Chapter 225 Bar
Horace Sgrahorn was talking among several professors.

Minerva McGonagall, Rubeus Hagrid, Pomona Sprout...

They seemed to be talking about something happy, Hagrid let out a laugh, and then took a big sip from a glass of beer that looked like a bucket, and the wine flowed down his beard onto his clothes.

But he didn't care.

"Two, what do you need?"

Ms. Rosmerta came up to meet her and asked boldly.

There have been a lot of guys like this hiding in black cloaks recently. After the Death Eaters were almost wiped out, some rats who were subdued by them also came out to do evil in the name of the Dark Lord.

But Ms. Rosmerta has a lot of connections and is a true pure-blood wizard. Even real Death Eaters will not come to the Three Broomsticks to make trouble.

It's just that many dark wizards don't know the rules so well.

But from under the cloak came the correct Cockney accent, and a very young one at that.

He Gang said:
"A cup of hot cocoa and a cup of butterbeer, please."

Ms Rosmerta breathed a sigh of relief.

Dark wizards may not be so polite, and they generally don't have such a youthful voice.

"Perhaps you could quietly disperse the students in the shop and the table of Gringotts staff there."

But Dumbledore spoke inappropriately at this time. He lowered his voice and took out a wooden box from his arms with his right hand.

Inside was a whole chest of gold.

Gold, a rare metal, is a hard currency even in the wizarding world.

He says,

"Ms. Rosmerta, there may be a battle breaking out here soon. Of course, I'm not sure if it will destroy the bar... The gold should be considered as compensation."

But the plump, seductive landlady didn't pick up the box immediately.

She squinted her eyes. Although her face was like this, the shock and joy in her eyes could not be concealed.

"It's you?! You're back?!"

She also lowered her voice,

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

"Be normal, ma'am, and do as I say."

Dumbledore said.

Ms. Rosmerta took a box of gold and started to disperse irrelevant people.

None of this caught the attention of the professors at that table.

"Why don't you change your voice?"

"No need. I have taught Ms. Rosmerta's transfiguration class before. She is very familiar with me and will cooperate with our actions."

Dumbledore led He Gang to sit down at a table not far from Horace Sgraghorn and the others.

Soon, the students in the store left one after another.

A few goblins from Gringotts, who were presumably on vacation, also hurried out of the bar.

"If Horace Sgrahorn is really Hai Erbo, he made Horcruxes and basilisks in order to prevent evil gods from descending into the world, then he and we should be friends."

He Gang said.

But Dumbledore shook his head:
"You don't know that period of history, why, after all, Hogwarts didn't offer this class, and it's understandable... But in ancient Greece, the despicable Hai Erbo was not a good person, and he was even suspected by modern wizards." The purpose and result of the world's first war between the wizarding world and the Muggle world are unknown, and judging from his manuscripts found in Albania, for some purpose to allow himself to live forever, he at least personally Kill five hundred Muggles."

There is an essential difference between killing with your own hands and instructing followers to kill.

Even when Tom Riddle was still Voldemort and his power was in full swing, he never killed more than twenty Muggles with his own hands.

He Gang figured out the meaning of Dumbledore's words: "You mean..."

Dumbledore warmed his hands with a beer:

"Killing people and doing evil can both enhance a wizard's mana, so the power of a dark wizard is generally stronger than that of ordinary wizards. Once caught in the pleasure and satisfaction of suddenly gaining power, it is difficult for anyone to escape again... Besides, look, if Horace Sgarghorn's body has become like that, if there are only the three of us here, he will instantly degenerate into a filthy and ugly thing."

"So the reason why he did all this is actually very likely... because he has other schemes!"

He Gang thought it over.

Also at this moment, an inexplicable light flashed in Horace Sglasshorn's eyes.

"Hey, where did they go?"

Hagrid suddenly realized that there were only two tables left in the bar where there were still some customers in just a few minutes.

Even the proprietress was gone.

"I don't know, maybe there is something urgent?"

"Or what's going on at the candy store next door?"

"No, no."

"Shall we go first?"

"Okay, go back to school first, it's not very peaceful outside these days."

"Let's go..."

So several professors packed up their things and prepared to return to school.

Voldemort was inexplicably silent, and the Death Eaters were all dead. Even this was good news for them.

They were not even willing to leave the school gates some days ago.

But a not-so-strong figure stood in front of several people.

Hagrid seemed to recognize this figure, and carefully moved a few positions back, as if to ask Professor McGonagall to help cover his majestic body.

"Excuse me, sir."

Professor McGonagall said.

But He Gang didn't move at all.

He stared intently at Horace Sgrahorn, whose strange aura became more and more intense.

The face that grew on the back of the head was actually emitting some sharp smiles.

"Professor Slughorn... I have something to ask of you."

He said.

A huge sense of crisis instantly enveloped the four people in front of them.

Hagrid swallowed:
"Okay, let's go back first, Horace, this is probably a member of your club."

Obviously, he should have guessed He Gang's identity, so he thought about dragging Mag and the others back to school first.


"Death Eaters?"

The end of the wand pointed at He Gang's heart.

Minerva McGonagall was probably one of the most knowledgeable and powerful witches of the age, and even in Voldemort's heyday it would have taken some effort to deal with her.

Obviously, she doesn't believe in any Hong Kong.

And Horace Sglasshorn was the master that the Death Eaters had been trying to draw to their side.

"Minerva, put down your wand—"

Another vigorous voice sounded behind He Gang.

It's Dumbledore.

He took off his cloak, revealing a young face.

He looked much younger than Professor McGonagall now.

But all four of them, including Horace Sgrahorn, showed shocked expressions.

"Is it really you?! Albus?"

Although Mag was shocked, he did not put down his wand,
"Many people say you're alive, and you're near Hogwarts!"

(End of this chapter)

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