Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 204 Ravenclaw's Secret

Chapter 204 Ravenclaw's Secret

"Its image is different from ordinary people, even in our time."

"Thick lips, pale skin covered with large pores, rough and curly hair with strange eel-like kisses growing at the ends."

"Skinny and weird ears always give people a feeling like a goat or a beast."

"Wilbur always hides himself under his robes, allowing himself to be forever deep in darkness... But the fact that Ravenclaw doesn't want to say is that the lower body of this strange man... is a bunch of twisted things. It has thick, colorful gray tentacles and something as smooth as a rat’s tail.”

"It's hard to imagine that there will be such a deformed human being..."

"It's so evil, and the black witchcraft it understands can even compile books that fill an entire library. It is said that Wilbur has spent his whole life looking for something left by an Arab that can break through the shackles of the dark realm..."

"Dark wizards of your time, what are they called? Grindelwald... and... Voldemort?"

"Yes, it's them..."

"In Wilbur's presence, their dark magic is as harmless and ridiculous as a baby's toy."

Bloody Barrow told several people about the monster named Wilbur Ravenclaw.

In just a moment, He Gang and Dumbledore had already sketched out the image of this terrifying male creature with a filthy appearance in their minds.

Just like the devil.

He Gang suddenly heard the image that flashed through his mind just now.

He frowned.

"It's different from what I saw."

He said.

But when he wanted to describe the shape of the weird thing he saw to everyone, he was horrified to find that all the memories about that part had a huge confusion.

not disappear.

Rather, more relevant knowledge flooded into my mind frantically.

For example, once the word "shape" comes to his mind involuntarily, almost all the shapes in the world start to drill into his mind.

Another example is when he thinks of "color", countless thousands or even endless colors begin to fill his thinking.

But once the desire to depict the image of the creature is restrained, this weird phenomenon will quickly disappear.

The observatory's stargazing mirrors reflect the bright starlight.

It is already night.

There are no lights here.

But never dark.

Wizards can always make sunlight and starlight appear wherever they want.

The slanting shadows of some instruments looked like some monsters with teeth and claws, swaying.

A strange metal vessel struck the surface of the globe, making a clanging sound.

"Wilbur Ravenclaw...he was ugly, unusually precocious, and had committed enough crimes against female Muggles in southern Scotland to burn it to ashes, but it was all ruled by the Ravenclaws. people were suppressed."

Bloody Baron said quietly,
"I started investigating its existence when I was in school at Hogwarts. You know, people always love the house and the house. I heard people say that it is Helena's brother..."

"From Mr. Slytherin, I know something... After Wilbur Ravenclaw was born, he was taught by that ancient family, learning witchcraft from a few centuries ago, and raising its younger brother."

"I've heard of its brother, but I've never seen it..."

There was much in the Bloody Baron's words.

Rowena Ravenclaw had at least three children.

They are Helena Ravenclaw who may be of pure human wizard blood.

She stole the golden crown, which had inexplicable power in that era but also had great side effects, and might have caused Rowena Ravenclaw to die early due to anger.

Then there is an evil half-human wizard named Wilbur Ravenclaw who may have the blood of some weird creature, precocious, skilled in ancient black magic, evil, and ruthless, and from it he asked Baron to find Helena. But judging from the fact that both of them died unexpectedly in the end, this thing probably still has quite high intelligence.

But now 1000 years have passed since that era. Even if it was really a filthy creature, it probably wouldn't survive until now.

The third heir is Wilbur's younger brother. Barrow didn't say that this being is Helena's younger brother, so it can be speculated that this being is probably also a descendant of Wilbur's father's line.

"Could it be it?"

He Gang said softly to himself.

He thought again of the creature that seemed to warn him.

What is it going to do?
What is its purpose?
He Gang suddenly had an extremely bold idea that even made him shudder.

that thing...

Couldn't have lived for a thousand years.

He shivered violently.

A thousand-year-old mystery.

Even in such a low-demon world, I am afraid that the combat ability can have a diamond epic...

It's fine if it's a diamond.

Even He Gang himself can barely deal with it.

But if it’s an epic…

It is estimated that the only way to rely on the scepter of suffering is again.

"Are there still descendants of Rowena Ravenclaw in the world today? Do you know who captured Voldemort?"

He Gang asked the last question again.

I don't know why, when He Gang appears in this world, He Gang always has such a strange feeling.


More like a puppet.

A puppet used by a large family to maintain the lofty status of pure-blood wizards.

Now he is useless and has been eliminated.

Of course, it doesn't matter to He Gang in normal times.

But now Voldemort is a crucial part of the Raiders mission, if he cannot be found, the Raiders mission in this world will be declared a failure.

"Rowena Ravenclaw was from the Scottish riverside and was friends with Helga Hufflepuff."

Bloody Barro said,

"I know some of her heirs, and Helena has secretly paid attention to them, but those are all the crimes committed by Wilbur in Scotland, and he only inherited Ravenclaw's surname."

"Wait, was Rowena's last name Ravenclaw all along?"

He Gang suddenly realized something,
"Helena's surname is also Ravenclaw. Tell me, is it possible that this surname is her husband's surname?"

"what do you mean……"

Dumbledore pondered slightly,

"If Ravenclaw is actually her husband's surname, her own descendants might choose to abandon the surname and follow their great grandmother?"

They looked at the bloody Baron.

But the latter looked confused.

"I don't know, the Ravenclaw family has always been mysterious and powerful, and even once affected the change of regimes in various Muggle countries."

In other words, he didn't know where the descendants of the Ravenclaw family were now.

"What about Slytherin? What role did he play in that era?"

He Gang then changed the question.

He has also been curious about why Voldemort is so special.

Grim Reaper, Ancient Families, Creepy Things.

It seemed like everything was staring at him.

(End of this chapter)

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