Chapter 195 Conspiracy
When He Gang and Dumbledore led Harry Potter back to Hogwarts to carry out the evolutionary program on him, it was an ancient mansion in northern Scotland.

Two figures in black robes suddenly appeared from nothingness, a few meters apart in the cold, snow-covered narrow alley, and the snow under their feet still reflected the brilliance of the sunset.

They were wary of each other, full of murderous intent, and pointed their wands at each other's chests, and the tips of the wands emitted a dangerous emerald green light.

Only truly vicious thugs and dark wizards can use the Avada Kedavra so skillfully so calmly and easily, it's almost like...

Like an arm and a finger.

But within five seconds the two recognized each other, tucked their wands under their cloaks, and walked briskly in the same direction.

They walked on the snow without any footprints, but if He Gang or the current Voldemort were here, they would see protruding eyeballs growing densely in the invisible traces where the two walked, and the blood vessels in the eyeballs The roots exploded, like the rhizomes of plants, wrapped in tiny spheres and welded deeply into the ground.

It's just that ordinary people or wizards can't see it at all.

"are you sure?"

One of them asked aloud. His voice seemed to be mixed with some kind of ancient and obsolete steam machine. Every tone had a mechanical vibrato. There was also a two-meter long and dozens of centimeters in diameter protruding from the position of the face under the robe. Red colorful tentacles.

Of course, ordinary people can't see this tentacle.


The person who spoke this time did not change in appearance, and even the voice was still that of an ordinary human being.

It was Severus Snape.

He glanced at the Death Eaters beside him, and there was undetectable disgust and killing intent hidden in the eyes in the shadows.

On the left side of the alley are low thorn bushes that grow randomly, and on the right side are tall hedges that are neatly trimmed.

All kinds of weird, disturbing little things are climbing on the grass and trees like a wall.

A snake transformed by alchemy with human arms.

A black centipede almost as thick as a thigh.

Flocks of naked crows.


If Muggles walk here, they will only wonder if they have entered the corridor into the realm of death.

From the gaps in the fences... the woman's screams continued to be heard.

Dark and eerie.

The two strode forward, their long cloaks flapping at their ankles.

"How is it possible, how could we be betrayed..."

The Death Eater who was traveling with Snape whispered softly, and the strange sound was unsettling. The low-hanging branches overhead blocked the moonlight from time to time.

Even in the eyes of ordinary people, his dull facial features appear to be bright and dim, and occasionally they seem to be smooth.

He says,

"We spent so much effort to resuscitate him, let him regain power, and become the master of the entire British wizarding world, but..."

Snape nodded, but didn't elaborate.

He was quietly terrifying.

The breath on his body was as cold as that of a dead person.

They turned right, leaving the alley and entering a wide driveway.

There are some magnificent but dark and weird carriages and horses parked on the riding lane, and dark creatures such as ghouls or vampires or werewolves are used as coachmen.

Scary creatures such as fire dragons, acromanders, or hippogriffs are used as tools for pulling carts.

What's more, there is also a unicorn that is said to be cursed if anyone drinks its blood.

These frames are gorgeous.

It's as if several ancient families have revived and re-emerged in the wizarding world, wanting to give their voices to the world.

The tall hedge also turned a corner and stretched to the distance. Two extraordinary black iron cast gates blocked the way of the two of them.

Both sides of the gate are carved with ancient coat of arms.

There are also shining Hebrew characters that ordinary people can't recognize at all.

Neither Snape nor the other Death Eater stopped, but silently raised their left arms in a salute, and walked straight through, as if the black wrought iron were nothing but smoke.

The yew hedge muffled the sound of their footsteps.

The disturbed voices of the two can be heard everywhere, or the wailing of women, or the crying of children, or the piercing meowing of cats.

Snape drew his wand again, and held it over the heads of his companions.

This manor is much more grand than the Malfoy's house.

Also more intimidating.

But danger always lurks in the shadows.

A strange bird with a deformed human head was walking gracefully on top of the hedge, and all its feathers suddenly fell off, revealing the wrinkled, dry and old skin underneath.

Then the head let out a piercing scream.

"Fun little thing, isn't it?"

The creepy Death Eater who was traveling with Snape whispered, with faint excitement and exaltation in his tone.

He says,

"We used alchemy and forced fusion of dozens of Muggles with white peacocks to succeed in this one. It was hard-won, hard-won..."

"I'm not interested in your dirty business."

said Snape.

"You still think you are a loyal servant of the Dark Lord? A useless dog..."

The Death Eater snorted, and the hand holding the wand under the cloak was twitching.

As if he couldn't resist the temptation to kill the man beside him, a small, soft, boneless arm slipped past his eyes.

Even in the face of such obvious ridicule, Snape did not choose to refute it.

At the end of the straight driveway loomed out of the darkness a very respectable mansion, with lights shining brightly from the rhombic panes of the ground-floor windows.

Somewhere in the dark garden behind the hedge a monster seemed to be dancing, and there was a rumbling sound everywhere.

Snape and the Death Eaters creaked towards the main entrance on the gravel road, the snow on the road melted away, and they fled consciously like living flesh.

As soon as he came to the front, no one opened the door, but the door opened automatically.

The foyer was large, dimly lit, and luxuriously furnished, with a rich carpet covering almost the entire stone floor.

The pale portraits on the walls followed them with their eyes as they strode past.The two stopped in front of a heavy wooden door that led to another room.

The living room was full of silent people, all seated at a long, well-decorated table.

They put on robes and completely put themselves in the shadows, as if they felt very safe in this way.

The room was illuminated by a roaring fire in an ornate marble fireplace, surmounted by a gilt mirror.

Occasionally a smooth face could be seen flashing past in that mirror.

"You are here, my friend..."


An old voice came from the seat opposite the fireplace.

Snape shuddered a little.

he is……

The Ravenclaws.

A name that had been buried for a long time came to Snape's mind, and he felt frightened for no reason.

"The descendants of the Slytherins have turned their backs on the mission of our ancestors."

The old man stood up, he opened his arms, and the dry life seemed to return to his body again,
"But not Ravenclaw. Now, Severus Snape, tell us everything you know."

(End of this chapter)

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