Chapter 31 Superman Hancock!

Thirty thousand absolute lethal events.

He Gang clenched his teeth.

He couldn't imagine how hopeless and terrifying this would be.

But no matter what, the man named Luis Estacio will always be remembered by everyone who survived.

“55°45'12.93'N 37°37'13.94'E”

He reported the coordinates.

But suddenly, there seemed to be a huge black envelope, and even the gray fog stagnated.

"SYSLOG: Luis Estacio secured, attempt to dismiss arbitrator proceedings."

"System log: The arbitrator procedure is rejecting..."

"System log: The arbitrator procedure is rejecting..."

"System log: The arbitrator procedure is rejecting..."

"Syslog: Invalid dismissal."

"Syslog: Attempts to weaken the arbiter process started."

"System log: The arbitrator program is being weakened..."

"System log: The arbitrator program is being weakened..."

"System log: The arbiter program has been successfully weakened, and the number of absolute fatal events has been changed to 9999."

"Syslog: Daemon program started."

"Syslog: Daemon program started."

"Syslog: 'Meme Blocking' will provide protection for Luis Estacio. "



"System log: The number of absolute fatal events has been reduced to 99, irreversible, irrefutable, absolute hit."

"SYSLOG: "Meme Blocker" has fallen. "

"SYSLOG: "Meme Blocker" has fallen. "

"SYSLOG: "Meme Blocker" has fallen. "


"SYSLOG: Luis Estacio is dead."

"SYSLOG: Arbiter program shutdown."


A series of system logs are refreshed crazily.

At least hundreds of messages appeared in everyone's log boxes.

Something weird.

Systematic approach is inconsistent.

While it was sanctioning Luis Estacio for helping others, it purged the man with numerous absolutely fatal incidents.

On the other hand, it seems to be trying to protect the former.

Like a psychopath.

Split personality.

"Don't go out of the city you're in!"

"Stars! The stars are gone!"

"The sun will never rise again!"

"Bitch! The base I built is on the science side! As a result, all the satellites launched two days ago were destroyed!"

"Never leave your current area! As soon as you leave, the countdown will reset to zero! Only when you return to your area will you return to the normal timer!"

"Help, I'm being fucking chased by a three-headed wild boar the size of a mountain, and TNT won't work on it!"



For a time, it seemed that the 70 billion copies had undergone drastic changes.

He Gang frowned.

He looked up at the sky.

The darkness that fell was not night.

Just staring at the still raging gray fog for less than half a minute, he felt his eyes aching, and strange ravings began to ring in his ears.

"Something is coming."

He muttered to himself.

Watch that countdown carefully.

"16d, 10h."


He Gang's eyes widened.

This time is wrong, there should be a full 31 days!
He felt a little suffocated, and a huge fear fell from the top of his head in an instant, and then enveloped his whole body.

Something has to be done.

He is currently less than level 14, and the dual attribute is only higher than 13 with the blessing of the church.

This data seems to be very good in the internal forum, but even if you look at the central forum, it is quite average, let alone the external forum with the highest known level of 29.

He Gang's golden finger must have a prerequisite, that is, the recruitment order, but the best-level recruitment order that appears on the market now is only gold-level, and it is still the lowest-end gold recruitment order with the suffix 〖下〗. In this way, its price is as high as the computing power of five-digit integers.

You must know that someone used a gold recruitment order to summon a golden creature, and that creature was actually the Hercules who appeared in Transformers, and it could be divided into six silver-level silicon-based creatures in normal times.

Gold creatures are much stronger than silver creatures.

"All Heavens Tavern, use this recruitment order."

He Gang gave instructions to the system.

Dumbledore was summoned last time.

But Dumbledore's body is a little weak. Although he is a master of magic, it is difficult for those curses with lethal effects to work on high-level filth.

I hope this time I can summon a more powerful creature.

He took out the recruitment order obtained through the advanced task.

【Recruitment Order】〖Bronze〗〖Up〗

The system has received the command.

So the bronze recruitment order placed in front of him gradually covered the mosaic, and then slowly disappeared.

The All Heavens Tavern began to operate.

"System log: You sacrificed a recruiting order using [The Tavern of the Heavens]."

"System log: The quality of this recruitment order has been strengthened. It is currently [Recruitment Order] [Gold] [Up]."

System log: [Tian Tian Tavern] meme [Recruitment] is in effect, and is randomly matching creatures for you.

System log: The match was successful... Due to the gaze of [Meme Blocking], the match did not take effect.

System log: The match was successful... Due to the gaze of [Meme Blocking], the match did not take effect.

System log: Match failed.

System log: The match was successful... Due to the gaze of [Meme Blocking], the match did not take effect.

System log: Match failed.

System log: The match was successful... Due to the gaze of [Meme Blocking], the match did not take effect.


Syslog: Matching succeeded.

"Congratulations, the fundraising was successful."

It was similar to the time when Dumbledore was summoned. In front of his eyes, white light spots suddenly covered the entire field of vision. Even the system interface that had just been summoned and had not yet been closed was also obscured by these dense light spots.

Only this time, there are countless white light spots, and they are denser and more intense.

They slowly rotate, stretch, and gather.

A tall and strong man could be vaguely seen coming out of the spot of light.

It's a black man.

Wearing sunglasses, uncleanly shaved beard, black leather jacket, and eyes that deeply hide the arrogance.

A strange, like a fleeting memory was implanted in He Gang's mind.

"National Superman Hancock?!"

"how is this possible?!"

"Gold recruitment order, even the highest-level gold recruitment order with the suffix 〖top〗, how could it be possible to summon such a creature?!"

He Gang felt incredible.

He didn't even have time to check Hancock's attributes, but instead checked the recruitment scope of the gold recruitment order.

Bronze 1%, silver 10%, gold 78%, platinum 10%, diamond 1%.

It means that Hancock may be a diamond-level creature?
He Gang's eyes widened.

If he is really diamond-level, wouldn't a small New York City be at his fingertips?

(End of this chapter)

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