Chapter 13 Resurrection
【Zouwu】〖Silver Level Creature〗〖Magic Part Level Category XXXXX〗

Description: From the ancient record "Shan Hai Jing", the mysterious circus animal trainer Skander captured this mysterious and powerful creature in the mysterious East in 1927, and carried out cruel torture.It was rescued by Newt, who was rushed to Paris, and was transferred to Dumbledore's care along with most other magical animals in 1950. Together with the Phoenix, it became the latter's arm, but it was not known.

Description: In Lin's country, there is a rare beast, as big as a tiger, with five harvests and a tail longer than its body. It is called Zouwu, and it can travel thousands of miles a day.

Status: Baby, Full, Healthy, Angry

Rating: 9
Strength: 11 (+1)

Stamina: 4.5
Stamina: Max+
Sanity: 2—4.7〖The decline rate of the San value of the beast is reduced by 80%, and the sanity is always greater than (Max+Min)÷2〗

Talent 1: Dispelling Evil and Preventing Yi (Zouwu is a creature of the same level as "Memetic Blocker" in its world. It hates unknown chaos and dark evil. When facing chaos/evil/dark camp creatures/non-creatures, it is permanently in Angry state, strength +1, and damage dealt to it is increased by 30%.)
Talent 2: Travel Thousands of Miles Every Day (100% increase in speed determination from strength attribute.)
Skill 1: Flickering (Zouwu's ability is not supported by any existing scientific theory at all. It can carry out a short-distance space transition with a maximum load of 1.5T. The longest transition distance is 13.7KM, and the cooling time is 30 minutes.)
Skill 2: The Benevolent is Invincible (Zouwu is one of the four benevolent beasts in ancient times in the East. It has the power bestowed by "Meme Blocking". It can summon the phantom of the other three benevolent beasts in a short time. The phantom has part of the body's power .)
The creature that appeared in front of me looked like a lion, but it was even more powerful. It was at least three times bigger than the Siberian tiger, the largest existing on earth, with a body length of four meters. A lot longer.

Beautiful, hideous, huge, full of power.

As soon as it appeared, the remaining pieces of carrion on the ground, on the walls that had been burned black by the fierce fire, and even on the clothes of Dumbledore and He Gang all turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared.

There is brilliant light scattered.

The gray mist that had escaped into the church was touched by this bright light, and it immediately melted away like butter touching a red-hot blade.

"With this divine beast, why didn't you use it earlier?"

He Gang rolled his eyes.

Zouwu's strength attribute is exactly the same as that of the distortion statue, and it is still in its infancy, and its level is only level 9.

I don't know how the All Heavens Tavern is calculated, such things can also be summoned together with Dumbledore as an incidental item.

To say that this is also a silver-level creature, if it is summoned alone, I am afraid that it will also need a recruitment order.

And there's more than one magical animal in Newt's box.

From this point of view, Dumbledore is still a little old man with treasures.

Dumbledore took out a cat teaser, and Zou Wu rubbed against him like a big cat.

And the distorted statue with a negative sanity also seemed to feel the difference in the thing in front of it. It stopped howling, and even started to flinch a little.

"It's fragile and probably the last Zouwu in the world."

The movement of casting the spell on his hand did not stop, Dumbledore explained while teasing the cat,
"You see, I am a professor. As a professor, I don't want to let down the trust of my students."

The church seemed to brighten up.

But when the bright light illuminated the surroundings, He Gang couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.

Those walls that were supposed to be burnt black... turned out to be piled up with rotten and dry internal organs like the body of a deformed god!

Some of the internal organs even seemed to have not lost their vitality, and were still slowly squirming and twitching.

"Do you know Professor, I thought the lethal curse in the Unforgivable Curse was a mortal curse."

"It's true for people or normal creatures, because it's a curse by its very nature."

Dumbledore released another Avada Kedavra as he spoke, but it had little effect on the deformed statue, not even as good as a brass bullet, he said,
"The thing in front of us is similar in essence to the Sphinx statues of some wizard tribes in the Nile River Valley of Egypt. It is a kind of magic that gives them life. It's just that the real Sphinx and some Sphinx sculptures are given life. Obscure ancient Egyptian spells, but this thing in front of you..."

He was silent for a moment, as if thinking of a more appropriate word.

After a few seconds he said:
"It's like some kind of curse that gave life to this thing, a very vicious curse."

"You know that the Unforgivable Curses are actually curses created by ancient evil wizards with great malice to life and powerful mana. These curses are very useful when applied to normal life, but once you encounter the same curse things, it’s hard to work.”

Dumbledore is worthy of being the greatest headmaster Hogwarts has ever had, and he quickly found a suitable theory.

He added:
"There are also some materials with magic immunity that can also resist these curses, such as the scales of dragons and the skin of giants, but the effect is not so significant."

Zuowu was already fighting against the deformed idol whose physical strength had bottomed out. The former's speed was so fast that it was unimaginable. He Gang could only see a bunch of phantoms.

But the latter's body is also indestructible, not much better than the fire dragon.

"That mural is gradually dimming!"

He Gang noticed the changes in the murals behind the distorted statue, and it seemed that something frightening was happening in this church.

Shell casings clanked under his feet.

I don't know why I always feel restless.

He glanced at the distorted idol whose internal organs were torn off piece by piece under Zouwu's sharp claws, and then at the shattered tentacles, arms and legs.

Eyelids are twitching.

Boom-! !

Accompanied by Zouwu's roar declaring victory, the deformed statue shed its filth and turned back into a white marble sculpture.

Bits of white stone were scattered throughout the hall.

"It seems to be over..."

He Gang was a little confused, he murmured in a low voice.

But suddenly, he reacted——

"Go! Professor! We must leave immediately! That thing is not dead!"

he shouted.

The system log is not updated!

The prompt that the task is completed does not appear!

What’s even more terrifying is that his sanity continues to slowly decline!


Get out of this damn church!

With Zouwu's flashes, they can get out of here quickly!

But then, the gray mist rushed into the church again, accompanied by a surge of babies crying and whispering in sleep!
Another dim light cast from the window.

A tall shadow stood there.

The deformed idol is back!
(End of this chapter)

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