Chapter 20 The Truth Within Range
Most civilizations or nations in the world have used human children or pure virgins as sacrifices to gods.

This practice also extends to the various copies of Earth that are now divided into 70 billion copies by incredible beings.

Many non-human groups seem to have this custom.

There was a survivor, and the theme of his world copy was the natural disaster of giant beasts. Countless mutated beasts began to appear in the city, and some orangutans even developed a social form similar to the matriarchal clan of mankind.

These orangutans have already started the sacrifice.

They kill the newborn cubs and the most beautiful males in the group, skin them and place them on an altar made of countless logs, and wait for them to dry naturally, which is enjoyed by the gods.

But the scene in front of him is completely different from the ancient bad habits of human beings.

These strange creatures with pale skin and eyes in their palms were sitting on stools piled up with the corpses of unknown beasts, their palms parallel to the ground, praying devoutly.

The sound of prayer has an extremely terrifying impact, and it can even kill some fragile bugs with ease.

"34, one less."

He Gang and Dumbledore hid in the shadow of the building in the distance, a passing night-gaunt was caught by the dementor and sucked out its sanity.

It is worth mentioning that after being drained of sanity by the dementors, the attribute value of Night Dire in the sanity column becomes α, which represents unknown.

And after the dementor absorbed the sanity of a night-gaunt, its power value was actually strengthened by 0.05.

"No less."

Dumbledore said,
"There's another one up there."

above the altar.

He Gang heard the words and stood on the roof to look.

Sure enough, it was another same filthy creature, the difference was that its entire skin was ripped off, exposing the bloody subcutaneous tissue and blood vessels.

It just stood in the center of the altar, chanting some strange and eerie notes in a low voice from its toothless mouth.

Even if He Gang's strength attribute reached 8.75 after N multiple strengthening, it is enough to support his body to use super hearing to barely hear the whispers of Lamia believers hundreds of meters away.

But he couldn't understand the meaning of these whispers at all.

Even humans cannot pronounce these syllables at all.

"Lamia is a mythical existence after all, and the behavior of these monsters is also very similar to sacrifice."

Dumbledore said,
"What we should do is interrupt them."

He Gang actually wanted to fight.

He had seen Lamia's form last time, although it might not be his real body, he had indeed seen it.

He believes that this mythical creature may be slightly stronger than the distortion god at most, and it does not have such a powerful and weird regeneration ability.

The tip of Longinus' spear glowed faintly.

This means that there is at least one church within ten kilometers, so Hong Kong has added a little power attribute.

"what should we do?"

"Everything within range is the truth, isn't that what you said?"

Dumbledore was obviously not ready to make a move.

Although these filthy creatures are so low-level that they can't even be counted as black iron, their strength attributes are not bad.

【Lamia believers】

Description: As you can see, these are the filthy creatures that believe in Lamia. They are quite sensitive to the cries of children, and usually don't go out much.

Rating: 5
Power: 24
Stamina: 2.3
Physical Strength: Max
Sanity: 0.1—3 〖Obviously, this monster transformed after being polluted by "meme block" usually has some sanity, but most of the time, its sanity is close to 0. 〗

Very simple description.

No talent, no skills, just a body stronger than the Night Dire.Perhaps even on Earth in the past, it was a monster that required the dispatch of armed police to deal with.

But compared with He Gang's current terrifying power value, he is as harmless as a puppy whose teeth have been pulled out.

"The one in the middle of the altar is different from the others."

Dumbledore said, "I doubt my spells will work very hard on it."

He Gang looked over.

Sure enough, there was a prefix "Pain and Pleasure" added to the name, and the strength and endurance exceeded 5, and there was an extra talent called Lamia Believer.

[Lamia believers: have extremely high immunity to all non-physical damage, just like Lamia cursed by Hera. 】

"Although I can directly execute them all with the gun of Longinus, it is difficult to guarantee that these monsters that convey fear when they die will not disperse and flee."

He Gang frowned slightly.

He suspects that there are four levels of advanced tasks. If you choose to complete them without doing anything, you may only get a recruitment order that can only summon the lowest-level black iron creatures.

If 35 Lamia believers are not completely eliminated, a black iron recruitment order that can summon better creatures will be rewarded.

If you kill all the believers, you will be able to get the Bronze Recruitment Order.

Only by slashing Lamia with your hand can you receive a silver collection order.

But it's a bit too difficult to get to the last point.

It can even be said to be completely impossible.

Even if He Gang's current physique is almost close to Captain America in the real world.

Therefore, if any Lamian believer is let go, he will miss the bronze recruitment order.

You must know that for others, it is a bronze-level recruitment order, but in his hands, it is entirely possible to become a gold-level recruitment order.

And so far, he has only obtained one recruitment order, and he has not even revealed the distorted stone statue, which shows how rare this thing is.

"Today is the nineteenth."

He Gang is thinking about countermeasures,

"It's only been nineteen days, and the missiles in many military bases haven't lost their value because they haven't been maintained for a long time."

He could directly use missiles to bomb the disc-shaped altar with a diameter of tens of meters in front of him.

But now there is a question, if the missile is used, is it still his kill?

Moreover, is it worthwhile to use missiles for monsters of this strength?
(End of this chapter)

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