Chapter 239 Lord Archangel Ludwig

You just can't imagine that these things are actually the same biological sequence.

Each of them has a completely different gene expression, and their growth is completely irregular and asymmetrical. The only thing in common is that flesh and blood are surging in every Feng Xu on their skin or body surface at any time.

The weakest of these filthy ones don't even have a rank, and the level does not exceed tenth. Even an ordinary adult can easily deal with one or two as long as they are not afraid.

This category seems to be the most normal, at least the body tissue is still symmetrical and closed, so that the internal organs and flesh and blood will not be exposed.

And the filth that surpasses silver is terrifying and weird, or has human faces, or has countless ears and eyes. At first glance, it doesn't look like creatures at all, but like the masterpieces of some weird artists.

The other three walls are also in jeopardy.

The amount of filth in every direction is terrifying, and it seems to be connected to the sky at a glance.

But why.

What is the reason why that thing ordered such a huge amount of filth to attack the base.


Not like.

If it is really revenge for what He Gang did in the HP world, then he will not let these filth do it, but he will come by himself and directly use the supreme power to subvert the entire city.

Ammunition stocks in the city are still sufficient.

In the distance from the outer city wall in the east to the inner city, more than half of the buildings have been razed to the ground, and dozens of shells fall on the ground every second.

Flesh and broken bones were spread all over the floor.

Tens of thousands of filthy corpses lay here, and then they were burned by flames and trampled into mud by other filth.

Fortunately, such things as filth do not exist without reason and naturally cannot think.

Heimdall and the Asgardian Guard are fighting the most threatening diamond filth and trying to lure it out of the city.

Ludwig and Fred led the angels into a hand-to-hand battle in the city.

They must keep the filth that is higher than gold from approaching the city walls.

Because even the weakest and most heterogeneous golden filth has a body as strong as a mountain and the power to shake tall buildings at will.

Having such a creature close to the walls could disable the defenses on a large scale.

Even if they counterattack before dying, they should pay attention to smashing a high wall.

"A little bit, a little bit more!"

Ludwig had a grim expression, and the flaming sword in his hand was like a filthy god of death, killing thousands of infected bodies.

"Just a little bit!"

Finally, Ludwig felt the genetic restlessness in his body when he killed a fellow platinum filth.

This is... the sublimation of faith!

A sacred light and breath swept across.

This breath became a wave, sweeping half of the battlefield, unprecedentedly stalwart, unprecedentedly magnificent.

His combat exploits finally accumulated enough to advance to the next level.

His body is transforming!
Now, Ludwig is transforming into a master angel.

He opened his arms, and huge wings spread out behind him. Ludwig's body suddenly swelled, and his genes were tampered with by the surging Xinyang in an instant, making him a ten-meter-tall devil with wings tens of meters long behind him. people.

In Catholicism, they translate the Lord Angel as ruler or ruling angel, in Protestantism they translate it as ruler, and in Orthodox Christianity they translate it as ruling angel.

All the main angels belong to the second level and the first level, and the work they are in charge of is "the work of managing angels", that is, managing the lower level angels, as well as the orders of God and the higher level angels, to manage the order of the universe.

They are the real masters of power, possessing powers that cannot be matched by any other beings of the same level.

A platinum filth pierced out a bone spear, blatantly piercing Ludwig's heart.

But he didn't even shed blood.

The huge body exudes a dazzling holy light.

He snapped off the spear suddenly, punching punch after punch on the filthy flesh and blood body of the sneak attacking platinum, all the stinky liquid, internal organs and brains were splashed on his body.

The filth also fought back. Its huge body was heavier than the mountains, and sharp bony spurs grew out of its body like hair. These bony spurs stabbed Ludwig like more spears.

But the damage to Ludwig was almost zero.

"Once upon a time, there were countless angels under the Lord's seat. They fought against things like you in the dark, and then died one by one before my eyes!"

When he spoke, Ludwig seemed to be clenching steel between his teeth, and he remembered the war he had seen.

Any being that does anything will have a goal, and things like filth should not have gathered in an organized and premeditated manner to attack the city.

Like those things never hit heaven.

For the monsters, the strongest fortress has always been breached from within.

Their infectiousness, their madness, their depraved and irreversible...

After becoming the main angel, Ludwig seemed to suddenly understand many things, and also saw some truths that the Lord had buried deeply in their memories.

Those truths are appalling.

He didn't even want to recall it.

If this war fails, what will happen?
The arrival of another Outer God...?
Ludwig burned the battlefield with miraculous flames, then spread his wings behind him, and his giant body rushed towards the diamond filth that was fighting against Heimdall.

No one can resist the Outer God.

Even the kingdom of heaven is destroyed.

"I don't want to see the tragedy that happened in the past!"

Thinking of this, Ludwig's strength became more and more irrepressible.

He shouted back some of the angels and Asgardians who had gathered.

With bare hands, the huge force hit Diamond's filthy body, which actually caused the skin of his flesh and blood body to ripple layer after layer.

The earth is shaking.

Ludwig didn't care about the countless slowly protruding arms and feet, and he didn't care that he was about to be wrapped in endless darkness. He just punched and punched, allowing his strength to penetrate deeper into this huge and filthy body.

Flames gradually began to burn from the flesh and blood monster's body.

"Now, Heimdall!"

He growled loudly.

There were countless tentacles or arms gathering matter around him.

At the same time, flesh and blood splattered, and large pieces of internal organs were thrown out by Ludwig.

But suddenly, the disturbing brainwaves from the filthy diamond disappeared, as if a spring breeze was blowing, and its will was completely suppressed.

The angels and Asgardian warriors held their heads high.

They saw a figure of red gold floating on the chest of the huge monster, just above the big mouth.


"Fate, sentence you to death!"

He said, then threw the object in his hand.

That thing was accompanied by violent thunder.

It's Kungunir!
Heimdall and Fallen Sleipnir now act as one.

They're so powerful that the one-hit Kungnir might actually be able to kill the filth.

What's more, almost all the arms and legs are now attracted by Ludwig.

(End of this chapter)

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