Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 41 Development Direction of the Base

Chapter 41 Development Direction of the Base
"The base is now at the first level, and only some basic buildings and first-level barracks can be built. I saw the base construction strategy shared by others in the forum. The situation at the beginning was the same as ours."

He Gang gathered the existing forces, and the Westminster Chapel was transformed into a meeting hall.

Junk food was placed on the huge round table, and a huge amount of soft drinks and bagged snacks were stored in the ice cellar opened by Dumbledore underground.

These short-term creations of human appetites do not have a long shelf life.

In addition, He Gang also took Travis and several angels to spread a small piece of grassland at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, which was moved to the east of the base, as a beef and mutton breeding center.

Many filths don't need to eat, but many filths eat surprisingly large amounts.

Although humans are the perfect food for them, after all, there is only one person in the world, so the next best thing is to focus on large herbivores that pollute a small area, especially farmed animals. host.

After all, "pollution" is a cumulative process, just like the accumulation of heavy metals in the ecological chain.It's not appropriate to say this. "Pollution" should be something similar to energy for dirt.

As we all know, the higher the animal in the ecological chain, the more basic energy it needs to grow, and the energy consumption of each chain layer is extremely huge.

If it weren't for the lack of interest in plants, He Gang wondered if some guys would become herbivorous filth.

"I think we should give priority to resource buildings and city defense buildings. The area we have to face is not too big. We and Hancock can handle it."

Travis's level has risen very quickly. His level is not high, but he has unlimited room for evolution, and he has followed He Gang for a long time, so he should have the right to speak.

But Hancock didn't speak.

He is not a politician, and he does not even know anything about politics.

Although he didn't feel dissatisfied with Travis bringing himself on when he was bragging, he didn't agree with it either.

He Gang heard that he called out resource buildings and city defense buildings, and projected the system onto the round table.

There are a total of four types of buildings in the resource category.

【Metal Recycling Factory】【Ore Recycling Factory】【Wood Recycling Factory】【Farm and Ranch】

The functions of these buildings are simple and clear, and the required materials are not too much. After the system is converted into human units of measurement, the most consumed material is steel, and a single building only needs 50 tons at most.

Then there are city defense buildings.

[Defense tower], level 1.

Well, just this one.

However, divided by construction units, defense towers can be divided into quite a few types.

After all, although there are only a few factions on the planet Enlos, the races are a bit scary, and there are even elemental races appearing.

In He Gang's eyes, elemental creatures may be a bigger threat than filth.

Of course, in addition to [Defense Tower], there is also [Scout Tower], but it is useless and cannot detect invisible units. Level 1 Scout Tower is only built higher and can see farther. It is better to have a 360-degree The [-]/[-] blind spot monitoring system is a real thing.

"Hart, what is the combat capability of these level 1 arrow towers?"

"It's very general, and it needs to garrison a large number of combat units. It doesn't have any extra boost effects. It simply allows two to three units to use bows and arrows for long-range attacks inside."

Rod Hart replied to He Gang. He recalled the defense towers he had seen and seemed to be quite disdainful of the defenses often used in Erathia next door.

"I usually have skeleton soldiers swarm under these defense towers from the ground and use gunpowder to blow them up, or just let the zombies push forward. Those arrows that use long-range parabolic movement as an attack method can even find it difficult to break through the zombies' defenses. "

"Very good, then the city defense buildings can be modified with human artifacts."

He Gang nodded.

To be honest, although the intelligent creatures on the Enlos road are basically interstellar immigrants, their understanding of natural science is still only in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries of the earth.

Their material science, basic science, etc. are quite backward.

Therefore, He Gang was not prepared to use the arrow tower of Enlos Continent as a means of defense from the beginning.

He wants to spend huge sums of money to acquire a batch of engineering robots that have already started to circulate on the market, and then cooperate with some construction robots found in New York City that have not yet had time to go on the market, and directly install a semi-automatic defense system on the city wall.

Although it is difficult for kinetic weapons to have an absolute fatal effect on filth, it can still be done by knocking off a few of their legs or tentacles.

If there is time to use the Holy Light to enchant a large number of ammunition, then this place will really become an absolute fortress.

At that time, even if Lamia really came, so what.

The big deal is to cover the saturation blow with firepower, and then two Avadas will eat big melons, and finally Hancock will finish.

If this wasn't enough, Hart had to extract this guy's soul and whip him, transform his body into a self-destructing zombie, and use Lamia to blow up her ugly followers.

"To upgrade a level 1 base to a level 2 base, the requirements are not too high. 1000T solid metal, 1000T building materials and stones, 1000T wood, and something called a silver core."

He Gang touched his chin,

"Before the silver core is found, although we can use the surplus resources to open up new outposts, we have no way to set foot outside New York City for the time being."

"I think buildings such as research institutes should be built first, after all, it will come with a researcher."

Dumbledore expressed his opinion,

"In addition, we can focus on research and supplement it with the development of Aurors... After all, science and technology and magic and witchcraft are the primary productive forces. Only with productive forces can we develop military power faster and get out of New York."

"The good news is that this base does not have any population restrictions, and the first-level barracks are not just exclusive barracks for a certain camp, but can recruit soldiers from all camps on the planet Enlos."

He Gang brought up the barracks panel.

Sure enough, there are a lot of recruiting units, including Gog from the hell camp, skeleton warriors from the cemetery camp, hungry wolf knights from the mountain stronghold camp, etc. Many camps only unlocked two or three types of troops at the first level of the barracks, and some The arms had never appeared in He Gang's previous games. For example, in addition to the crossbowmen, the human arms of the plain castle camp also had a new type of arms called warriors and axemen.

Basically, the recruitment conditions for each combat unit are similar, they all have a certain amount of food, metal and 1 unit of soul, and there are a few that are relatively special.

For example, the magic fairies in the elemental creature camp, these smaller arms are not very outstanding in combat effectiveness, but they are excellent auxiliary units, which can slowly remove most of the unclean substances left in the air. It may not be possible to remove pollution.

It's just that each magical faery requires 3 units of souls to recruit.

The skeleton fighters, skeleton archers, and skeleton mages of the cemetery camp are the complete opposite. Each skeleton needs only one-third of the soul to be summoned.

Equivalent to nine cemetery units equals one elemental unit.

Rounding it off, the status of an elemental unit is equivalent to that of a cemetery hero!
"Build two barracks and recruit combat units day and night. In the early stage, a large number of cemetery skeletons, a small number of hell gogs, a small number of castle crossbowmen and some hungry wolf knights are the main body. The number cannot exceed the base capacity density of one person per 30 square meters."

"Build three to five of each type of resource building, especially the metal recycling factory. It is necessary to ensure that the base has sufficient metal supply."

"Then there is a research institute, a hospital, and a mysterious store. One each will be built, and the dwellings will be determined according to the number of soldiers recruited."

"Finally, we need to find the silver core and upgrade the base as soon as possible. From the [town] unit to the [city] as soon as possible, when we reach the level 3 base, we can build the hero hall."

He Gang plans the development of the entire base.


He is going to stay in the church honestly in the near future.

(End of this chapter)

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