Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 178 Reaper, I'm Here to Negotiate Conditions

Chapter 178 Reaper, I'm Here to Negotiate Conditions
"System Log: The information cannot be queried."

"System Log: The information cannot be queried."

"System Log: The information cannot be queried."

"System log: This information is extremely dangerous."

"SYSLOG: This message is half-triggered."

"System log: The program that has been written may be cracked, please avoid it immediately."

"System log: ..."

The moment the extremely large and terrifying black shadow appeared, the system that had fallen silent after coming to this world suddenly became active.

Every reminder in the system log tells He Gang to run away quickly and don't stop!
There is indeed a problem!
He Gang's eyes moved slightly.

He is always ready to summon the "Gate".

One of the characteristics of the "door", any state of time and space can be summoned and opened, and the initial specification is always the shuttle rule.

Even in this suspected area of ​​death, it can help He Gang escape in an instant.

But the huge black figure with a cloak and a sickle in his hand did not move for a long time.

I can only know that those eyes are very strange.

No matter which direction you are in, it seems that you are being stared at.

"I'm here to negotiate terms, Death."

He Gang suddenly strode forward.

He made a prediction that the trigger condition for the absolute death of the god of death would not be triggered by him.

He stepped in the darkness and nothingness, only feeling that he was alone facing the weird power of 1 mothers of suffering.

If the mission requirement is to kill such a god, then the level of this strategy mission should be at least legendary!

For a moment, He Gang even had the thought of kneeling down in faith.

The huge and boundless black figure stretched out His left hand, which was not holding the sickle, and each finger was wrapped around like a whole piece of bright nebula, with a faint light bursting out of it.

He slowly closed his palms.

Voldemort's body then bent and lost consciousness, until it was huddled together in a strange way, and one after another rusted metal iron chains protruding from the deep darkness instantly tied every bone of Voldemort.

"I know you……"

"I've seen you……"


The God of Death is actually talking to He Gang!

His voice seemed to sound from outside the world, like an endless thunder, pressing down with the weight of the whole world.

He Gang restrained his desire to worship.

Always ready to open the door and run.

"His soul is not complete. Even if you take this part of him because of my trigger, there are still many left in the world."

He Gang held his head high.

He tried his best to restrain his fear and tried to make his eyes divergent, so as not to be contaminated by the appearance of this god and become his loyal believer.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the dungeon world.

Almost any major filth has the ability to meme-pollute the watcher in this way.

It's just that the abilities vary.

"I have endless years to wait, and mortals will inevitably die."

Unexpectedly, the rhythm of the god of death seemed to be different suddenly, and he was even able to communicate with He Gang fluently.

But this is also normal.

Any high position is almost omniscient.

Even if he is not omniscient, he can definitely learn any kind of prophecy used by human beings in an instant.

"And what if I take the rest of him? To another world."

The corner of He Gang's mouth rose.

He knew that his careful thinking couldn't hide such a majestic existence, so he didn't plan to hide it, he said,

"Have you seen our world? God...have you seen the fate of those gods? Do you...dare to come?"


He Gang's pupils shrank.

In an instant, the face of death was within reach.

It is as wide as a city, and the facial features covered by black and bright hazy light are facing He Gang.

All I saw was a pair of chaotic pupils, like huge stars spanning the sky.

"hold head high--!!"

The phantom of a huge sea beast soared into the sky, as if it wanted to pierce through this chaotic realm.

The War of the Sea Beast trembled slightly in He Gang's hands, and could not help but groan like a dragon.

Neither acted.

Relying on his own two lives, He Gang stared softly into the eyes of Death without admitting defeat.

He is gambling.

The trigger condition for gambling death to harvest the lives of living people.

After all, the god of death in this world is not formed by some ancient race or ancient human beings by chance, but a product that truly comes from the rules.

This stuff is generally pretty rule-abiding.

It's just that he doesn't know what the rules he obeys are.

But He Gang guessed that as an outsider like himself, there probably would be no place for him in the Kingdom of Death.

"Traveler, if you reunify that sinner's soul and make him abide by life, old age, sickness and death, I will just leave."

The Grim Reaper didn't attack unexpectedly, and He stood up again, casting shadows in all directions, which was unsettlingly majestic.

He said,

"Also, tell me what exactly happened in your world, and what exactly is plundering souls from my kingdom."

Plunder the soul!

He Gang clenched his teeth.

It's Dumbledore!
The system plundered Dumbledore's soul from the kingdom of the god of death, which apparently attracted the attention of the god of death.

Maybe, this god of unknown rank tried to stop him.

It just didn't work out.

He Gang remembered that every time he used [Tian Tian Tavern] to recruit, he would be blocked by many high-ranking officials who used [Meme Blocking] as information shielding.

These high positions...

Is it the incarnation of the rules in each world?
Or... the one with the greatest power in each world?
"It's hard for me to say exactly what happened in that world, but many gods fell or were infected in a disaster that swept across the entire planet and all the gods, and became some kind of strange creatures with flesh and blood as the main theme."

He Gang explained everything in the copy world to Death, but even he himself had little understanding of that world.

He rolled his eyes and had a brilliant idea in his mind.

He says,

"If you want, maybe we can sign some contracts so that you can go back and forth between the two worlds like us."


It's available in system stores.

Master-servant contract, pet contract, alliance contract, equality contract...

The list goes on and on.

Of course, He Gang would not foolishly come up with a master-servant contract, thinking that by doing so, he could acquire a possibly mythical existence.

That's simply not realistic.

But as long as he makes an alliance contract to ensure that when he is hurt by some unstoppable existence in the dungeon world, the god of death can help him.

"You're pushing your limits."

"I'm just telling the truth."

He Gang shrugged.

He has basically determined that the god of death has nothing to do with him for the time being.

Just don't overdo it.

"I'll be there when you leave."

Death said suddenly.

His voice was broken, as if He was going through a difficult battle.

(End of this chapter)

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