Chapter 175 Hogwarts
Presumably Death Eaters also read newspapers and listen to the news.

Twenty or ten minutes before getting off the train, He Gang's name sounded on the train announcement, and the train conductor also extended his most sincere greetings to him during the announcement.

It seems that Voldemort finally realized the fact that He Gang might be going to Hogwarts by train.

Even the two Carlo brothers and sisters, who were originally yin and yang, began to be respectful to He Gang and apologized in person, which frightened the two little fat guys.

Although there is no official or media statement.

But everyone knows that Voldemort has the final say in the wizarding world now.

So is Hogwarts.

The little fat man is afraid of a man who can be treated in a lowly manner by the Carlo brothers and sisters who are Voldemort's pawns.

When the broadcast announced that it was time to get off the car, the two little kids hurried out.

As if afraid of being left behind.

For them, the person who can get along with the Death Eaters is definitely another evil dark wizard.

Who knows how many lives this Chinese had on his hands.

The train stopped slowly.

People crowded forward, and it took a lot of effort to get out of the car door and came to a dark and small platform.

It was cold and windy.

He Gang shuddered.

Although it was expected, the decoration here...

too ancient.

It's too deep.

it's too cold.

A dim light bounced up and down and left and right over the heads of students, parents and school staff.

There was a warm orange glow surrounding the lamp, but the wick burning inside was indeed the finger of an unknown creature.

Not human anyway.

Human fingers are not that big.

No one speaks.

The Carlo brothers and sisters carefully stayed with He Gang, even though the latter had told them to stay away several times.

Those two faces are really too scary.

Out of the platform, they walked down a narrow and steep path.

He Gang also rushed forward with the crowd.

There were dense woods on both sides of the road, which were damp and dark, with no sunlight coming in at all. Some scrawny, weird creatures that looked like black Pegasus were passing through the gaps in the jungle.

That was probably a thestral.

The core of Dumbledore's Elder Wand is the Thestral's tail feather.

The surrounding parents and teaching assistants gathered in twos and threes, and they whispered, saying that Dumbledore was back, and that Dumbledore was going to compromise with Voldemort.

And so on.

Someone also talked about the oriental wizard next to Dumbledore.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary commotion, He Gang honestly put on his cloak.

The narrow path is paved with smooth cobblestones.

Dark green vegetation grows in the crevices of the stones.

At least in the eyes of others.

But in He Gang's eyes...

Those plants fluttering in the wind suddenly became the tiny limb ends of one after another hideous and strange creatures.

"There's something weird about this school."

He Gang whispered to himself.

It seems that the closer you get to Hogwarts, the more weird things happen.

But these strange things cannot be seen by ordinary people.

It’s weird.

At the end of the path is a large black lake.

This is probably the Black Lake.

A huge castle with many turrets and towers stood between two high mountains, and the windows were dusty, not like the ones in the books.

On the whole, today's Hogwarts reveals horror and weirdness everywhere.

It even made He Gang doubt whether he came to the parallel world of HP or a parallel world of HP fans.

"Is there anything in here?"

He Gang pointed to the Black Lake.

He asked Alecto Caro in a low voice.

The latter answered him:

"Probably a giant squid."

giant squid.

He Gang felt a little alert in his heart.

what happened.

The squid is such a ghost...

But it was too late to think about it.

The small boats were stopping in front of the crowd.

He Gang had no choice but to set foot on it.

The fleet of boats lined up set off at the same time, as if they were gliding together on a mirror-like lake.

The boat carried them through a curtain of ivy that had grown from the face of the cliff and concealed the entrance, and along a black channel that ran directly below the castle.

It was a long time before they were about to reach an underground port.

Today's Scotland is not suitable for tourism.

The closer he got to this school, the more frightened He Gang became.

It was a gloomy day.

The clouds covered the dazzling sun, and a dark, strange light shrouded everything under the clouds.

The lights are like Hogwarts' defensive magic, only tainted by the dark wizard's mana.

He Gang raised his head, and the layers of clouds created shadows of different sizes and shapes.

Like eyeballs, gazing at everything from a high altitude, scorning low-end creatures.

It's also like a group of snoopers everywhere, which is deeply disturbing.

He Gang stood at the bow of the ship.

He is confident that if there is nothing inexplicable, it should be difficult to cause him harm by relying only on wizards or creatures in this world.

Below the wooden boat, there is a pool of bottomless water, and the light reflected by the water waves is faintly visible.

No one dared to look down, no one knew what kind of secrets were hidden under the water, what kind of twisted and unspeakable world.

A twisted tentacle, like an octopus, gradually rose from the water, blocking the path of many ships.

【boom--! 】

When no one responded.

He Gang has already shot out!
The War of the Sea Beast let out a terrifying and high-pitched roar in an instant.

The huge tentacle with a diameter of more than three meters was instantly exploded, and blood flew across the entire black lake in an instant.

People around started whispering again.

The expressions of the Carlo brothers and sisters were instantly pale.

They suddenly realized how terrifying the man in front of them was.

He Gang spat.

He held back all the way.

It was only on this lake that something finally jumped out to cause trouble.

"Is this a giant squid?"

He Gang turned his head and glanced at the Carlo brothers and sisters,
"The physical strength is not very good."

"The giant squid is already the most dangerous creature in the entire Black Lake, sir..."

Amycus Caro's voice was hoarse, but he could hear the respect and fear in it.

That's what Death Eaters are.

They are just like the Japanese, they are cheap from the bottom of their hearts, and if someone is weaker than them, they will show their viciousness on the top.

If someone is better than them, they are obedient and like a defeated dog.

The owner of the tentacle seemed to be stunned by He Gang's lightning-fast and mountain-like blow, and he hid directly in the depths of the lake without struggling for a long time.

"There's something down there."

He Gang frowned.

He saw something huge, evil, wriggling slowly in the deepest part of the lake.

that thing...

Like irregular flesh and blood.

"Could it be that this world has also been invaded by filth?"

"But it shouldn't be...their industrial level is not as high as that of the dungeon world, how can they withstand the invasion of things like filth."

"When the Hogwarts business is over, I'll come down to chat."

His voice was small.

But the thing seemed to hear it, and it actually started to tremble all over, and huddled up in an extremely weird way, trying to make itself look not so huge.

(End of this chapter)

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