Chapter 104 Diana Prince

When the incessant and dizzying system voice finally stopped, He Gang gasped for breath.

This time, probably because the summoned creature was directly at the epic level, the system kept repeating "memetic blocking" for several minutes.

What appeared in front of him was a beautiful, beautiful woman.

The first thing He Gang noticed was her slender, straight legs, and then her western face, which was very in line with the aesthetics of oriental people.

She was wearing a crown of starlight, a delicate metal battle suit glowing wine red, and a short skirt of unknown material.

"Long time no see, Diana."

He Gang was the first to break the calm.

He quickly digested the memories in his mind, and then said hello to the woman who appeared.

"Something told me you needed help, Koko, so here I am."

Diana tightened her grip on the long sword and noose, she shrugged her nose,
"Ominous and evil smell... so where are our enemies?"

He Gang could see the attributes of Diana's armor.

They are all epic weapons!
Horrible configuration.

"It's a long story... I'm afraid the whole world is our enemy."

He Gang handed Diana a device that was exchanged from someone else and could automatically collect video and picture information when wearing it.
"It's a good thing you came here instead of Superman. There's not much sunlight here, and I suspect that sunlight may not be a good thing either."

Indeed, if Superman is summoned this time, even if his level is legendary or even mythical, it may be difficult for him to show his talents in such a copy of the earth that is forever shrouded in haze.

After all, everyone knows Kryptonians' weaknesses and rigid needs. If the sun doesn't shine for a long time, Superman may become very weak.

This is not the same as Hancock.

Hancock also possesses great power, and even because of his racial talent [Dark Twin], his power continues to increase endlessly.

But he has few weaknesses.

The only weakness is also separated by an unknown number of worlds.

Diana sat down on the edge of the bed.

He Gang hurriedly selected a suitable coat from the exchange and handed it to her.

As for unreasonable thoughts...

Forget it, I don't have this idea for the time being, what is the house for when the filth is not yet determined.

They just sat in the room so quietly.

long time.

He Gang leaned against the table and fell asleep.


The sound of the device being turned off due to power loss is very crisp.

"What, what's going on?"

He Gang stood up abruptly, wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, he was a little dazed,
"what happened?"

"I have seen the situation of this world and the earth, it is very bad, I have to say, it is so bad that it is almost hopeless..."

"We have seen the fate of planets at war with Apocalypse from some documents or relics before. It is hard to say who is more desperate than here."

Diana sat up.

She frowned slightly.

she says,

"Maybe we need to get the Justice League together and get some other help to calm the crisis here."

"Looking at it now, we estimate that it will be difficult to get support..."

He Gang scratched the back of his head,

It is impossible for him to use the first opportunity to use [Heaven] to open the "door" to the Justice League universe.

The main reason is that it is too dangerous there, and the difficulty of the strategy mission is estimated to be very high, and there is even a certain possibility of facing the dark lord Darkseid directly.

To face Darkseid directly, it is better to let He Gang release Nodens, the Lord of the Great Abyss, and find trouble with the culprit together.

In contrast, Hancock's world is the safest and easiest to conquer.

After all, the extraordinary power that appeared from the beginning to the end plus his ex-girlfriend is only two, and at most one more has created their high position.

But no matter how you look at that high position, it looks like the justice/order/light camp.

Maybe there is still a chance to lure him into this world to fight against the filth.

"If the Justice League can still be contacted, is there any chance for the humans here to be resurrected, such as time and space reverse flow...?"

"Time-space countercurrent is probably very difficult to work in this world."

He Gang shook his head.

Unlike the DC universe, there is no tricky thing like the Speed ​​Force to change time here.

To make time go backwards, there is only anti-entropy.

The energy required is so huge that the system has never released any relevant abilities, talents or skills.

"In that case, why don't we go back?"

Diana wondered.

She is indeed kind and full of sense of justice, but if the world has already been determined to be destroyed and there are no lives that can be saved, why not escape here?

"It's... hard for me to explain..."

He Gang blushed.

He does have the idea.

The system did not give a warning.

He was going to conquer Hancock's world, and he just dragged his family with him and never came back.

"By the way, the battle outside is still going on, maybe they need your help, Diana."

He Gang had no choice but to send Wonder Woman away.

There is still an epic recruitment order that has not been used.

He is going to take advantage of today to directly pull the strength of his body to the strongest.

Before that, he was going to take a look at Diana's attribute panel.

【Diana Prince】〖Epic〗〖Part One〗

[Description: Princess of Amazon, living on Paradise Island, Diana received training since she was a child and determined to become an invincible warrior. She has great divine power and her skills are becoming more and more extraordinary, but she is always kind in her heart.A superhero as beautiful as Aphrodite, as wise as Athena, more agile than Hermes, and stronger than Hercules.

Rating: 45
Power: 613.125
Stamina: 630.5
Stamina: Max+
Sanity: 30〖Goddess of Wisdom Athena bestowed Diana with outstanding wisdom and gave her the ability to resist mind attacks, making most illusions and mind manipulation techniques ineffective against her, and ordinary mind reading techniques were also ineffective against her.This is the reason why Diana has a rationality like a "false god". 〗

Talent 1: Power of Demeter (Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, bestowed Diana with an incomparable body, making her as strong as Hercules. Initial strength +150, initial endurance +150.) (Demeter Diana was also given super resistance to blows, which can resist a variety of physical attacks and magical attacks.) (Unparalleled self-healing ability is essential, Diana is almost the most versatile superhero, her physical recovery speed is 100% of ordinary people times, and since there is no lactic acid production, Diana does not feel tired.)
Talent 2: Power of Artemis (Artemis gave Diana the ability to communicate with any animal with positive sanity.)
Talent 3: Adaptation (His body is extremely powerful and can adapt to all extreme environments in the world, including space and deep sea.)
Talent 4: Fighting Master (Diana is proficient in unarmed and armored fighting, and is familiar with various weapons. She is a rare fighting master in the world.)
Talent 5: Tactical Expert (As an Amazonian princess, Diana has a natural charisma, has enough courage and resourcefulness and is good at negotiation and political means.)
Talent 6: Linguistic genius (Diana is proficient in multiple languages ​​- Shemis Gaelic, Ancient Greek, Greek, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and Hindi. She feels that Cantonese pronunciation It's a bit difficult to speak well. She can also imitate the speech of others exquisitely.)
Talent 7: Immortality (the sequence talent of the biological sequence "Demigod", has a body that will not die due to aging and disease.)
Talent 8: High Field (Any creature will undergo a qualitative change after crossing the diamond level. This qualitative change is unparalleled, and it is even enough to master or ignore certain rules. Diana has mastered "force".)
Skill 1: Super Strength (passive, initial strength increased by 100, growth strength increased by 2.)
Skill 2: Super Stamina (passive, initial stamina increases by 100, growth stamina increases by 2.)
Skill 3: Hestia's Truth (Diana can always keep her sanity constant, she will hardly fall, unless in the case of "meme blocking", the sanity value will become negative.)
Skill 4: Super Senses (Goddess of Hunting Artemis also endowed her with super-sense abilities, which greatly enhanced her senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Diana has super vision, can see far, and Help her lock on the target better and improve the accuracy of the strike.)
Skill 5: Athena's Sight (gain enhanced insight, can quickly perceive other people's emotional changes, and all creatures whose biological sequence is lower than "advanced" cannot escape perception.)]

(End of this chapter)

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