Chapter 95

Li Xiao had been a bodyguard before, so of course he could understand the mentality of those loyal bodyguards.

Seeing the employer sitting on the ground in disheveled clothes, of course he would think that something bad happened and wanted to kill the person who hurt the employer.

Very reasonable misunderstanding.

Understandable is understandable, but it doesn't mean that Li Xiao can just watch that tomboy-like little bodyguard rush up and strangle him to death.

Standing up quickly, with four or two strokes of strength, he grabbed Yang Yang's arm and sent it lightly forward. The little bodyguard rolled to Su Manyu's side like a rolling gourd.

"Yang Yang, don't be nervous, I'm fine, help me up."

Su Manyu spoke at the right time, and Yang Yang's irritable mood disappeared instantly, as if being poured down by a basin of cold water.

She didn't dare to ask any more questions, she didn't even raise her head to look at Li Xiao again, and hurriedly helped Su Manyu back into the car.

Sitting on the comfortable leather seat, Su Manyu finally regained the noble and elegant posture of the past, and smiled at Li Xiao: "It seems that you are recovering quickly."

"That's just a little snake venom. I can solve the problem by urinating."

Li Xiao smiled with his hands behind his back. At this time, there was no need to continue pretending, Shi Shiran walked towards Su Manyu.

Don't think that so many things that happened in the afternoon can make him forget the previous transaction.

It's settled, 500 yuan an hour to accompany Su Manyu, roughly 3000 to [-] hours should be enough, that's about [-] yuan, and it's time to pay... hey, hey?

Before reaching the side of the car, Su Manyu suddenly closed the door.

Yang Yang, who had already got into the driver's seat, started the car without saying a word, as if as long as Li Xiao dared to stand still in front of the car, she would dare to run over him with the accelerator pedal.

Is it worth risking your life for 3000 yuan?
Of course not worth it!

He suddenly dodged to the side of the road, and the black car drove past like the wind.

"Damn it, Su Manyu, do you still want to renege on such a big boss?"

He shouted angrily.

The car suddenly stopped a hundred meters away.

As soon as Li Xiao turned his worries into joy, he saw the rear window opened, and Su Manyu poked his head out of the car.

"Li Xiao, one year is our agreement."

The voice fell, and the wheels rolled.

Su Manyu saw the furious figure through the rear window, with a comfortable smile that had never been seen on his face.

That way, it's like a little girl's self-satisfaction after teasing her boyfriend.

Yang Yang, who was driving, saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and was so shocked that his brain almost froze.

What broke her down even more was that when Su Manyu turned around with a smile all over her face, she actually asked to herself, "Tell me, what would happen if I rejected the marriage contract with Pearl Dragon's family?" as a result of?"

Yang Yang's heart trembled, the whole car wobbled back and forth on the road like a drunk man.

Su Manyu hurriedly reached out, pressed Yang Yang's shoulder, and said softly, "Don't tell anyone what happened today. Also, help me contact the company's finance department and ask them to check the value of the office building opposite Qinghe Jiangdong Pharmaceutical Company , can you buy it in the shortest possible time.”

The topic changed abruptly.

Yang Yang was finally able to ask questions: "Boss Su, what are you buying there for?"

"Send someone."

Su Manyu's words were understated.

No matter how hard Yang Yang forced himself to calm down, he couldn't help shouting "I'm a shocking grass" more than a dozen times in his heart. What kind of virtue and ability does that Li Xiao have to make Mr. Su buy a building for him? he.

The blessings that kid has cultivated in several lifetimes?

It's a pity that Li Xiao himself didn't know about this matter, and he didn't think it was a blessing. He only felt that he owed someone in his previous life to let him experience so much suffering.

He had just been poisoned by a severe poison, and he had to walk back to the city on foot after surviving death.

It was agreed before that Su Manyu not only had to pay his salary, but also sent a car to take him back.

As a result, there was no hair at all!

"Sure enough, it's easy to rise and fall, easy to reverse and easy to regain a woman's heart! What a shitty one-year agreement, I don't want to see you for the rest of my life."

Cursing and swearing, suddenly, a taxi slowly stopped on the side of the road.

Li Xiao quickly ran over with a smile on his face.

"Master, can you take an order and pay for it in two days? You don't need to go too far, just send me back to the city."

The driver master also smiled, stepped on the accelerator, and walked away.


Another sunny morning.

Chen Defa stands in front of the company's gate full of energy. He has nothing to do. He is more happy than having a job to do and being able to support his family with a fixed salary every month.

Yesterday afternoon, all the investigation teams stationed in Jiangdong Pharmaceutical were withdrawn.

The company is running normally without any issues.

I heard that Mr. Qian, who caused trouble for Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, also had a car accident because of racing with others, and was admitted to the hospital.

It seemed like a huge crisis, but it disappeared in just one day, and nothing happened.

Lao Chen, who regards the company as his family, is deeply aware of how powerful Mr. Ning's methods are, and of course he will be extremely happy about it, and put all his energy into his work.

But it's definitely very frustrating to see a dirty guy blocking the door of the company just after standing on the post.

Chen Defa frowned, and walked over, as if chasing away a blind beggar, but he got closer and closer, and when he saw the face of that person clearly, he was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Li, Li Ban? You, you, how did you become like this?"

Old Chen exclaimed, he couldn't believe that the person in front of him could be Li Xiao.

A wrinkled and muddy suit, oily hair and curly hair, and a bearded face, he was a completely different person from the handsome look he used to be.

"Old Chen, buy me some breakfast, I'm starving to death."

"Okay, monkey, you two, come here quickly, and take Li Ban into the lounge."

Chen De issued an order, handed Li Xiao over to two young security guards, ran to the breakfast shop at the intersection, and bought a lot of food all at once.

After eating more than 30 steamed buns and two large bowls of rice porridge, Li Xiao finally recovered from that weak state, half lying on the sofa in the security lounge, with a cigarette in his mouth, tears in his eyes , lamenting how wonderful it is to live a full life.

Next to him, Chen Defa was still helpfully peeling the egg shells, and handed over the crystal clear boiled eggs.

With an expression of admiration on his face, Old Chen raised his thumbs up at Li Xiao: "Li Ban, I, Old Chen, have lived for so many years, and you are the first person I admire. You have suffered a lot for the company. Fortunately, now the rain is over and the sky is clear, you and Mr. Ning co-directed a good show, which has achieved fruitful results, congratulations."

Li Xiao was holding the egg and was about to stuff it into his mouth, when he heard these words suddenly, he began to doubt his ears.

"What a good show? When did I act with Ning Xiaoxi?"

(End of this chapter)

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