Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 18 Absolutely Lethal Incident

Chapter 18 Absolutely Lethal Incident
While stepping on the elevator, continue to dive in the forum.

Sure enough, during this period of time, some people have been promoted to level [-] and have started advanced tasks. Many people have even completed the advanced tasks, obtained recruitment orders, and recruited hero units in the base panel.

There are even lucky ones who have completed the advanced task perfectly and obtained a silver-level recruitment order to summon the skeleton monitor lizard in the legendary monster movie universe.

With the support of such a huge population base, He Gang believes that there are many such lucky ones.

I just don't know what kind of base panel will be created if the skeleton monitor is used as a template.

Could it be that a whole team of King Kong was summoned out.

That's too bad.

Dumbledore pressed the first floor of the elevator, and the refuge was on the eleventh floor.

They have to wait a long time every time they come down.

This is an old-fashioned manual mechanical elevator installed. As long as a nuclear bomb does not explode directly on the buildings above, the place will be safe and sound.

New York is not without a safer place than here.

It's just that the locations of other shelters are a bit dangerous, either occupied by groups of night-daunts or invaded by some filth.

The filth of this world is very dangerous.

Their powers are weird.

The almost purely physical filth, such as the distortion statue, which only causes sanity decline and filthy infection, is the easiest type to deal with.

No matter how bad it is, He Gang can also use the asset transfer interface of various sectors on the system panel to indiscriminately bomb the entire lower Manhattan with some high-risk weapons that can still be used.

After all, the development of human civilization has never relied on individual heroism to surpass all things.

It has always been tools that truly make human beings the masters of the world.

Dumbledore wiped his wand and said:

"Our goal is Lamia?"

He Gang shrugged.

He originally thought that Dumbledore, with his superb magical skills and ceiling-level understanding of magic, was already the most useful force at this stage.

As a result, last time the little old man released a Zouwu through Newt's box, letting him know that maybe Dumbledore still has many such magical creatures that can be used as a boost.

Maybe there's a dragon in that box?

"The most important ones are those Lamian believers. You should be able to find them, professor."

They have entered the war museum.

The sun, which was already setting gradually, sprinkled the thin afterglow from the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

There seemed to be frightening changes taking place in those silent shadows.

"This world reminds me of Azkaban."

Dumbledore tightened his robes.

Even in June, even in New York, the chill of the nights was so different from what it used to be that it was starting to get so cold you could breathe out the mist.

It was too early to be cold.

"Could it be the fifth house of Hogwarts?"

"Well, I've considered recruiting the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher from Azkaban before."

They walk out the gate.

A huge sculpture of Washington on a horse stands to the right of the gate, casting a shadow that covers the entire mansion.

"Even creepy creatures have their own emotions, and living in such an ominous environment, their fear is even stronger."

Dumbledore dug his ears, frowned slightly, his voice changed suddenly,
"I was wondering, why are there so few cars on the streets here?"

Why are there so few cars? !

It was such a casual sentence that suddenly made He Gang's hair stand on end.


If 70 billion people disappeared from the original earth at the same time, they came to their respective copies at the same time.

What about the streets that should be bustling with traffic?

What about the planes in the sky that roam the entire Earth's atmosphere like locusts?

Where has all this gone?

Those patients who were sitting on the plane, were performing certain high-risk operations, and were undergoing surgery...

It seems that this kind of people didn't have any accidents at the moment of time travel?

In just such a moment, countless thoughts had already rushed through He Gang's mind.

He seemed to see a horrible truth.

There was a huge sense of terror oppressing him, and he couldn't breathe.

System log: "You are affected by "meme block", and your sanity temporarily increases by 10. "

System log: "Your sanity stability exceeds 11."

System log: "Within 3 minutes, you will invite an absolute fatal event!"

System log: "Warning! Please lower the sanity stability value immediately!"

System log: "Warning! Please lower the sanity stability value immediately!"

System log: "Warning! Please lower the sanity stability value immediately!"

The warning has turned completely scarlet.

It seems that it is just random thinking, and it has already begun to touch the truth of this world, which has attracted the attention of a strange and supreme existence, and wants to send down an absolute death event to clear it.

"I need to lower my sanity immediately!"

He Gang held Dumbledore's hand tightly.

He doesn't want to look up.

The sky that was extremely normal in Dumbledore's eyes was now densely covered with countless huge, rotten and wriggling flesh and blood and countless cloudy giant eyeballs.

The stench is everywhere.

Something terrible is about to happen!
"Use the Imperius Curse, use the Imperius Curse on me!"

There are several methods in the magic world that can reduce a person's sanity and even turn a normal person into a complete lunatic.

Both Imperius and Cruciatus count.

However, the former is to suppress reason, while the latter is to use absolute pain to make people lose their reason. For example, this is the case of Neville Longbottom's parents.

System log: "You are affected by the Imperius Curse, your sanity has dropped by 3, and your current sanity is 11.5."

"not enough!"

He Gang became more and more frightened.

In this weird world, he shouldn't have any random thoughts!
"Use Crucio on me again!"

He gritted his teeth, ready to endure the endless pain that followed.

"Actually, I have other options."

Although He Gang didn't tell Dumbledore what happened, he already realized what happened.

He acted resolutely, and another box similar to the box that released the Zouwu appeared in a green light.

He says,

"If you want to completely annihilate your sanity, then Dementors are undoubtedly the best choice."

Accompanied by sudden cold fear, a creature in a black robe suspended in the air appeared in front of He Gang.

System log: "You are affected by dementors, and your sanity drops by 0.1."

System log: "You are affected by dementors, and your sanity drops by 0.3."

System log: "You are affected by dementors, and your sanity drops by 0.1."


A series of syslog flushes.

This magical creature of fear certainly lives up to its reputation.

In an instant, the desperate situation facing He Gang was reversed.

The sky cleared up again.

"If there is a chance, I must thank Mr. Newt well."

He Gang survived the disaster.

He was unwilling to face an absolutely fatal incident caused by a being whose real name was described by the system as "memetic blocking".

Even if there is an exemption in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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