Chapter 84 Seal
Now that we know that Leviathan is under the sarcophagus, it will be easy to handle.

Just go smash it.

"But, do we really want to kill it completely?"

Hancock hesitated.

He glanced at He Gang, who was teasing Zuowu, and then looked back at the coffin, which had been flattened and even looked like it had been hit by a meteorite.

Reno Pavlov was an evil pagan.

So he can kill with one punch without any psychological burden.

But... what about the people in this village?

Although they have no flesh and blood and only skeletons, they still belong to humans in terms of rational attribution and biological sequence.

And it is likely to be the last group of people in this world who still maintain human sanity.

This place exists because of Leviathan.

What would happen to these people if Leviathan was killed?
Hearing this, He Gang was also in trouble.

To be honest, the hundred or ten families in this village may be the only human beings left in this world—at least the will and cognition of human beings.

Maybe there will be an opportunity to restore them to their original appearance later.

If Leviathan is destroyed in the most direct way, maybe the power to maintain this life form will disappear in an instant.

"There is nothing to hesitate."

"We must go out. There are so many weird and magical things in this world. There is always a way to reshape the glory of mankind."

He Gang made up his mind.

He thought that if he had been trapped in this village for a long time, and the flow of time here was irregular, maybe it would be a long time to go out.

If several months have passed by then, the whole of New York might have been taken over by the filth.

The sarcophagus is huge.

At this time, the real body went, and the head was raised for more than a hundred meters, and even the countless towering trees behind it paled in comparison.

"These fine round holes should lead to the kingdom of God that Lino Pavlov said, but I don't know whether this Leviathan is a good god or an evil god."

"This giant beast has been blasted to pieces by the Tsar bomb. Even if it was a good god before, it is estimated to be extremely evil after becoming filthy. Chaos is unspeakable."

He Gang responded to Hancock's words.

Around them they saw countless shattered bones.

That's left over from the object double the Medusa scales created for them.

The torn flesh and blood had completely rotted away, or had been eaten by things poking out of the Kingdom of God.

"Do you want to drive them away?"

"Let's expel it first, maybe it will be dangerous."

He Gang waved Zouwu to drive away the skeleton residents who were watching from a distance.

They did not seem to be angry or sad at Rino Pavlov's complete annihilation, but quickly elected a new leader of their own accord.

In fact, to be honest, He Gang still has a little bit of guilt for these Russians in the state of skeletons.

He and Hancock chose to enter this mountain, which would put Leviathan, who maintained their form, in crisis.

But this is another dead end.

If Leviathan is not eliminated, they will have no way to go out.

This place is restricted by some kind of strange force, like a real small universe, which cannot be broken through or escaped.

"Let's work together to lift this thing up."

He Gang looked at Hancock.

The objectively real objects created by Medusa's scales have their own thoughts, memories, and souls, but their strength and endurance are only the initial 1, which is completely the template of ordinary people.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for them to lift these tens of thousands of tons of things.

But Hancock can.

"I'll come alone."

Hancock stopped He Gang. He knew that the latter's stamina value was a little pitifully low, and he might have emptied the blue bar with a helping hand.

Then if something happens later, don't you have Hancock to do it?
He Gang backed away after hearing the words.

He also meant it.

Just a little ashamed to speak.

After all, if you really want to talk about his strength of a few hundred, it is relatively easy to move a thousand tons of things casually. Even if you work hard, you can push mountains across the river and cut off rivers like the ancient emperor in the novel. Only then will they do pretentious things.

But double-digit stamina is really not enough.

Hancock stood on the front of the sarcophagus covered with lines, the lines on it seemed to come alive, fearfully dodging Hancock's hands that touched the surface of the sarcophagus.

"These lines look messy, but they actually have certain rules."

He Gang also reached out and touched it. He put the Longinus Spear behind his back, and the joints and tentacles protruding from the holes that had just appeared on the ground and have not disappeared until now retreated timidly.

It seems to panic about this sacred object.

"Pick them up one by one, and then reassemble them, as if the portraits of some weird and invisible life were overlapped..."

He Gang frowned slightly.

Hancock's extremely powerful biological force field penetrated deep under the sarcophagus, and with the incomparably terrifying force, he wanted to lift the entire sarcophagus connected to the earth.

The whole mountain groaned and trembled under the mighty power.

The strange field densely covered the sky was shaking.

This power even shakes the outside world.

Even the serpent of the world twisted its huge head slightly, looking at a certain mountain it meandered past.

"This thing is like a seal..."

He Gang pondered.

He saw that Zou Wu seemed to be more active, and the column of physical strength had become Max+, and it was even soaring, but he didn't know to what extent.

The eyes of this mythical beast gradually became strangely clear.

It seems to have gained some kind of enhancement.

Hancock had already pulled up the huge sarcophagus little by little, and the shadow as huge as a mountain was falling in the east, just covering He Gang and the skeleton villagers who were watching.

The shadow of the sarcophagus is twisting.

It's like a living thing.

Such a strange scene frightened the skeleton villagers, and they fled towards the village one by one with stiff steps.

"Does Zou Wu's change have anything to do with all this...?"

He Gang thought.

His eyes suddenly widened.

In this world, even if Zouwu eats, it cannot increase its stamina, nor can it change its state.

This is incomprehensible to any living being.

But on Zou Wu...

"Mao Shi Gu Xun Biography" says: Zuowu is a righteous beast, with white hair and black stripes. It does not eat living things. If you have the virtue of faith, you should eat them.

Zuowu does not eat living things.

In a narrow sense, it can be understood as a living animal, and in a broad sense, it can be deduced in reverse. What Zouwu uses is actually the opposite of "life".

It is the opposite of "birth".

That is "death".

However, although this village is completely composed of skeletons, and the bloody smell of rust can be smelled at any time, it is indeed more in line with the concept of "life" than the outside world.

At least even the system recognizes that the skeleton is a human.

But why did Zou Wu become alive and well when he entered here?
He Gang suddenly looked at the huge sarcophagus that had been slowly lifted up.

There seemed to be something terrifying about to break out of the ground.

The surging breath of death is brewing below.

"No! Stop it first!"

He Gang realized that this thing might not be the entrance to the Kingdom of God.

But a seal!
(End of this chapter)

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