Chapter 222 Despicable Haierbo
"He is a very powerful master of Legilimency, and he has dabbled in many ancient and lost spells. But when Salazar Slytherin knew everything, it was too late, including Gryffindor and Hercules All of them, including Chippa, they've all gone into some kind of weird, frenzied madness without knowing it."

"But "Hogwarts: A School History" doesn't say that. The school's historians are generally fair..."

"Do you think the history you've seen is real, Miss Granger?"

Tom Riddle was quite polite. He sat down at the end of the long table and fiddled with an elder wand given to him by He Gang.
"At that time, I even doubted that what Ravenclaw believed in had even spread the infection throughout Europe, let alone a squib historian."

Normally, it was the professors who recorded the history of the school, but before the reforms in the sixteenth century, the job was left to homeless Squibs who had been living in the castle.

A Squib is a wizard who cannot use magic.

"But why are they so obsessed with you, even though you are a descendant of the Slytherin family?"

Hermione asked again.

As a Muggle-born wizard who received a lot of materialistic education since she was a child, she actually didn't have much fear of the name Voldemort.

And it was hard for her to really empathize with that hatred like Harry Potter, an orphan of the First Wizarding War.

She hesitated and said,
"If the Ravenclaw family and the things enshrined behind them have such great power, it will be difficult for Slytherin, even the most powerful pure-blood wizard at the time, to find a way to deal with it and compete with it."

She asked the question that He Gang and Dumbledore were also thinking about.

Since Slytherin has escaped, and it is difficult to have any influence on Ravenclaw's plans, why, even in modern times, are they still so obsessed with Voldemort?
Is it because of his identity as the Dark Lord?

Or there is something else hidden in it.

"Before Salazar Slytherin left Hogwarts, he built a very secret chamber that only Parseltongue could open... I believe everyone here has already seen it."

No one spoke to me.

They had indeed seen the secret room, except He Gang and Bellatrix.

But there was nothing there, except for the Slytherin statue and a basilisk that had lived there for a thousand years.

Wait, Basilisk?
He Gang and Dumbledore looked at each other.

They thought of the traces of the basilisk crawling in the tunnel under the Room of Requirement.

"The Chamber of Secrets was actually created by Salazar Slytherin and another evil dark wizard who was older and lived longer than him."

Tom Riddle took a deep breath.

He looked at Dumbledore and whispered,
"The ancient evil wizard has survived from ancient Greece to the Middle Ages, relying on one Horcrux after another to prolong his life, just to fulfill a certain prophecy."

"you are right……"

"That's right, it's him, the creator of basilisks, the inventor of Horcruxes, and the initiator of countless black magics in history...the ancient, despicable, and evil Haierbo."

To be able to get so many prefixes from Tom Riddle shows that this guy named Haierbo is not easy.

Dumbledore explained to everyone:

"Helbo was a dark wizard in ancient Greece. He was one of the earliest known dark wizards, and many of his studies still influence the dark arts today. He is believed to be the first wizard to breed the basilisk , and became famous for it. In addition, he invented many evil curses, and became the first wizard to successfully create a Horcrux. From this, it can be deduced that he must have committed murder in order to split the soul. He was an early Parsel One of the cavities."

"Helbo was born 500 years ago. In fact, he was the one who really encountered strange things first."

Voldemort said,

"In the beginning, he inadvertently killed another ancient wizard's heir and unknowingly created a Horcrux, which allowed him to escape... The soulless do not fall under the influence of that weird thing go."

"The evil god that Ravenclaw believed in appeared twice in the wizarding world, the first time was 500 years ago, and was deceived by Bordeaux at that time, giving him the key to prevent him from coming to the world."

"The second time was when Rowena Ravenclaw combined with her."

"You said that the evil god was deceived by Bordeaux for the first time, and gave a way to prevent him from coming to the world?"

He Gang thought of the basilisk.

Think of Parseltongue again.

Also think of... Horcruxes.

So... everything seems to be destined.

"You created Horcruxes, on the one hand, for the sake of longevity and long-sightedness, and endless brutal rule over the entire wizarding world, and on the other hand, because the only way to make people immune to the strange abilities of evil gods?"

"It's almost like that, except that I sealed my memory later."

Tom Riddle replied.

He Gang asked again:

"But why doesn't Salazar Slytherin do that?"

"Because a split soul will not enter the kingdom of the dead even after death, there is no real life next time, and death is true death."

Tom Riddle gives a theory.

Dumbledore spoke again:
"Then what is the way to prevent him from coming to this world?"

"The basilisk, the basilisk is the key."

"Wilbur Ravenclaw died 1000 years ago, but his brother is still alive today. After meeting certain conditions, he can summon his father. Only something in the basilisk can prevent this from happening.”

Then everything really fits in.

From what Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin knew, to the grievances between Bloodman Baron and Helena Ravenclaw.

Now there is only one last question left.

Why Voldemort?
Why Tom Riddle?
Just because he split his soul?
Or was it because of his blood?
"Did Salazar harbor something else in your blood? Like an ancient spell, or something that would help summon the evil god?"

He Gang asked.

"I don't know, he didn't leave these memories to future generations."

Tom Riddle said.

But at this time, Hermione Granger suddenly spoke.

She looked faintly at Tom Riddle, then at Dumbledore and He Gang.

she says:

"If Haierbo can live from 500 years ago to 1000 years ago, is it possible that he has hidden countless Horcruxes? Is it possible... this ancient man who predicted the way to prevent evil gods from descending into the world is still alive now ?”

A chill suddenly rushed to Tom Riddle's tailbone.

The face of a benign old man suddenly appeared in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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