Chapter 52 Weird
He Gang wanted to see something in Dumbledore's eyes.

But unfortunately, the latter himself is the best Legilimency master in the entire wizarding world. Even with the most profound magic, it is difficult to see something from his mind, let alone just observing his face.

Then, relieved again.

The summoning result given by the system is [-]% loyalty.

There is no need to doubt the responders around you.

"Are we on the eleventh floor underground?"

He Gang confirmed this fact to Dumbledore again. People will be deceived, but the system will not. If he is really drawn into a long illusion by some filth, the system log will give an evaluation.

He was wondering if his memory might have gone awry.

"We have never found the negative eleventh floor here, and we have not even been to the negative seventh floor."

Behind Dumbledore's half-moon glasses shone something called wisdom, and suddenly there was the patter of rain falling on the eaves.

But this location is at the deepest part of the museum. Although the thickness and material of the walls on all sides are not comparable to that of a Swiss underground vault, they are still considered indestructible. Not to mention the sound of rain, even if there is a gun battle outside, it is difficult to hear the movement here.

"Perhaps you have the Imperius Curse."

Dumbledore pulled out the Elder Wand abruptly, he took two steps back, and the huge phoenix patron saint hovered over the heads of the three of them and dropped bright fluorescent lights.

"But it's impossible!"

He Gang couldn't help saying loudly,

"When we left, there was still a lot of matter left on the minus-[-] floor!"

It's all a little too weird.

He preferred to believe that it was all because they had entered the wrong gate.

Hancock took his wrist.

"Relax, guys."

He says,

"I felt something was wrong before I entered here, do you know why?"

"This world is exactly the same as the world we have stayed in before, including any building structure, location of facilities, and location of joint graffiti. There is almost no difference except for the different time points."

"But I can guarantee that in my world, on both sides of the Hudson River in New York, even if the search area is four or five times larger, there is no damn war museum at all, let alone stand at the entrance of this museum." Washington with a clown smile on his face!"

As he said this, the patter of rain became louder.

But from the beginning of the dungeon to now, it has never rained in New York at all.

The gray fog soaked up all moisture, causing the entire city to rot rapidly in an even more disturbing damp.

"There's something wrong with our logic."

Dumbledore raised his wand, pointed at He Gang and Hancock, and then pointed at himself.
"Perhaps we should first see if the negative eleventh floor ever existed."

"It's very simple. We only need to go down to the negative seventh floor and dig a ten-meter-deep pit to find out the truth about this matter."

Hancock approves of this approach and is ready to put it into action.

So the three entered the elevator more carefully.

"It's even weirder."

He Gang quietly glanced at the elevator shaft above him through the metal bars, as if watching himself slide into the stomach of a giant metal beast.

Slowly, slowly falling into the abyss of no return.


The sound of the elevator bottoming out.

Accompanied by the rustling sound of dead branches being crushed.

Negative seven layers.

There is a living room with a large TV, two bedrooms that are just in line with the aesthetics of He Gang and Dumbledore, a huge separate wet and dry bathroom, a kitchen and a non-living area consisting of a swimming pool and an underground vegetable breeding base.

Compared to other buildings they had entered, this place was not deserted, and there were still garbage in the corners that had not been taken away in time.

An empty bottle of Gift of Shadows was randomly dropped directly under the TV, with a small opening missing from the bottle.

"It looks like it's been used."

Hancock concluded.

He turned on the lights throughout the underground.

But something short-circuited.


There was also the sound of the diesel generator starting in the utility room next door.

"I've never used a diesel generator."

He Gang glanced at Hancock.

He can already be sure that there is definitely something weird, scary or filthy hidden in it.

Everything is reproduced perfectly.

Even humans have a clear understanding of the use of electricity.

What is it?
Lamia's Conspiracy?

Or... the great filth related to Nodens, the Lord of the Great Abyss?

"From here, just hollow out the bottom, and tear down the whole building if you can't find it."

He took a seat and pointed to Hancock.

Even if the whole building is polluted, it’s a big deal to save it physically, and send it to the Western Paradise to see Bodhisattvas.

At this time, outside the museum, the gray fog actually dissipated around the building.

The night was thick, like dark and cold blood flowing from a rotting corpse, winding and covering the sky and the earth.

The unrealistically huge moon hovers over the museum, and the light is dim. If you look carefully, you can actually see blurred facial features and exposed internal organs.

The edges and corners of the tall buildings are blurred by the darkness, and from a distance, they look like bloody faces.

The pattering rain fell in the dark night, everything was damp, the trees that were already polluted and on the verge of turning into filth began to fester, and the air was filled with a suffocating smell.

The whole museum trembled with Hancock's actions.

A huge, polluted dead, bone-rotting hickory tree suddenly had a pair of dead eyes in its peeling bark.

A horrible sight appeared.

Every roadside hickory tree began to die contagiously away from that museum.

The hemp ropes hanging under the branches were blown heavily by the wind, and countless corpses, soaked in clothes, swayed slightly.

The rope tightened the corpse's neck, and the facial muscles contracted downwards, while the tongue in the throat stretched out of the mouth, the eye sockets were wide open, and the round eyeballs stared fixedly at the Washington sculpture at the entrance of the museum.

They died miserably, their internal organs were emptied, and even their five sense organs were taken away.

But even so, there was still endless play, noise and curses.

"I'm coming……"

"They're back..."

"came back……"

"I've been waiting for a long time..."

"Please, let me be the first..."

Those whispers were mixed together.

Mixed together like a series of strange spells, they actually awakened the entire museum of dead things.

"It's time to succeed..."

"It's about to succeed..."

With a bang, the entire building collapsed.

But at the same time, a huge and unparalleled darkness spread from afar.

(End of this chapter)

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