Chapter 44 It's Alive
"Be careful and don't spread yourself too thin."

He Gang gave orders cautiously.

Outside the dome of the Statue of Liberty [Law], the gray fog is thick and dangerous. If there is no high-power lighting props, it will even reach the point where you can't see your fingers.

But on the one hand, He Gang is an experienced user of the holy light, and on the other hand, there is a small group of magic fairies who are purifying the filthy atmosphere around them all the time, so there is obviously less gray fog around them.

"The power of these gray fogs is very strange..."

Hart said so.

But He Gang reached out to stop him.

"Remember one rule, Hart, in this world, never try to explore something you have never seen before."

One must know that this gray fog is probably related to Nodens, the Lord of the Great Abyss, and the high position that once polluted Nodens.

Nodens, what kind of existence is that?

He Gang didn't think he could do whatever he wanted in this damn world with such a powerful support as Hancock.

What is the diamond rank?
Hancock's display of strength is indeed very strong, and it is not too much to move mountains and fill seas, but can he change... the rules?

Maybe Nodens can.

Travis has other tasks to complete.

So only Hart, Dumbledore and the death knight team followed He Gang.

It has to be said that the gap between gold and silver is indeed huge.

Even the basic attributes of mass-produced golden creatures like the Death Knight far exceed those of Dumbledore.

It is even very likely to reach the strength of the distortion statue at the tenth to twentyth level.

"A similar gray fog also appeared in Azkaban."

Dumbledore said that his robes were enchanted and glowed slightly.
"The Greek magical creature control department once arranged for an investigation team to enter it for testing. Those who came back said that a dementor was born inside."

"The one who came back?"

"Yes, those who came back... They dispatched fifteen Aurors, and only one returned to Greece after fifteen days. You know, the fifteen Aurors were already able to round up the then Dark Lord Grindelwald. "

They are going north.

At the same time, Hancock was coming in this direction from Middletown.

"Although the gray fog in the two worlds can never be the same substance, it is true that, like Professor Dumbledore's hometown, the gray fog here also gave birth to some... strange things."

He Gang talked eloquently.

He still remembered the snakes and the giants who had walked outside Trinity Church.

But the strange thing is that until today, Hancock still hasn't found those guys who are too big in the gray fog.

The feeling of being spied on is getting clearer and clearer.

Huge horror ups and downs in my heart.

He Gang didn't know where this feeling came from.

But Dumbledore is here, no matter how bad he is, he can escape.

You must know that after relying on Zouwu to leave Trinity Church last time, He Gang arranged for special training for this beast, and its current level has exceeded 20, which is much higher than He Gang's current 17.

Unfortunately, even the creatures he summoned must be within a certain range of himself before he can share experience. Otherwise, the silver filth Hancock hunted in the past two days would have been enough for He Gang to reach more than 20 levels.

Speaking of level 20, He Gang recalled that the system log had said before that a second base could be opened at level [-].

When the time comes, should we summon the students from Hogwarts and those Aurors?

Or recruit a group of centaurs and giants, maybe I can be with the giantess...


He Gang suddenly woke up.

He bit the tip of his tongue, biting off a small piece of his tongue instantly with great force, and blood immediately flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

Severe pain is the best refreshment in the world.

The pain of being bitten off the tip of the tongue was seen in conjunction with the word "biting the tongue to commit suicide" in ancient times.

The sweetness of blood stimulated He Gang's senses.

He tried not to let the increasing number of distracting thoughts flood his mind.

"Something is invading my brain."

He Gang held Dumbledore's arm,
"what should I do?"

Those messy thoughts were still rushing into He Gang's mind uninterruptedly. When the scenes and thoughts that appeared in his mind were opened one by one, the cries of countless babies merged together.

The curses of countless men and women mixed with the high-pitched laughter of someone who could not tell whether it was human or not quickly overwhelmed the cries of the babies.

"It's Lamia!"

He Gang said in a low voice.

What he feared the most had happened.

If the banshee didn't show up and used the curse directly, then He Gang would have nothing to do.

"Call God Guard!"

The phoenix-shaped patron saint embraced He Gang with a warm light. Hart and his death knights were illuminated by this sacred light, and their skins actually had slight spots of light.

The warmth like returning to the mother's arms began to slowly dispel the curse of Lamia, and the cries of babies, the curses of men and women, and the shrill laughter of unknown creatures gradually faded away.

Like the ebb and flow of the tide.

It comes and goes as fast as it comes.

"Merlin's beard... We really have to thank the mentor who created the Patronus."

Dumbledore asked the Phoenix Guardian to protect He Gang, and made an exaggerated tribute,

"This kind of spell has a certain resistance to all harmful spells, and it seems to be born with sufficient resistance to darkness... Of course, the Unforgivable Curse is not included."

They stood in the shadow of the mansion.

A strange creature was pierced by the death knight with a spear.

He Gang went to see the creature.

"The followers of Lamia...but I thought we'd wiped out those things."

He frowned.

It's just that the shape of this thing is more...weird than the ones seen in the past.

Its head... is gone...

Not taken off by the death knight, but not in the usual sense.

The fracture of its neck is extremely smooth, and one can see that the cut spine and blood vessels are still sending some kind of pheromones into the headless void, and then disappear into the void again.

"It was killed by some filth, and then decapitated, so that it still had to complete a certain task."

He Gang guessed.

Or... there are some more weird and terrifying truths?

"It's not dead."

Hart stepped forward to check, he suddenly looked up at He Gang,

"It's alive, it's in pain."

In an instant, a gust of cold air spread over the face.

(End of this chapter)

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