Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 234 Human creation's fatal blow to legendary filth

Chapter 234 Human creation's fatal blow to legendary filth
He Gang put Hancock down.

He didn't even have time to talk to the Heimdall people who were coming up, so he hurriedly rose to the sky with Diana.

He quickly used spells to prop up a seemingly indestructible and seemingly impenetrable iron wall, hoping to create an arc to guide the aftermath of the nuclear bomb explosion upwards without affecting the inner city beneath their feet.

They cling to the body of the guardian angel of Eden that has broken out of the cocoon and has a body composed of substantial matter.

Climb high and look far.

In the distance, a huge rocket with an orange flame trailing behind it poked its head out of the haze.

As these metal creations rushed out, countless active smoke-like tentacles were entangled on them, which was disturbing.

The scene of the re-entry of a separately guided nuclear warhead into the atmosphere is extremely spectacular.

Although the terrifying aura contained in these human creations cannot deter any living beings like filth or high status.

But those things hidden in the haze can clearly perceive the power that can clear half of the sky once it explodes.

"Dongfeng night blooms thousands of trees and blows down even more, stars like rain."

He Gang remembered Li Xin Qiji's words.

Although the artistic conception scene has nothing to do with it, it has a special charm when placed here.

【boom--! ! 】

Before the sigh was over, the warheads that were like sparks had already crashed down.

These warheads, which were precisely controlled by He Gang, exploded in the air without landing completely, and deliberately kept as far away from the city wall as possible.

They nearly exploded in and around Flushing.

In an instant, a small sun rose up, a thousand times brighter than the sun in the sky. The strong light that could blind people's eyes radiated out, and it was not so dazzling when it spread hundreds of kilometers away.

With the rising sun, a red mushroom cloud went straight to the sky, and even the activities in the haze fled screaming and howling.

Bolts of lightning appeared next to the mushroom cloud, followed by strong winds of level [-].

The howling wind knocked over the debris within five kilometers, and large stones flew out like shells.

The temperature at the central explosion point was tens of millions of degrees Celsius. Countless filthy flesh and bones immediately turned into air, and there was even a glass-like thing at the bottom of the big pit on the ground.

Everything within a few kilometers burned, billowing black smoke, as if falling into hell.

The high wall of the base is more than ten kilometers away from the explosion point.

When He Gang and Diana faced the strong wind, the wings behind them suddenly became as hard as steel, and then suddenly circled around, like a hemispherical steel shield, allowing the strong wind to slide over from both sides.

Those impenetrable defenses created with magic spells were quickly shattered by the huge energy of the nuclear explosion after holding on for less than half a minute.

I can no longer avoid the high-temperature radioactive air blowing from behind, I only feel countless thorns pricking my body, constantly drilling deep.

The steel-like wings lost their luster, the muscles began to become stiff, and the sharp pain of needle pricks continued to pass into his mind.

"Fortunately, our physique can withstand high temperatures, and spells and protective gear can block radiation. Otherwise, we would not even dare to use nuclear bombs."

He Gang said loudly.

He believed that nuclear bombs, a large-scale killer weapon, may be used in large quantities in subsequent land reclamation or defense operations. If they do not have a certain degree of resistance, they may suffer the consequences.

Diana also said:
"Nuclear weapons are indeed the most terrifying Pandora's box in human history. This kind of power is outrageous. If we were really at the center of the explosion, we would probably be vaporized on the spot."

She looked up at the ever-expanding mushroom cloud, whose color changed from golden red to dark red, and felt a shocking power.

This kind of power even surpassed the power of the gods she had seen before, even more powerful than Zeus's thunder.

It is hard to imagine that relying solely on the fragile body of human beings can create such destruction.

One after another, the warheads landed in the filthy army densely packed like an ocean, the whole earth trembled, and the color of the sky and the earth simply changed.

These flesh and blood bodies that were still within the category of carbon-based organisms gasified instantly in the high temperature of the nuclear bomb center comparable to the sun, and disappeared into the world without even ashes.

But there are countless of them.

When part of the filth is evaporated, the strange illusory phantoms slowly seep out from the place where they once stayed, and gradually support a thin layer of ghost domain near the scorched earth.

These areas enjoy the fog, and even exude a slight coldness amidst the high temperature.

"Look there!"

The mushroom cloud has not dispersed yet.

But under the charred black carbide, there is something huge like a mountain slowly gaining its form!

Under the protection of hundreds of thousands of filth, the fallen god of justice, Versaiti, was severely injured but survived.

He suddenly stretched out thick and hard tentacles from under the dense coke, covered with suckers like an octopus.

He suffers.

The high temperature in the air, along with the falling ashes, tore his skin violently. The human faces on the surface of the skin curled one after another, and the facial features were melted.

Now, He Gang finally sees the whole thing.

It was like an amorphous mass of flesh and blood completely paralyzed on the ground, extremely tough, with pus and mucus flowing from the skin.

Countless feet protruded from the lower abdomen of Vansetti. These feet were either huge or small, and they were all human feet. Now they stepped on the hot ground naked, growing red blisters one after another.

And in every corner of Fancetti's body, there are huge tentacles that can be stretched freely, each of which is equivalent to a platinum filth.

These tentacles are colorful, sticky and squishy, ​​and at this moment they are swaying angrily in the sky, as if they want to disperse the terrifying mushroom cloud.

But suddenly, Vercetti stopped moving.

He screamed and wailed in horror.



It's God's wrath!
There is no escape from him!

A total of six Rods of God from the U.S. Air Force were launched, each weighing hundreds of kilograms!

Vancetti only had time to raise his ugly head, a heroic face and a god-like crown could be vaguely seen on that head, but now it was fat and full of parasitized dense holes that seemed to be filthy insects.

In the next second, a more dazzling light came!
Some metal rods shattered into pieces as they fell, like meteors. These meteors pierced through the haze and smashed down!

Three of them are particularly bright.

They enveloped the mushroom cloud, and then even more fiercely pierced the huge demon attacking towards the sky.

Then, it seemed that a red spear pierced through Vercetti's head, causing an explosion and tearing damage.

Such a powerful body actually shattered in a second.

The cervical vertebrae exploded one by one, the steel-like tough muscles were torn, and the majestic stalwart force pierced into his body fiercely, and then smashed Fan Saiti, who had almost stood up and looked up at the sky, to the ground!

Versetti let out a desperate scream.

It seems to be a pile of metal debris and three metal sticks that are insignificant compared to his body.

But in fact, huge energy was transmitted into the body of this fallen god at the moment of contact.

His entrails, His flesh and blood, were almost empty.

(End of this chapter)

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