over again, as if trying to tear the entire church apart.

"Can you solve it, Professor?"

"It's a little difficult, but it's doable."

Dumbledore was engrossed.

He didn't look at He Gang, but his gaze was as deep and penetrating as that of Rowling's foresighted old principal.

Dumbledore looked at what was happening in front of him through the half-moon glasses. His slender fingers firmly held the wand, and his lips were tightly pursed. He didn't say a spell, but one magic after another was cast to hit the front .

He Gang didn't hesitate.

He checked his backpack, and a bunch of modern thermal weapons enchanted by the holy light were taken out together with boxes of bullets.

"Professor, please move away."

"what is this?"

Dumbledore stopped casting the spell.

He saw He Gang setting up a black weapon that he had never seen before. It looked very intimidating and should be similar to a gun.

"M1216, this is the most powerful shotgun I can find, and it can kill a pure-bred giant with this thing."

He Gang pressed the enchanted 12 gauge bullets into the four tubular magazines one by one.

You don't need this thing against Night Dire.

But during the long days, He Gang always had to find something to do.

"What about this?"

Dumbledore pointed to the big guy on the ground again. Mysterious patterns were carved on every inch of the metal on that thing's body. He could feel the surging magic power on it, but he couldn't match it with any kind of Merlin spell.

He Gang didn't raise his head, he said:
"Browning M2HB, I dismantled it from a jeep in the war museum above the shelter. However, there are not many enchanted bullets. It may be gone in two or three minutes."

He hesitated for a moment before continuing:

"Except for ghosts, I can't imagine how much in the wizarding world can withstand its frontal shot."

The roar of the dragon came from all around.

This heavy machine gun was He Gang's trump card - before he had acquired armored weapons such as tanks and mortars.


There was a terrifying explosion ahead.

The mimetic dragon and chimera were crushed by some unexplainable force.

Curses flew.

The searing heat in the air cooled quickly.

There were countless wails and screams mixed together, ringing in the ears of the two people.

"Like the cry of Myrtle."

"Is it so ugly?"

"Actually... more or less."

Dumbledore erected several more spell barriers in front of him, and the tip of his staff flashed with a faint fluorescent light.

Fiendfire is dying out.

No, not off.

There seemed to be an absolutely pure realm spreading out, and countless piles of carrion, almost piled up in mountains, spread in this direction little by little from under the huge blackened floating window.

When the invisible wall was broken, Fiercefire was obviously still eroding forward endlessly, but it disappeared as if it was sent to another world the moment it reached the decaying domain.

Dim light fell from the window at this moment.

It's as if the gray fog outside doesn't exist at all.

The holy and glorious church that has stood here for hundreds of years is gradually being taken over by an evil ghost.

The carrion quickly climbed up the ashes that had been covered with a red carpet.

Some desperate and crazy thoughts began to appear in the minds of He Gang and Dumbledore.

A hazy whisper composed of countless voices sounded in their ears.

In the process of carrion filling, every gap in the church is seeping some sticky and slippery liquid into it——

Like traces of slugs swimming by.

When the rotten flesh came into contact with the slime, an even more terrifying transformation took place.

Those indescribable pieces of rotting flesh mixed with internal organs, eyeballs and tentacles gradually stood up as they moved forward, forming suture monsters that could barely see human figures!

Phoenix Patronus seems to be able to contain these things.

But it's not a long-term solution.

There were sharp and piercing roars from outside the church.

"It looks like the predators weren't just inside."

He Gang was finally ready.

But at this moment, in the hazy light falling into the church, a huge figure suddenly appeared!

That was actually...a sculpture of the crucifixion of Jesus!
(End of this chapter)

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