Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 15 [The Recovery of Nodens] [Diamond Level Trigger Mission]

Chapter 15 [The Recovery of Nodens] [Diamond Level Trigger Mission]

All New York was shaking.

A huge roar sounded.

Dumbledore's spellcasting was extremely quick, and he actually cast a magnifying spell the moment He Gang swung his axe, and the entire high wall was smashed to pieces within a second.

The dried internal organs and twisted and squirming arms and legs of the distorted stone statue began to fall off and rot, as if decades of time had flowed from it in an instant.

The whole church suddenly lit up.

The dark night that was already shrouded in gray mist outside seemed to be unable to affect this once most sacred place.

From the cracks in those corners, a bright red liquid began to seep out, washing away all the filth like a flood.

The statue of the Calvary that was polluted by the rotten Nodens turned into marble again, its feet were covered in a red liquid that seemed to have life, and bloody tears flowed from its eyes.

Then, it shattered.

"Blood gushes out from between the rock roots and spreads to the human world. In the eternal night, it is as heavy as a rock. Apart from this, there is nothing red."

Dumbledore drew back his wand, and whispered the first lines of Orpheus Eurydice Hermes.

He walked towards He Gang, and the red liquid evaporated in an instant, and it seemed that it could only affect strangers.

He says,

"Don't move, you're badly hurt."

"I didn't know you read Muggle poetry, Professor."

He Gang endured the severe pain and said.

His left scapula was comminuted, and his throat and esophagus were damaged due to the huge force.

He struggled to get closer to the wall.

"I went to study in France in 1899. At that time, I just left Hogwarts, went to Bavaria, and met Rilke at the University of Munich."

Dumbledore carefully inspected He Gang's injuries with a serious expression.

He Gang coughed up blood and foam.

他 说:

"Seeing how serious you are, Professor, I thought I was going to die."

"You won't die."

Dumbledore drew his wand.

But at this time, there is syslog flushing.

System log: "[Friendship of the Lord of the Great Abyss] [Bronze Level Trigger Mission] has been completed."

System log: "Nodens, the Lord of the Great Abyss, recovered 8% of his authority. He noticed your plight and issued an oracle. Your injuries have recovered, your strength +1, and your stamina +1."

System log: "[Nordence's Recovery] 〖Diamond Level Trigger Task〗Completion rate 1/7."

System log: "You get 100 experience points."

System log: "Your level has reached level ten, please start the advanced task as soon as possible, the excess experience points will be stored in the level ten experience slot, but will be deducted at a rate of 50 per day."

System log: "You got contaminated holy blood*3."

System log: "You got the gun of Longinus (1/3)."

System log: "You killed [Aberration Idol - Whisper of "Meme Stop"]〖Bronze Level Filth〗. "

System log: "You got 70 experience points, howling soul*5, pure soul*1, the key of the mansion of "meme-blocking", and the cross of filth. "

System log: "Your level has reached level ten, please start the advanced task as soon as possible, the excess experience points will be stored in the level ten experience slot, but will be deducted at a rate of 50 per day."

Dumbledore was about to heal.

A mysterious force appeared on He Gang.

As if emerging from within the body.

His shattered bones are repairing, and his shattered organs are repairing themselves.

"It's Nodens."

Looking at the miraculous scene in front of him, He Gang said,

"Remember the sentence we saw when we entered the door? 'The Lord of the Great Abyss blesses and heals', one of His powers is healing."

"This place is going to collapse, we have to go back quickly."

Dumbledore stopped He Gang from continuing.

He believes that in this world, when walking in the dark, try to avoid calling names directly, and you should also avoid calling certain existing names.

Like Nodens.

"Zou Wu can take us back."

He said.

Apparition cannot be used in the church, and the outside of the church is full of dangerous gray fog. No one knows what dangerous and mysterious creatures exist in the gray fog.

Zouwu is the safest.

Now, He Gang only had time to check out that terrifying diamond-level trigger task.

【Nodens' Recovery】〖Diamond Level Trigger Mission〗

Description: Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss, is a true ancient god, possessing unparalleled power and omnipresent authority.But in the "Meme Stop" invasion, even such a great being is corrupted by something ominous.

Description: This task consists of seven branches, currently completed (1/7).

Description: The authority and reason of Nodens are awakening, and he will open up all the secrets hidden behind the weird darkness in this world for you.

Mission description: The filth of the corrupt Lord of the Great Abyss is placed in the seven cities of this land. You are lucky, the first one you encounter is only the weakest one. (The mission panel has marked the location of the seven filthy activities.)
Mission requirements: Destroy all filth and completely liberate the ancient god Nodens.

Tip: beware of the fog!
Rewards: Experience*10W, Nodens' Friendship, Diamond Collection Token*1, Holy Grail, Ancient God Authority*1, Ancient God Table*1.

It is indeed a diamond-level mission!

He Gang was speechless.

He suspects that at least half of the six remaining small tasks will be faced with high-level creatures above gold.

They followed Zouwu back to the refuge, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Promise me, don't go out at night again."

He Gang pouted.

The whole of New York was shrouded in gray fog.

In the system panel, in the [Resurrection of Nodens] mission introduction, the sentence "Be careful of the gray fog!" is marked in scary scarlet.

(End of this chapter)

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