Chapter 79

"sit down."

No matter what the man in front of him is, at least he can use language to communicate, and he still has the same rationality as human beings.

In the rough stone house, there was only a bed, a few stone benches, and some equipment or props piled in the corner that had been rusted to the point where they looked completely intact.

"your face……"

He Gang pointed to the man's cheek, where a huge scar opened.

The latter then used his fingers that were as stiff as a puppet to touch the huge scar hidden in the middle of the folded skin.

Several fingers that were white, swollen, and with large chunks of skin obviously peeling off kept squeezing the scar, forcefully squeezing out the inactive flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood were thrown to the ground, and soon completely decayed and disappeared.

However, the next scene really made people's san value go crazy.

In the head of the man sitting across from them, a pile of greasy and wet stuff of indescribable color was squeezed out along with the flesh and blood, and actually flowed out along the wound.

Flowed all over the place.

Although the decay quickly disappeared, the smell of corpses lingered for a long time.

He even slid his eyeballs out of their sockets.

"Sorry, our experiment has only reached this stage now, and we can barely allow these simulated flesh and blood to carry our bodies for a short period of time."

The man simply stopped trying to stuff those greasy things into his brain, and simply pulled out the flesh and blood from his whole body, exposing the dry bones inside.

The flesh and blood on his bones quickly decayed and disappeared without a trace.

He stretched out his right hand,
"I am Reno Pavlov, the head of the Far East Area 29 Research Institute."


"So, at the end of the last century, you had already started to establish research bases all over the country and even at the North and South Poles?"

"Not only Russia, but also other big countries have similar plans?"


He Gang didn't finish his sentence.

Before the disaster struck, all countries in the world seemed to know something. They embezzled a lot of funds to build a massive "Noah's Ark".

But why did all these arks fall?

"When a disaster strikes, no matter whether you survive or not, you must resist."

Reno made a rustling sound, which was a strange filth, a filth that resulted from the contamination of a human's complete vocal organ.

It just attached to the body of this burly skeleton, vibrating slightly and emitting language.

It's just that I can't flick my tongue.

This makes Reno's Russian quite non-standard, and even the system's translation function is limited.

This filth is like a snake.

Two eyes and a forked snake head were born.

He stared at the flames in Rino's eye sockets.

"Can you tell us what happened?"


Reno was silent for a moment, and said,
"I'm not particularly clear either."


Probably the tenth winter after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Cold, as cold as it was in 1991.

Rino Pavlov traveled with a large pack of sled dogs to the base in Siberia closest to the North Pole.

It faces the vast Arctic Ocean.

Ten years, 50 years, or even 100 years, can only be accompanied by a vast expanse of whiteness.

No satellite at that time could find the location of this base. Its entire body was made of steel cast on site, and not even a blade could be inserted into the gap.

Judging from the thermal sensing systems of human military satellites at that time, this place did not exist.

It's even colder than the surrounding permafrost.

"The conditions were very difficult at that time, and our motherland had just passed the most difficult time. Even the heaters were only available in the engine room of the generator and the dormitory. We relied on the vodka delivered by the icebreaker that detoured from the Arctic Ocean every winter. Come to keep out the cold."

"The battle cup carved out of old ice with a history of at least tens of thousands of years made the Sentinels unable to help but fall into a carnival..."

Only the Soviet veterans who entered the secret project from the Soviet era and did not close the project until the Russian Federation took over the inheritance after the collapse of the Soviet Union would use the word "motherland" when talking about the Federation.

It's as if you can no longer see the flying sickle flag in St. Petersburg, hear the singing of Leningrad, or be called comrade.

The word motherland belongs only to the elderly.

Although it is a bit strange, there is indeed a look of memory on the face of a skeleton,

"I was born in the late 60s, it was really difficult at that time..."

"And because I came from the Pavlov family, my motherland had great hopes for me from the very beginning."

"From Ukraine, to Leningrad, to Yekaterinburg, and finally to Siberia..."

"I was transferred as a biologist to countless research institutes, military bases, and safe houses."

"At the height of the Cold War, I was arranged to enter the nuclear safe house at a depth of 300 meters underground in Yekaterina and spent two full years."

"After the situation improved, we were authorized to conduct... research on human genes."

Until entering northern Siberia, the base whose coordinates and names have not been told until now.

He Gang and Hancock listened quietly.

Obviously, something did happen in this world, and these things sounded the alarm to the mainstream countries in the world.

But why didn't any government show such foresight when Pierre ran for mayor of Toronto later?

Or is it that Pierre's status is too low to be exposed to this aspect of things?
"What have you studied?"

He Gang grasped the key points.

He believes that since it is a research institute, it must have a main research topic at the beginning of its establishment.


"A massive, devious octopus."

Reno said so.

His finger bones trembled slightly, as if some kind of fear had been imprinted directly and deeply on these bones without any nerve distribution through time.

"Those octopuses are huge, they know how to think, they can use coral and ice as weapons, and they can communicate simply. It's like a primitive civilization in another ocean."

"We study their physiology and psychology through dissection, slicing, electric shock, cooking..."

"Wait, you're still cooking that?!"

He Gang felt unreasonable.

A thinking octopus?

No matter how you look at it, you think it's weird, but the Soviets actually thought of cooking them?

"We did everything we could, and we ended up with a complete, comprehensive archive."

No rebuttal.

He sees nothing wrong with cooking.

"Okay, then what?"

"Then one day, something rose up from the black ocean..."

"Countless tentacles, countless forms..."

"Bloody, weird, with the unique sea smell of octopus."

"The government used the atomic bomb."

"Then, in 2010, we got in here."

"We never got out again."

"Stay here to rot, to die."

"No supplies, no fuel, no way out..."

"Now, about 100 years have passed by now...?"

Reno looked up.

In his eye sockets, flames flickered slightly.

He Gang's side face was covered by shadows.

He looked deeply at Rino.

他 说:

"No, it's only been more than ten years."

(End of this chapter)

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