Chapter 5 Night Exploration
"Although I said you may not be very good at listening."

"However, this world is not the same as the previous is very dangerous at night, completely different from the acromant, giants and dragons."

He Gang still wanted to persuade Dumbledore to return to the shelter immediately, but the latter's eyes shone brightly as if they had been stuffed with light bulbs.

"People's fear of darkness and death is not their own, but the unknown about them."

Dumbledore walked on the deserted streets of New York, surrounded by silence.

He held tightly in his hand the wand that followed him into this world, and the light in the shape of a phoenix flickered on his body.

But He Gang could always feel his face breathing against the back of his head, and no matter how he turned his head, there was a slight breath patting his scalp.

It made him shudder.

It's never a good idea to come out at night.

"I understand the truth, but professor, can you share your patron saint with me in half?"

He Gang was a little envious.

Dumbledore's spell [Calling God's Guard] showed a more powerful and changeable ability in this world, and even the whispers that rang in He Gang's ears all the time could not affect the white wizard in the slightest.

"Why are you afraid of the night?"

"I've been out."

He Gang covered the back of his head with his right hand, thinking that if you blow, you can blow me up to the sky, so he continued,
"The other day I saw an eyeless face taped to a car window."

"And Night Dire will also get a weak enhancement at night."

The moon in the sky was unbelievably large, and the stars shone with enough light to illuminate the entire city.

They saw shadows stretching and deforming in the moonlight around them.

"Is that car far from here?"

"It's not too far, just a few minutes at this speed."

"take me."

Dumbledore's voice was soft, calm and unmistakable.

He Gang muttered "Okay", thinking in his heart who was the one who was summoned, and why the old man's aura is so high.

Dumbledore's loyalty reaches 100%, but judging from He Gang's filled memory, this loyalty should be extended from friendship or love for younger generations without betrayal, rather than a subordinate who is completely enslaved by puppets in every detail relation.

In other words, Dumbledore has his own choices, and his wisdom and his life experience may make him a little more arbitrary than He Gang at certain times.

Like now.

He Gang used the meme [Extraction] of Tiantian Tavern to obtain Dumbledore's talent [Legendary Wizard].

Then ask the latter to teach him some useful spells in his spare time, such as the most useful magic call now.

Of course, the illusion spell that can be used for invisibility is also good.

Avada can also eat big melons.

It's just that I don't know if the death curse can work on something in this world.

But to learn magic, for a Merlin wizard like Dumbledore, the most important thing is undoubtedly the wand.

Such as Dumbledore's accessory equipment.

【The Elder Wand】〖Gold〗

Description: The Grim Reaper made this great weapon out of riverside elderberries, 15 inches long, and the core is the tail feathers of thestrals, a strange substance that only wizards who can control death can control it.

Stamina +2
Sanity upper limit +2, Sanity lower limit -2
Effect: Full magic power +100%, full magic casting speed +100%.

Skill 1: Flashback to Grindelwald 〖As the previous owner of this legendary wand, Gellert Grindelwald is undoubtedly the most respected and satisfied with it, so after the Dark Lord killed Grindelwald, it took over With the latter's soul and knowledge, when necessary, the user can summon this soul to fight for himself.Duration 30min, cooling time 1d. 〗

Skill 2: Grim Reaper's mocking 〖It is said that Grim Reaper created the most powerful weapon in the wizarding world, but it is also rumored that whoever owns the Elder Wand can become the master of Grim Reaper, which makes Grim Reaper, a possible god, feel sarcasm.He decided to bestow upon this wand the mockery of death.Effect: Launches a phantom of death that can completely strip faith.At the same time deprive the recipient of 30% of all attributes for 10 minutes.Cooling time 3d. 〗


The Elder Wand is the top piece of equipment in Dumbledore's world, and those two skills alone are considered the top piece of gold in this world.

They came out now to help He Gang find raw materials for making wands.

"I never knew you could make wands, Professor."

"When I was young, I worked in Grigovich's shop and learned some crafts secretly, but I may not be able to find suitable materials here."

Dumbledore stared brightly.

Sure enough, he allocated a part of the patron saint's power to protect He Gang, so that the feeling of being spied on and the whispers in his ears disappeared.

There might indeed be something hiding in the night.

But in front of a mysterious white wizard like Dumbledore, most of them may be just some little ghosts.

Many night-gaunts hide in the shadows far away like wild cats smelling fish, waiting for an opportunity.

"Just the car in front, the one parked in the middle of the road."

"Generally speaking, we don't panic when we encounter this kind of thing."

Dumbledore took a few more steps forward, and both he and He Gang saw that the pale sticky face was still stuck on the window glass of the driver's seat on the side of the road.

The thing had no eyes, a smooth surface, and a round mouth full of saw-like teeth. After sensing the approach of a stranger, it suddenly split open, forming a huge arc.

The night suddenly stopped.

The disgusting smell came to the two of them from all directions.

The almost laughing monster moved its face away from the glass, and raised two pale, weird palms like roots of dead trees.

Even though he was surrounded by Dumbledore's Patronus, He Gang was suddenly struck by a chill from his tailbone.

In the palms of those hands, there is actually a raised eye!

"Interesting things, I thought it didn't rely on vision to perceive..."

Dumbledore took a few steps forward.

The whole car was shaken by a huge force, making the sound of eating and drinking.

With an expression of interest on his face, he carefully looked at the monster struggling to break free from the driver's seat.

"A good idea, using the principle of the Iron Armor Curse in reverse, making the armor that should have been used as protection an unbreakable cage..."

"Burning fire!"

He Gang was taken aback by the bright flames flowing from the top of the Elder Wand like a surging tide.

Their faces were illuminated by the bright firelight.

The flames soaring into the sky rose at least as high as a four-story building.

Even the Nightmare hiding in the surrounding area was illuminated by this light so that they could not hide.

"Professor, maybe next time you do something like this you can give me a heads up."

"I was just about to let it out to have a look."

Facing the flames of the explosion, Dumbledore wiped his wand with a dirty handkerchief drawn from the cuff of his purple velvet suit,
He chuckled,

"But you see, since I'm smarter than most people, my mistakes are proportionately worse... who knows what this thing could be? Given the curiosity of an old man, I am still more inclined to nip the danger in its infancy."


The engine section of the car, along with the fuel tank, suffered a secondary explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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