Chapter 77 Skeleton, Mortal Spirit

Probably walked for several hours.

When the system logs were prompting that He Gang's sanity value began to fluctuate, there was finally a different scene in front of him.

It was... an ominous, completely moth-eaten wooden fence door.

There was a metal street sign with something written in Russian on it.

He Gang translated it with the translator that comes with the system.

[Far East Ottoten Area 29 Research Base]

"Is the place where the co-author is still an official institution?"

He Gang took advantage of the opportunity and opened a list of laboratories, bases and non-public areas officially announced by Russia.

There is no such thing on it.

Asked again in the forum.

Some people say that at the end of the 80s, the Soviet Union considered building such an experimental base, but it was only put on the agenda and the federation was dissolved before it could be implemented.

"It was probably built by the Russian government in this world. Judging from the degree of weathering, it must have been decades old."

He Gang told Hancock that he touched a little rust with his hand, and the faint smell of blood came over.

The temperature here is higher.

Even to about ten degrees Celsius.

Without hesitation, they pushed open the door and walked into a narrower sky.

What is shocking is that this line of sky is so narrow and dark that someone has dug shrines on the cliffs on both sides, enshrining something similar to the Old Testament angels, but more disturbing than the ones shown by Travis and the others. idol.

These statues are densely packed and located on the cliffs on both sides, every inch of space is occupied by the protruding arms, sharp limbs, or incomplete palms of the statues.

Their eyes are of different sizes, irregular, and even randomly arranged, as if they were randomly inserted by someone, staring at the two people passing below.

Zou Wu let out a low roar from his throat.

It's disturbing.

Through this ray of sky, after a short period of darkness, I saw a glimmer of light.

Walking along several big trees blooming with gorgeous flowers, until the end, I came to a river.

He Gang looked back again.

The flowers on those big trees all turned into the heads of little people with huge and weird smiles on them.

Blood flowed from their eye sockets along their dull, pale eyes, which made the tree look so gorgeous.

He Gang looked solemn.

He had no choice but to look in front of him.

This river is not very wide, but it is extremely dark inside, and at any time, you can see something slippery and huge with its back out of the water, heading downstream.

Obviously, there is no way to pass by relying on travel.

Flying is not realistic, this place is a bit weird, and even Hancock suggested that it is best not to let both feet leave the ground at the same time.

"There is a boat."

Hancock said.

Not far upstream, from the shadow of a large cluster of accompanying trees, a small assault kayak that looked completely damaged and full of decay was being paddled in this direction.

"Anyone in there?"

He Gang and Hancock glanced at each other.

No matter how you look at this ghost place, it doesn't look like there should be living people.

Even if there are survivors in this world, they shouldn't be here.

The dark water was rippling, and a huge underwater creature like the one I saw just now was following the kayak. The back above the water seemed to have died and decayed, and only gray bones remained.

The boat went down very slowly.

Finally came to He Gang and Hancock.

They trembled slightly.

There is no stranger sitting there.

It turned out to be two white white skeletons, wearing tattered clothes whose material and original appearance could not be seen, and inert and ashen flames danced in the empty eye sockets.


When the two skeletons saw He Gang and Hancock, they seemed a little excited, and they danced and danced to express something.

It's just that there is no vocal cords, and there is no soft tissue such as the meniscus, so I can't make a sound, and the movements of the whole body are extremely stiff and weird.

"Do you do it?"

"How about...wait for a while?"

He Gang hesitated.

He tried to view the properties panel of these skeleton frames.

【Lina Kovaleva】〖Falling Soul〗

[Description: There is nothing to describe, the person standing in front of you is just an ordinary person who is too ordinary.

Power: 0.75
Stamina: 0.825
Sanity: 0.9—3.1
Physical strength: Max]

【June Anderson】〖Mortal Spirits〗

[Description: There is nothing to describe, the person standing in front of you is just an ordinary person who is too ordinary.

Power: 0.8
Stamina: 0.75
Sanity: 0.85—2.7
Physical Strength: Max-]

The two skeletons were judged to be ordinary people after being scanned by the system, but they did not show their level, status, talents and skills.

"Can you understand me?"

With the help of the system, He Gang's words were translated into Russian, but the sound was a bit abrupt, startling the two skeletons.

The skeleton Lina Kovaleva, who looked thinner and had harder bones, nodded vigorously.

This dislocated its jaw.

So June Anderson scrambled to help it back.


They got on board anyway.

The two skeletons were quite excited.

They seemed to be very curious about He Gang and Hancock.

I can't help but touch their arms with the already fragile finger bones under the weathering of time.


Hancock muttered something under his breath, then pulled a gray ball of wool from his collar.

It's like the kind of thread that has been worn for a long time and hasn't been washed.

"But I just bought new clothes for zero yuan."

Then he didn't care anymore.

On the shore ahead, a small group of skeletons gathered together, gesticulating with their stiff arms.

This seems to be how they communicate.

Behind them there is a small, slightly deserted village.

Looking around, you can see at a glance dozens of hundreds of simple and crooked stone houses of different heights in the village.

There doesn't seem to be anything wooden here.

All are stones or certain minerals, and some skeletons are still wearing simple clothes made of drawn copper wires.

Immediately after landing, a large group of skeletons surrounded them.

Flames danced in their eye sockets. Although they looked at He Gang and Hancock, they gestured with their hands behind them, as if ordinary people were joining in the fun. They wanted to share their experiences but were embarrassed and had to whisper in a low voice.

"They can't be used to refer to these ... people, they have reason and they pose no threat to us."

He Gang whispered to Hancock.

He patted his shoulder.

Today's clothes seem to get dirty very quickly.

"This village should not be big, but I don't know how it was formed. After entering, we left quickly."

Hancock lowered his voice too.

He knew that although these skeletons could not speak, he could hear them.

"There's nothing filthy here, but it's very weird. I suspect there's someone from the past hiding inside. You have to be careful. There are also tough guys in the past."

He Gang reminded Hancock not to be careless.

The sequence "Old Days" is magical.

Angels, demons, devils, and monsters are all divided into it, and the power distribution is quite scattered. The high level can be said to be something like Leviathan, and the low level can be low enough to be an elf who can't even beat a chicken.

 Please place an initial order. There will be at least two chapters left this afternoon. If the initial order is okay, it’s not like I can’t put together three or four chapters or something.
(End of this chapter)

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