Chapter 206 Snape

When Hong Kong and Dumbledore at Hogwarts were gradually cutting through the fog of the HP world and seeing the truth of everything.

hundreds of miles away.

A wandering gray mist that once haunted any haunted place was now floating on a foul river.

The mist is rolling, and occasionally you can see hazy and extremely paradoxical lights and shadows looming in it.

The colors of those lights and shadows are light and varied, and some of them can't even be understood by the human brain.

The river is meandering, weeds are overgrown on both sides, and garbage is piled up.

Occasionally a huge abscess-like rotting thing bulges beneath the calm surface, and the murky water slides down its surface.

A huge chimney stood in the horrible mist on the left bank, probably the relic of an abandoned mill, towering high, gloomy and ominous.

Some black crows with cloudy eyes wander aimlessly like headless chickens.

They were extremely quiet and did not make any sound.

There was no sound anywhere, only the whimpering of the dirty, stinking, rotten water, and no sign of life.

Only a huge and scrawny scotch rat sneaked down the river bank, with black stained and split pustules hanging from its bare tail.

It sniffed hopefully a few wrappers deep in the weeds that might have been potato chips or some other fried snack.

It has no shadow.

Stretch out a small paw.

That... seems to be the palm of a human being.

Just too small.

It was bruised and overgrown with almost imperceptible, soft worms of all kinds.

At this moment, with a soft pop, a slender figure wearing a hood appeared out of thin air by the river.

Those strange and proliferating limbs that only He Gang, Dumbledore and Voldemort can see in this world let people know that he is a heinous dark wizard.

Maybe once a Death Eater or not.

Shuo Shu was not afraid.

It stared at this strange new figure with alert eyes.

The filthy mouth opened, and stayed open, and protruding from it was a tongue wrapped around a living, tiny human head.

The eye on that head blinked.

Then suddenly there was a thin scream.

The figure just now seemed to be figuring out its own position, and after a while, it walked forward with brisk strides, and the long cloak rustled across the grass.

There was another poof, louder than the previous one, and another hooded figure appeared.

They were startled by the scream of a human head in Shuoshu's mouth.

"Wait! What's the sound?!"

Shuoshu was almost lying on the low bushes at the moment, and he was even more frightened when he heard the hoarse cry.

It swished out of its hiding place and ran to the shore.

A green light, a scream, and the rat fell to the ground, dead.

One of the figures tiptoed the rat, turned it over, and saw the large hole in the rat's belly.

"No viscera, fused Muggle limbs, with obvious signs of 'sublimation' in the mouthparts. "

A woman's calm voice without any emotional fluctuations came from under the hood, just like an AI robot,
"It's their shit again... we have to be careful, this is Ravenclaw territory..."

But the man she was traveling with had only stopped to look at the flash, and was now crawling up the bank where the Rat had fallen.

There were so many dirty things on his palms that it was difficult to wipe them off.

"The Death Eaters are falling apart. People from that thing are everywhere."

It is a man's voice, heavy and magnetic,
The woman caught up with him, and the two stood together, almost the same height and build, probably a pair of brother and sister.

"It wasn't their business, but Severus was involved in that meeting that day..."

"So they have brought this place into their sphere of influence?"

"Basically, he lives here after all... Many of the Death Eaters are Ravenclaw spies, and they don't trust Severus."

"I've heard of it."

"These ugly and dirty things like ghouls were unwilling to trust Severus when they were under the command of the Dark Lord, and they are still the same now that they have found a new master."

"Keep your voice down, Narcissa...that thing gave them some special ability to hear us."

The woman, Narcissa, climbed onto the bank of the river, where an old railing separated the river from a narrow cobbled lane.

She is Narcissa Malfoy.

The man followed.

He is Lucius Malfoy, the husband of the former.

The head of the pure-blood family that claims to be the purest in the British wizarding world.

They stood side by side, looking out across the alley at the rows of old brick houses whose windows were dark and lifeless in the night.

"Severus is here."

Lucius Malfoy said,

"We all know that he is the most important loyal dog and most loyal servant of the Dark Lord. If we can enlist his help, we may be able to rescue the Dark Lord, and then the curse on you will be lifted—"

But Narcissa didn't listen.

She had slipped through a gap in the rusted railing and was hurrying down the alley.

"It's not a curse, Lucius, it's... an evolution."

she says.

"Sissy, wait a minute!"

Lucius followed, his cloak flapping behind him.

He saw Narcissa rush across an alley between the houses and turn into another almost identical street.

Several street lamps have been broken, and the two running people are sometimes illuminated by lights and sometimes shrouded in darkness.

At this moment, in the darkness, a pair of eyes filled with hatred and pain stared at them.

Severus Snape...

He hid in the dark, watching the couple's actions.

He is in pain.

Also very tangled.

He didn't know if he should rescue Voldemort.

The hatred for Voldemort, Snape, he wished he could kill him.

But rationality tells this man who seems to have been misunderstood all his life, if Voldemort is not allowed to come out of that ghostly place alive, this world, not just the world of wizards, but even the world with Muggles, will go to a certain place together. The end of the eerie horror.

In tangled and hesitant.

An old face suddenly appeared in Snape's mind.


He looked in the direction of Hogwarts.

The old man he hated and loathed should have been slowly melting away in his marble tomb.

Now it seems to be alive.

Is that really him?
Snape wasn't sure.

Not sure either.

He didn't know who he could trust right now.

What they have to face is [-] times more dangerous than Voldemort, and any mistake may make everything irreversible.

Want to try it?

Snape was still hesitating.

He was wondering whether to send the information out.


Look around.

There seemed to be no signs of life activity in the gray fog.

But actually, those things are there..., it's them...

But another pair of dark green, deep eyes appeared in his mind.


It occurred to Snape that an idea might be worth a try—

(End of this chapter)

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