Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 148 Secondary Biological Sequence System

Chapter 148 Secondary Biological Sequence System
What happened in Flushing?
Why would the "Old Days" Lamia in Greek mythology be connected with the roots of the World Tree in Norse mythology, and come to wake up the sleeping great filth?

Judging from the mission [Asgard's Last Wish], the roots of the Mother of Suffering World Tree and the right eye of Filth Rider Odin are still in a relatively weak state, but Lamia has lifted them from this state. What is the purpose of awakening?
From the filthy descriptions in this area, it can be seen that before the end of the world, there was a church that believed in the "Mother of Suffering", and this church was able to maintain its status in an international metropolis like New York. It has considerable autonomy and can even have its own armed forces.

"It can be speculated that the roots of the World Tree had already transformed into the Mother of Suffering and came here to develop beliefs."

He Gang thought hard, and the deeper he went into the truth about the destruction of the world at that time, the more panicked he became. When he peeled off the cover of a puzzle, he would find more puzzles hidden inside.

The convoy has begun to evacuate Flushing in an orderly manner, and they are going back along the way they came. The road is full of ashes left after the flesh and blood were burned by the high temperature.

Beside, Diana changed back into plain clothes.

She carefully cleaned the dust and the rich colonies of bacteria on a crystal-like leaf. The leaf was only the size of a palm, with clear art and science, and was constantly exuding vitality.

Not like a leaf.

Like a whole tree.

"A strange disaster happened here. No one died, but everyone was worse than dead."

Hancock leaned against the window.

Even though he was as strong as he was, he still felt muscle aches all over his body after a grueling battle with the Mother of Suffering.

You know, he's different from Diana.

The latter's body is different from ordinary people, and it does not secrete lactic acid at all, so there is no such thing as muscle fatigue.

"Mr. Dumbledore and Mr. Hart can probably answer these questions for us."

Diana adjusted her glasses.

She returned the leaves of the world to He Gang,

"This thing... may be very important in the future, I can't tell, but it's best to hide it well."

"I know."

He Gang nodded.

【World Leaf】〖Epic Material〗

[Description: The essence of the world tree, a great plant encompassing the nine realms, possesses unparalleled life and exuberant divine power.

Effect 1: Take it directly or use it after crushing and extracting. You can get protection without special circumstances.

Effect 2: Make props and equipment. 】

Presentation is minimal.

But the equipment made of epic materials...

Probably a legendary weapon, right?

Originally, the mission of the craftsman was to turn decay into magic. Although there is very little bottom information among the billions of survivors and lords now, craftsmen can still seek help from other beings.

Like the Dwarf King.

If he had not fallen nor died.

"Dumbledore's Legilimency and Rod Hart's soul search in undead magic can be used on pure soul bodies. They should be able to directly read the memories of those things, so we can know that Flushing What happened.”

He Gang said.

He always felt as if he was missing something.

But I couldn't tell what I had missed.

The trucks in the middle of this convoy have bee-thickened cans. The cans are filled with active flesh and blood that are still squirming in the streets after the Mother of Misery was hunted, those [at dawn - hungry people].

Still the same as before, He Gang could not check their attributes, but from the words that occasionally floated outside the surface of the flesh and blood, and the regular and rational wails and screams and even prayers for death in these words, it can be known that these have been transformed Although filthy human beings cannot control most of their own flesh and blood, their will is still extremely clear, and even any external stimulation felt by their five senses will be fed back into their consciousness.

As long as He Gang thought of this disgusting feeling of congestion, he couldn't help but get countless goosebumps on the back of his neck.

"Once Professor Dumbledore gets their memories, we will burn all these hungry people to ashes."

He says,

"Give them relief."

The convoy lurched forward.

Only then did He Gang notice the advanced task completed message displayed in the system log.

He opens the system panel.

[Awakened Mother of Suffering] [Lord Advanced Quest] [Quest Requirements Completed]

[Description: Do you still remember the last god who was active in this city?That's right, it is the "Old" Lamia that you have never met but wanders around you like a ghost. He tried to wake up a monster that you can't even imagine not long ago. Although you killed His followers held off on the move, but in the end he did it.

Description: The mother of misery is awakening!

Mission description: The name of the mother of suffering is "Meme Stop", she is still weak, but you must find him, kill him, and burn him to ashes as soon as possible!
Mission Requirement 1: Expel the Mother of Misery "Meme Stop".

Mission Requirement 2: Kill the Mother of Misery "Meme Stop".

Tip: You can abort a task at any time and you'll count as completing it anyway, but please note that this is your only chance to get a higher reward without putting in the corresponding effort.

Reward 1: Experience*500000, enable alliance system, enable ranking list, enable secondary biological sequence system.

Reward 2: [Alliance Hall] [Epic]*1, "Secondary Creature Sequence Extraction Scroll"*3. 】

The rewards for this advanced mission are not generous.

At least when the [Alliance Hall] was not established, He Gang had no idea what the use of this thing was.

On the other hand, his level, after accumulating an unknown amount of experience, was directly upgraded to level 59 as soon as the advanced mission was completed.

This level is definitely the best among all survivors.

Unless there is a lucky person, the bottom information is to increase the speed of experience acquisition and there are no advanced tasks.

After all, if the 50th-level advanced task of each world dungeon needs to kill or expel an epic-level creature, it is estimated that more than [-]% of the people will be stuck here and cannot move.

After walking for less than an hour, the convoy walked out of Flushing without being blocked by inexplicable filth.

Looking back, there seemed to be a hazy white light floating in the sky above Flushing.

After watching for a long time, even He Gang would feel a little dizzy.

He quickly turned away and continued to check out the functions he would get after the upgrade.

【Secondary Biological Sequence System】?
what is this?
He Gang clicked on this interface.

A string of garbled codes gathered into a stream of information and poured into his mind.

[Acquire and implement the strengthening effect brought by the biological sequence on the host body. 】

[Extract secondary biological sequences. 】

There are only two functions.

But it made He Gang's eyes shine.

(End of this chapter)

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