Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 158 Recruitment Order of the Hall of Valor

Chapter 158 Recruitment Order of the Hall of Valor
Now that he knew the function of the alliance hall, he didn't have much to ask, and He Gang quickly disappeared from this central forum.

According to the current development progress of the dungeon, many people's levels are only over 30. After all, not every bottom information can quickly help survivors to wipe out the main and main natural enemies in the dungeon on a large scale or across classes.

There is very little bottom-level information like [Tian Tian Tavern] that can provide high-end combat power on the one hand and increase the self-protection ability of survivors on the other hand.

"Judging from the current rankings, if I want to recruit sleepwalkers, not to mention that they can help me conquer the entire world, but they must at least play some role."

"Preferably a different, but relatively safe copy theme."

The copy world that He Gang lives in cannot be said to be more dangerous than other worlds, but it is definitely among the best in terms of weirdness.

In this world, he couldn't let a purely physical warrior like Hancock go out on his own adventures.

Even a golden-level concept of filth can degenerate a warrior without mysterious side abilities into filthy flesh and blood.

He urgently needs a purely materialistic world, so that Hancock and the pure warrior followers who may be recruited later can gain experience.

There is also the world of the mysterious side.

"Can survivors enter other worlds through the alliance hall like the fighters in the base?"

He Gang suddenly remembered this episode.

If it is possible, wouldn't it mean that an alliance hall is equivalent to an extra life, and if you can't stay in the original dungeon world, you simply drag your family and move to another world?


"After inquiry, yes."

The voice of the system became more and more humane. He answered He Gang's question,
"But there is a premise, that is, to voluntarily completely abandon the system and all the facilities related to the system, and only keep the acquired attributes, equipment, followers, and bases. And the recipient has the right to initiate expulsion of the recipient at any time."

"That is to say, if I want to leave this world and go to another world, I have to give up everything and become a subject of the lord of another world, and even my personal power is not as good as before when there was no time-travel copy?"

"It's not about giving up everything, and..."

"Actually, it's almost the same."

He Gang pouted.

Leave only what has been acquired...

Looks great, but in reality?

Everyone is developing.

As time goes by, one day, everyone's combat effectiveness will surpass that of Epic and reach a high position.

At that time, what did this little reservation count for?
"Forget it, the real man An Neng lives in depression..."

He Gang thought as he walked.

"Has there been any changes in that cocoon in the past two days?"

He suddenly grabbed a half-orc aunt who was wearing an apron and carrying two gas tanks on her shoulders.

She wiped her sweat:
"No, He has been standing there, and will still shine at night."

"Oh, sorry to bother you, please be busy."

He Gang helped Auntie lift the gas tank and put it on her shoulder.

What he asked was the guardian angel of the Garden of Eden wrapped in [Michael's skin] on the peak of Glaaki, like a cicada chrysalis.

Something strange seems to be happening to this giant luminous humanoid legendary-level creature.

He Gang had a vague premonition that when the cocoon was broken and the guardian angel came out, everything would be very different.

Perhaps, the relationship between him and the Great Filth...

The momentum of offense and defense is different, and it is not necessarily true.

Go around town.

He Gang suddenly realized that he seemed to have nothing to do, and the haze blocking device was handed over to Dumbledore, and it would be triggered when he was sure that the sunlight above New York would no longer cause the large-scale pollution like in the doomsday.

Diana and Hancock were even more busy cleaning up the hidden filth of the entire area.

"Yes, and this..."

He took out a bronze token.

【Hall of Valor Recruitment Order】〖Platinum〗

[Description: You can recruit an Asgardian god of the corresponding level from any world except the current world to fight for you.

Description: Special recruitment order.

Description: Does not occupy the recruitment quota.

Description: This deity has a certain chance to carry a certain number of dependents. 】

"System, can a recruitment order with a prefix like this also be recruited with [All Heavens Tavern]?"

Before using it, he still decided to ask a wave of the system.

"The [Hall of Valor Recruitment Order] is a "camp-specified" recruitment order among the special recruitment orders. You can use the [All Heavens Tavern] to recruit, but it can only be obtained from the world where the user is located. "

As if to sever He Gang's just-rising greed, the system directly told him that even if he purchased a similar recruitment order from others with computing power, he could no longer use the Tiantian Tavern for recruitment.

After all, [Hall of Heroes Recruitment Order] does not have quotas for battles, so why can’t you keep getting stuck on bugs, buy similar things directly from other people, and then recruit in [The Tavern of the Heavens].

It doesn't matter even if the level is low.

The Bronze Recruitment Token enters the Heavens Tavern and there is a certain chance of summoning a diamond creature like Hancock.

At that time, it might be possible to directly assemble an army of high-level recruiters.

"Will this recruitment order use the quota of All Heavens Tavern?"

He Gang was still a little worried.

“The quota will not be used.”

The system answers.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

[All Heavens Tavern]'s initial recruitment quota is three, even if the recruitment order is sacrificed, the maximum quota can be increased to twelve.

If he wants to occupy a quota, then He Gang will never use this quota for the platinum-rank recruitment order.

Even if it is a designated recruitment.

"Use this recruitment order in the [All Heavens Tavern]."

He Gang gave instructions to the system.

The bronze recruitment order placed in the palm of the hand is like a mosaic of inappropriate scenes on TV news, and then disappears little by little.

Then, All Heavens Tavern began to operate.

"System log: You used [All Heavens Tavern] to sacrifice a [Hall of Valor Recruitment Order] [Platinum]."

"System log: The quality of this recruitment order has been strengthened. It is currently a diamond recruitment order."

"System log: [Zhutian Tavern] meme [Recruitment] has taken effect and is randomly matching creatures for you."

"System log: match successful."

The recruitment was successful once.

He Gang was in doubt.

Any abnormality and weirdness may be caused by filth, and any thing that is different from past experience is brewing conspiracy.

That's how the world is.

But thinking about it, there shouldn't be any filth that can affect the system, at most it's hiding the identity so that the system cannot view the panel.

"Congratulations, the fundraising was successful."

He Gang received a prompt from the system in his ear.

It's completely different from when calling other people.

Now, what appeared in front of him was a huge oval gate standing in the middle of the road, within which a chaotic vortex was slowly rotating.

The vortex bulged, and then, a creature walked out of it.

That is……

(End of this chapter)

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