Chapter 217 Destruction
"Forgot to let you leave with Dumbledore."

He Gang curled his lips, and then showed a wry smile.

He bent down and touched the curled up Nagini's head, behind him, at least a dozen dazzling green lights exploded on his back.

Although the effectiveness of these Unforgivable Curses is not known exactly how it is judged, but in terms of attributes, there is a high probability that they cannot kill creatures that exceed five times the user's comprehensive attributes.

Of course, there may also be a sanity bonus approaching.

But anyway, the dual attributes of strength and endurance of these wizards may not add up to a little bit, and they can't even break He Gang's defense.

This is truly unbreakable.

Even if these dozens of wizards threw the Unforgivable Curse at a certain point on He Gang's body, it would not be able to cause even a little bit of damage.

Compared with such an Unforgivable Curse, I am afraid that Fiendfire will cause more damage to He Gang.

After all, the physical damage caused by the latter is real.

He should be able to understand Hegang's words, but Nagini actually showed a humanized look in his eyes, which seemed to have a little bit of blame.

But immediately, a thin layer of black mist appeared on her body.

There is a very strong energy of Voldemort in this black mist.

"Look, I knew there was going to be some weird connection between you."

He Gang touched Nagini's head again.

Then with a [bang] sound, the big snake was apparated away by remote control in some unknown way.

When all the things that need to be cared for and instilled in the vicinity have left, He Gang finally stood up slowly.

He looked back.

A dozen monsters with a size of more than 20 meters are surrounding this direction at the limit speed they can reach.

Although still not very fast.

They were probably made based on the creatures of this world, and the creator's method was very incompetent, completely incomparable with the filthy creatures in the copy world.

Among the shadowy tombstones, a strange army of wizards, shrouded in black cloaks, who should have been greedy for life and fear of death, formed a strange army.

They saw the horror of He Gang.

He also knew that this young man possessed such power that even the Dark Lord had to bow his head.

But the huge number makes them extremely confident.

Those biological weapons made by muggles, dark creatures of all kinds and giants, using evil alchemy and ancient priests, each can tear the most ferocious Hungarian Horntail alive.

Wizards chanted spells.

They negotiated with each other in ancient and jerky language, and chaotic lines densely covered every inch of their skin exposed in the air.

The strange body changes that can only be seen in He Gang's eyes appeared on them.

Or thin and dense sticky tentacles.

Or one person grows with three sides.

Or the baby's arm poking out of the eye.

Or... there are disgusting worms that keep coming out of their mouths and crawling into their collars.

Some are even more terrifying than the filth in the dungeon world.

Late at night.

Deep to the extreme.

Dawn is coming.

Little Hangleton Village and the nearby Great Hangleton Village have already been blocked by the Muggle government, and the monsters in the two areas are slowly but surely crawling towards He Gang.

There are disturbing roars from the countless mouths on their bodies, and some of them seem to be whispering.

He Gang's body surface was rendered with a thin layer of holy light barrier.

He didn't draw his wand.

It also didn't take out the Sea Beast's War, which can be called an artifact in this world.

Instead, do a slow squat between the tombstones.

Gradually accumulate energy under your feet.



The incomparable force exploded with a bang, it was even more terrifying than overwhelming mountains, as if a meteorite had fallen from the sky, and a crack in pieces appeared where he was originally standing.

Those dense green spells merged and fell on the tombstone of the forbidden demon, disappearing invisible.

Then, about a second later, the whole village trembled, and the cemetery was instantly torn apart by the kick just now.

The huge force caused many wizards to stand unsteadily and fell to the ground one after another.

They and those monsters held their heads high.

But he couldn't see He Gang's figure at all.

half an hour.

"Look there!"

Some wizards screamed in terror.

"what is that?!"

"do not know!"

The high sky is like a small point in the night sky gradually descending, or like a bird that has lost its footing and descended from the sky.

"That's a mountain!!"

A wizard panicked and tried to apparate to escape.

But after a while, she found out even more desperately that the entire cemetery had been banned from using apparition at some point.

But in the sky.

He Gang jumped tens of thousands of meters, then fell to another village and dug out a big mountain, carried it on his shoulders, and jumped back to Little Hangleton Village!

The mountain is actually not that big.

But when they appear in the night sky, they look like stars!

Because the speed is not enough, there is no frictional air to drag out a dazzling flame tail behind.

But thousands of tons of mass fell from a height of tens of thousands of meters to hundreds of thousands of meters, and gradually gained a trace of meteorite power!

Such a heavy object falling from the sky, if it did fall in the village of Little Hangleton, would probably have devastating results.

Not only Little Hangleton Village, but everything around will be completely annihilated by the absolute shock wave!

"Mad! Mad!"

There are wizards screaming.


"Escape! Escape from here!"

"We can't mess with this thing!"

Many wizards fled in all directions.

Those huge, irrational monsters didn't even know what was about to happen, and looked around in confusion.

He Gang's hair was blown up in the air by the strong wind and high temperature, and his eyes reflected the large clusters of green light that suddenly became dazzling and bright in the cemetery.

Of course he could kill the wizards and monsters here in an easier way, but what could be more direct than a meteorite?

Connecting with Little Hangleton Village and everything around here, everything from the surface to a hundred meters underground, was annihilated and turned into ashes!

He controlled the direction and smashed towards Little Hangleton Village. When he was less than a thousand meters away from the ground, He Gang suddenly let go.

He drew his wand, snapped himself to a halt in his fall, and watched countless emerald-green spells bombard the mountain.

Those wizards are still trying to survive.

But the mountain didn't even change at all, it just fell straight down.

half an hour.

It fell into the cemetery with terrifying potential energy, which was even more terrifying than the power of a small nuclear bomb explosion.

A huge dust mushroom cloud rises from the ground.

Then, the terrifying shock wave spread for more than ten kilometers!
Not to mention the weird altar in the cemetery and Little Hangleton Village, the entire valley and several villages in the valley were all annihilated in an instant.

Dust was thrown thousands of meters into the air.

He Gang didn't take a deep breath until it was confirmed that there were no signs of life below.

(End of this chapter)

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