The toughest man in the city

Chapter 883 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 883 Meeting in a narrow road



Although there were only six people, the slogan before the battle was more shocking than thousands of troops.

Li Xiao, who got enough ammunition and equipment from Guta, nodded at the others, and immediately flew out.

The man was still in the middle of the corridor, and he pulled the trigger at the base guards who started to walk forward.

One round of bullets, no need to think about the outcome.

The mouth of the corridor where the eye can see is full of people, all of them are from the other party. If one group falls, more people will swarm up.

After knocking open the door of the room opposite the corridor, Li Xiao rolled in, and the opponent's weapons pointed at him.

It was also at this time that Lian Jing and the others who cooperated tacitly also broke out.

That's how the horn of battle sounded.

A corridor no more than [-] meters long became a purgatory on earth.

The people on Li Xiao's side no longer knew how many enemies he had killed. The only thing they could see was that the frontline troops of the other side were getting closer and closer to them.

This is really piling up with human life.

Pirlo issued a death order, even if there was only the last person left, he had to drag the guys who lurked in to be buried with him.He himself sits at the rear, and anyone who is afraid of death and retreats will be punished by shooting him on the spot.

The threat of death behind them caused these people to explode with unimaginable bloodiness.

They really rushed forward with their heads bowed. The people in front were already dead, and they were holding them tightly in their hands as human shields.

When the distance between the two sides was less than 20 meters, Li Xiao looked at the few bullets in his hand, put the weapon back, and raised his hand to draw out the military thorn.

Lian Jing and the others in the opposite room didn't need her to say anything, and they did the same thing.

The distance is getting closer, and only close combat can be carried out.

The flames ceased, causing the guards of Fuyun Island who had approached infinitely to be stunned.

Then I saw the rooms on both sides, and people came out in unison.

How much they hoped that these guys came out and surrendered. In that case, they would definitely not hesitate to act like they did to those guys before, and would definitely treat Li Xiao and others with the attitude of treating heroes.

It's a pity that ideals are full, and reality is very skinny.

Li Xiao and the others stood side by side in the corridor, blocking the entire passage tightly.

Behind them was Professor Geng holding a few micro punches.

As a researcher at a resident research institute, Professor Geng also underwent rigorous training when he was young. Although he had never experienced such a scene in his life before, and even though his legs were a little weak from fright, he still hugged him tightly. The things in the arms, do the logistics work at any time.

He knew very well that as long as he followed the people in front of him closely, he didn't have to worry about anything.

They will protect him with their lives.

In any case, he was the last one to die.

A chilling atmosphere permeated the entire corridor.

After a short period of silence, Li Xiao stretched out the middle one, and said in a low voice, "Come on!"

After the voice fell, the whole person flew out like an arrow from the string.

The people on the opposite side were stunned. What a joke. At such a close distance, those people were charging forward with only cold weapons. Isn't this looking for death?

In a daze for a moment, the teammates in the front row who had given up on using them as shields raised their guns in unison.

Their speed is already fast enough, but what is on the other side is the fighting spirit, the invincible fighting spirit from the east, the speed is definitely beyond the imagination of these mobs.

In an instant, Li Xiao and the other five picked up the hot weapons that had just been put away, and the last bullets poured out, sweeping away the area like cutting leeks.

The empty weapons were not thrown away casually, the five of them acted almost at the same time, they flew out with a swish, and the few people were dizzy when they were smashed again. In just a moment, Li Xiao was the first to rush into the crowd, with the gun in his hand The army thorn waved cleanly.

Five people stood in an arc, protecting Professor Geng in the middle, and rushed forward.

In the past, some people always said that they had to kill a bloody road.

At this moment, what Li Xiao and others did was exactly like this.

Professor Geng walked forward with his eyes completely closed. He didn't dare to look at everything around him. He only knew that if the people in front didn't fall down, there wouldn't be any danger to him.

There is a saying that when you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

The bravery of Li Xiao and the others was completely beyond their imagination. Whether it was directly facing those people who seemed to be swept by a strong wind with swords, lights and swords, or only heard shouts behind them, and it was unclear what the situation was, the brigade members were all surrounded by five people. His momentum was awed.

No one dared to move forward, retreat, and could not stop retreating.

"Are you all idiots? Why retreat? Pounce on them and crush them to death with my body!"

Pirlo's roar spread from upstairs.

The first few people seemed to have received a revelation from God, they gritted their teeth fiercely, gave up everything, and rushed forward with open arms.

Li Xiao was alone, he could kick the first two away, but he couldn't kick the dozen or so people who followed him.

A slight sideways dodge caused fatal damage to the opponent in an instant, but it still couldn't prevent the two people from smashing into Zhang Boshu and Lian Jing with inertia.

The thin young guy and the lesbian who lacked strength were knocked back two steps involuntarily.

Just such a gap, another four or five people rushed up, trying to separate Li Xiao from the others.

"Change formation! Wheels move forward!"

This was Li Xiao's command as the captain during the battle. It's not that he hasn't trained with Zhang Boshu and the others, but he has also earnestly studied the combat methods summed up by many predecessors in close combat.

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Boxu and Lian Jing, who had already taken two steps back, retreated again.

Guta and Han Dali quickly stepped forward to fill the gap. Li Xiao, who had gone deep into the crowd, retreated instantly and changed places with Guta.

The shape of the team didn't change much, but the change of personnel positions made the whole battle reverse again.

At this moment, the ancient pagoda, which is a pinnacle, has a burly body nearly two meters high, which brings indescribable oppressive feeling like sitting on a hill. Like a dam separating a raging flood, throw back whoever is in front of you, dead or alive.

In ancient times, there was Lu Zhishen who pulled out weeping willows upside down to describe the power of a person is very strong, and the ancient pagoda is not too different.

It may be exaggerated to force a thousand pounds, but under his command, no one can easily resist that irresistible force.

The person who was pushed away hadn't gained a firm foothold yet, Li Xiao and Han Dali, who followed closely, punched him directly.

No one could bear their fists that could smash slabs of stone, they bent down involuntarily, and then the military stabs of Lian Jing and Zhang Boshu flickered coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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