Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 23 Advanced mission completed, Lamia's wrath

Chapter 23 Advanced mission completed, Lamia's wrath
"what's the situation?"

He Gang doesn't think it's a prank anymore, no one has the energy to modify the monitors in New York.

He stands on the street.

The long arm of the overhead jack casts a long and narrow shadow, which is a bit out of place in the feasting lights of the sky.

He is still moving forward little by little.

But it seems that I can't remember where the hotel I live in is.

Kind of weird.

Suddenly, He Gang's eyes widened.

He understood the weird point.

It seemed... everyone was looking at him!

Everyone, including the stars who were posing in the posters posted on the street, were looking at him with indifferent eyes.

Everyone has a weird and ominous smile on their face.

He started running like crazy.

Run like crazy.

No one chased him, but everyone's faces moved with his movement. Some pedestrians who turned their backs to him even broke their own necks, just to keep their eyes on the running figure. .

All of a sudden, everyone started to do an involuntary, non-stop chewing movement of the upper and lower jaws, and made a dense rustling sound.

This voice is very familiar.

He Gang moves forward.

He was covered by a huge spider web.

A head with a funny mask falls from the sky.

"how is this possible--?!"

He Gang was so frightened that his legs went limp.

The falling human head turned out to be the head of Spider-Man in the movie. He raised his head tremblingly, and countless human bodies were squeezed on top of the dark alley, like countless squirming insect eggs. Pulling a dead body that has lost its head.

"Don't go back!"

That somewhat broken head, which had lost most of its brain, suddenly spoke loudly.

And began to repeat mechanically and endlessly——

"Don't go back!"

"Don't go back!"

"Don't go back!"



Extremely weird.

At this moment, those countless skinny bodies crowded above the alley, they turned their red eyes to He Gang.

At this time, a huge lamp illuminates here.

It's as if this is center stage.

He Gang fell to the ground.

Only then did he see clearly that those crowded human bodies seemed to be completely integrated into one, becoming some kind of terrifying collection of life.

Their skin and nerves under the skin were all connected together to form a disgustingly large irregular shape. The bones seemed to melt, and they started to become a huge ball of meat as they walked towards He Gang.

The meat ball wrapped He Gang in an instant.

"Come on, join us..."

A voice whispered in his ear.

But then, a warm and huge force pulled He Gang's body.

"Your destiny is in your own hands."

"Absolutely lethal encounter from Meme Stopped Qutanid. "




There is a majestic, bright, and great figure standing in front of He Gang, He said in the same sacred voice.

So the darkness and weirdness began to disappear completely.

With three "exemptions", He Gang gradually woke up, and he suddenly realized what had just happened to him.

He quickly looked at the gun of Longinus in his hand.

Sure enough, skill 2, Lord of Destiny, has entered a 60-day cooldown.

what's the situation?
Which high position is the end?

He Gang was trembling all over, not from fear, but from the cold.

He looks at the sky.

Sure enough, the gray mist did not spread from the ground, but eroded the world from above.

The system log updated dozens of pages in just a few minutes, most of which were related to some kind of attack from a suspected god named Ketanid, but whose authority was marked "memetic block".

This attack came after all the other monsters except the Lamia believer who was used for sacrifice were killed.

Characteristics: Unblockable, Unevadable, Absolutely Lethal.

Fortunately, the Lance of Longinus exists.

He Gang shuddered.

He didn't dare to imagine what would happen if he didn't have the fragment of the holy vessel in his hand.

Everything in this world is so weird and so easy to kill people unintentionally.

Syslog: "You dismissed the absolute lethal event that came down from the "meme-stopper" Ctanid. "

System log: "From the dismissed absolute fatal event, you discovered that there is some unexplainable relationship between Lamia and Ketanid."

System log: "You interrupted Lamia's sacrifice and offended the god. He is about to unleash his wrath. You still have ten hours to prepare for the funeral."

"Is Lamia related to Ketanid?"

He Gang opened his mouth.

He wanted to discuss it with Dumbledore.

But the latter still seems to be in some kind of illusion.

Then, He Gang's complexion turned cold.

He looked at the last Lamian believer who was used for sacrifice in the center of the altar, and took out his most frequently used sniper rifle from the system backpack.

The bullets enchanted by the Holy Light were pressed into the magazine one by one.

"I still have ten hours to prepare to face Lamia."

he said, and aiming his sights at the monster's eyeless face,
"Then let me use your head to complete the advanced task."


The loud voice seemed to have awakened Dumbledore too, and there was panic in his eyes.

"Here it comes—"

He said.

The old voice seemed to tremble slightly,
"Get out of here! Let's go back!"

Dumbledore yelled.

He didn't seem to care whether something scary would be attracted to him because of the sound.

Just at this time, the syslog is updated.

System log: "[Lamia's Wailing] [Victim's Advanced Mission] has been selected and completed."

System log: "You gain experience points * 500."

System log: "You got [Recruitment Order]〖Bronze〗〖Up〗*1"

System log: "You get "Pure Soul"*5. "

System log: "Base panel opened."

Syslog: "Task panel opened."

(End of this chapter)

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