Chapter 886 Crisis
As the saying goes, soldiers never tire of cheating.

Li Xiao and Zhang Boshu have been acting together for so long. After more than three months of group training, they have already trained to know the other party's plan with just one look.

When Li Xiao yelled just now, Guta gave him those grenades.

It seems to be rushing out, but in fact it is to use this method to deal an irresistible blow to the enemy.

Lian Jing and the others who retreated back returned to the room they had temporarily avoided.

The grenade thrown by Li Xiao fell far in the middle of the crowd of the big team. Many people only saw a black shadow falling down. How could they react to what was going on in such a short time.

Li Xiao, who was well prepared, reached out and snatched away the bulletproof shields of the two people around him and lay down on his back in front of him.

Everything happens in an instant.


Those fresh teams that Pirlo had placed high hopes on just came out and just ran a few steps forward, without doing anything meaningful, they were destroyed.

The formation broke up.

Especially in such an explosion in a confined space, death is actually the best result. It is even more terrifying to be dizzy and bleeding from the ears by the shock wave.

The short-term loss of combat effectiveness made them face even more terrifying storms.

Li Xiaomeng pushed the bulletproof steel plate, pushing away the two people who were unconscious on top of him.

At the same time, Lian Jing and the others came back and met up with Li Xiao to start the second round of fighting.

What was originally very difficult, just because of this unexpected grenade attack, became much easier than the first time I dealt with it.

On the other side of the stairs on the second floor, Pirlo, who saw everything clearly, was shocked and even more furious.

"It's too cunning. Put down the gate and let them rush, I want to see how long they can last!"

With a creak, the gate fell.

The way out was closed again, not only blocking Li Xiao's way forward, but also blocking the retreat of many guards.

Logically speaking, at this time, Li Xiao should stop.

Even if all the enemies in front of them are eliminated, so what, the gate that cannot be shaken by manpower is definitely not something they can cross.

Perhaps it was more appropriate to say so ten minutes ago.

But now things are completely different.


"Enemy attack, there are enemies coming in."

A horrified shout came from behind Pirlo, making the guy who directed most of the battle feel bad.

Why was he working so hard and trying to catch Li Xiao at all costs? Was it because he wanted to use those people as hostages to resist other teams that were about to attack.

He didn't realize how long he spent here. Anyway, before the hostages could be obtained, the people who surrounded and suppressed them had already arrived.

In the eyes, there are a few brave and fierce people who are not inferior to those inside, like the heavenly soldiers descending, and they came to a place quite close to Pirlo in the blink of an eye.

The six reserve members of the battle spirit had sufficient weapons and ammunition, and they even came to support Li Xiao and the others with a brave momentum. They didn't care about life and death at all, let alone how many people blocked them in front of them.

Bullets flew across, and the team outside responsible for protecting Pirlo was forced to retreat, and Pirlo's entire face was stuck to the gate.

Only six people came here and they were so brave, if there were more, there would be no chance of him surviving.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

Pirlo was scared.

Even if he couldn't escape the end of death in the end, he still wanted to live a second longer.

But the question is, where else can this retreat?

The road behind was blocked, and the killing god in front was getting closer and closer.

They could only move horizontally to the corridor on the second floor.

"Open the door, open the door quickly and let the people inside come out to support."

Most of the people were sent to the third floor by Pirlo, realizing that it was impossible to stop what was left behind, and he didn't care much, just wanted to protect himself with the number of people.

The more people there are, the more secure he feels.

Kachacha gate opened again.

Just climbing out may not necessarily be regarded as a high-end combat power that can protect Pirlo.

These people were also scared. They were so frightened by Li Xiao and the others inside that they had no ability to resist at all.

As soon as the gate behind him opened, of course he escaped by rolling and crawling.

Who would have imagined that as soon as he came out, he would meet the same terrifying person.

The scene became more and more chaotic, with hundreds of people crowded in the narrow corridor, all desperately trying to get out of the way.

The end result is...

"Report, all the reserve members of the battle spirit are here!"

The six people who rushed over finally met Li Xiao and the others. There was nothing more morale-inspiring than standing beside the reinforcements.

Li Xiao was too tired and didn't want to say anything more, but nodded with the most sincere smile and said: "Go, let's rush out together alive!"

"Get out alive!"

There were five people inside before, and they couldn't stop them.

They couldn't stop the six people behind.

Now that all the staff are ready, how can anyone in the world stop me.

Pirlo completely gave up all his previous thoughts. At this moment, the only request is to let these ruthless people go as soon as possible. The farther the better, even if it is death, he does not want to face these terrible guys before he dies.

The chief general is so cowardly, how can the people under him continue to work hard.

This time, they really didn't receive too many obstacles, so Li Xiao and the others successfully left the staircase area and went directly to the basement level.

At this time, the idea of ​​using some diving equipment to escape from the bottom has become irrelevant.

Who would take the risk of getting into a difficult situation if they could go out well.

As their figures disappeared into the stairwell, many base guards here seemed to have their souls taken away by something, and they collectively collapsed on the ground.

Pirlo looked out from behind the crowd with lingering fear, and asked loudly: "Are you gone, are you all gone?"

Thinking about it is also a bit ridiculous, and even more sad.

With regard to the guarding forces with such combat effectiveness, it will be a matter of time before they are wiped out.

Li Xiao and the others couldn't see what happened behind them, but when they breathed the fresh air again, they felt like they had walked around hell before returning.

Zhang Boshu and the others didn't want to talk anymore.

There were only a few reserve team members who supported each other, especially Professor Geng, whose legs were no longer in control, and prepared to evacuate towards the safe area.

It seems that everything is over.

However, Li Xiao's heart tightened suddenly, he rushed out with a stride, grabbed the micro punch in Lian Jing's hand, turned his head and pulled the trigger.


Li Xiao reacted so quickly to a life-threatening danger.

But after two crisp jingles, he found that his reaction seemed useless.

Behind the towering gate fortress at the exit of this base, some kind of unknown creature with a hideous face looked over with gloomy eyes.

Just out of the wolf's den, and into the tiger's den.

They should not forget that the most terrifying thing here is not Pirlo's people, but the uncontrollable monster they created.

(End of this chapter)

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