Chapter 101 Gift
The moment after the nuclear explosion ended, it seemed that time was suspended.

A majestic wind of resistance against which nothing can resist swept from the west, and in this wind was the endless light of the Holy Spirit.

The violent hurricane swept across from the west like a sword, and the haze of the entire sky was swept away in an instant, and the starry sky that was brighter, brighter, and greater than any moment in the past appeared in He Gang's eyes.

The starry sky seemed to merge into one, and in everyone's horrified sight, it became an incomparably huge eyeball, even the earth beside it was like a cell.

The eyes of the eye were fixed on the entire planet, and then in an instant, terrifying things flowed out from the gaps between the bright stars and descended on a certain city in Western Europe.

That thing is like locusts, covering the sky and covering the sky, and the passing sky stops the hurricane in an instant, and the thicker, strange and smelly haze reappears and covers the entire sky in an instant.

Then, the frantic impact of fierce holy light and evil darkness intertwined followed one after another.

It's like something is fighting.

In the crusade.

"Something is going on..."

He Gang gritted his teeth. He and Travis wrapped themselves in thick special clothing that could almost completely block radiation, and walked slowly into the city that was completely destroyed by the nuclear bomb.

Fortunately, they have no reason to continue westward. As long as they enter Moscow, go to Red Square, and get the "gift", they can return to New York.

A full two weeks have passed.

Even though Hancock and Glacier have returned to New York, the situation there is not optimistic.

The end of the countdown means another intensification of the filth.

They're... dangerous.

Even the average level has reached the terrifying level 60. You know, even if the level is only bronze, a level 60 filth can easily kill a low-level golden creature.

The whole city has been changed beyond recognition.

The front was bombed by nuclear bombs, there was no interception, no stop loss, and no interference.

Moscow, with its iron will, its long and glorious history, and its greatness, has turned into a blackened, hot, clean and empty ruin.

All things perish.

Everything is dead.

Perhaps when the filth first came, the leader who commanded everything here should have put an end to it all.

But...why didn't they...

He Gang's eyes suddenly became astigmatized.

Feelings of dizziness and vomiting surged due to the horror of horror.


It was the system that took over all high-risk weapons at the most dangerous time for human beings in this world!
It is He who has locked all of humanity's hopes into a small module that humans in this world will never be able to touch.

Asset transfer interface...

The moment he thought about this clearly, He Gang suddenly stopped thinking about it. He used the closed brain method he learned from Dumbledore to turn off this memory.

That's why the bigger weirdness didn't come.

In the wind, there was the sound of ashes being turned not far away, like a group of snakes waking up from hibernation crawling out of the cave, it was the newborn filth hidden in the ashes standing up, their bodies were extremely deformed, and they were made of various Composed of charred, withered organs and limbs.

Weak, evil, weird.

But these nascent filth did not attack He Gang.

They stood up stupidly, and then sat down again, with obvious doubts on their ugly faces.

"I have been to this city before, in 17, with my father. At that time, my mother died due to a medical accident. We came out to relax."

"I lived here for about a semester. My father suffered from liver cancer due to alcoholism and passed away."

He Gang crushed an unknown skull that was already so fragile that it was full of cracks, and he led Travis forward.

The streets here have been melted, and it is impossible to see what it used to be like, and there are probably no landmark buildings anymore.

He Gang used his computing power to buy a passable off-road vehicle.

I can't tell what brand it is, it is probably produced in a guy's base.

The dark brown appearance makes it look like a crawling turtle, driving on the slightly undulating blackened asphalt road.

These asphalt roads were melted by the high temperature, and then solidified again after a period of cold, but its surface is no longer flat, like a slightly rippling lake.

The wind was a bit strong, blowing a lot of fine dust contaminated by nuclear radiation.

Debris or ashes reflecting beautiful and coquettish light fell from the sky, like a colorful blizzard. He Gang had to turn on the wipers to scrape away the ashes falling on the windshield.

Probably every American has thought about bombing this place ten or eight times with a nuclear bomb.

now they are gone
He Gang did blow up this place with a nuclear bomb.

He Gang looked at the last remaining ruins of this steel city through the car window. The buildings on both sides of the main road had completely collapsed and crumbled, and it was pitch black. There were still some abandoned or destroyed tanks and battlegrounds on the road The wagon's body lay there, the stately cast iron lamp melted at its weakest joints, now tottering like hurricane-blown bamboo.

Come to think of it, that once great country has been dead for 30 years.

It was once a sacred place in the hearts of a class of people all over the world, and it was once full of hope for change.

But the country is not getting better.

For 17 years, the former glory of the empire can still be seen through snow-covered Russia.

The Byzantine architecture of the tsarist era is adjacent to the Soviet-style architecture, making people think that Empress Catherine and the leaders of later generations stand side by side.

Now, now everything is in ruins under the nuclear explosion.

He Gang withdrew his gaze.

He allowed himself to focus on the front.

Red Square is near.

Walking around the ruins of shapeless buildings, they came across the square.

"The disaster of flesh and blood is dead."

He Gang stopped the car on the side of the road.

He opened the door of the car, and then smoked a cigarette, white smoke rings curled up, out of tune with the black surroundings.

In front of you, the parade ground that was stepped by the world's most ferocious army has now been razed to the ground together with the surrounding Kremlin Palace and museums.

Like a dry corpse in an oil field spread out, lying on the ruins, it can no longer see what it looked like when it was alive. Most of the flesh and blood on its body have been vaporized and evaporated, and the rest has become coke, from flesh to bones. As for the possible existence of the soul, this thing is dead beyond death.

Travis easily cut open its corpse with the great sword infused with holy light in his hand.

In the middle of what was once the Red Square, there were quaint, old boxes.

No dust, no damage.

A gift from another group of great people is there, waiting for He Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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