The toughest man in the city

Chapter 875 villain and gentleman

Chapter 875 villain and gentleman

Guta is not a member of the same period of selection as Li Xiao and the others, at least they have not trained together.

But Guta can appear in the reserve team, absolutely no accident.

Just because he is an equipment transport depot comparable to a transport vehicle.

When they were in Niutouling before, Li Xiao and others had seen Guta's terrifying ability. You can find equipment and props that only you can't think of from him, and there is no equipment that he can't prepare.

As Li Xiao's voice fell, the ancient tower like a hill stepped forward, reached out and touched it from the middle of the overcoat, and a rope shooting weapon with a barb appeared in his hand, and he pulled the trigger suddenly.

The barb with the pulling steel rope swished out, and plunged into the opposite hull with a bang.

While the ancient pagoda was getting ready, Li Xiao silently gestured behind him, and Zhang Boshu and another member of the reserve team immediately disappeared into the darkness.

Since someone needs to stay and take control of this ship that can be used as a retreat, then Zhang Boshu, who can perfectly control the overall situation, must be the key person to stay. As for other people who are counted as Zhang Boshu's support staff, it doesn't matter who they are.

Before being discovered by the people from Eagle Star, Zhang Boxu and the others retreated and hid.

In such a dark situation, those guys couldn't see the problem of the number of people.

They just observed the surrounding situation and couldn't help but sneer.

"The group of people like Soul of War, they picked up such a ship as a foothold when they lifted a rock and smashed themselves in the foot. There is no way forward around, isn't it true that all of us are going to be trapped on this ship? Damn it Yes, they are all to blame for leading the wrong way, and they must be punished!"

If these words are the true words of Captain Eagle Star, then this person's IQ is really open to question.

Didn't they also come here together, and they even complained that Li Xiao chose the wrong way, so if they had brains, why didn't they find other paths by themselves.

But to become an elite captain, IQ may not be lacking.

It is estimated that they are just looking for a reason, ready to attack the battle spirit team again.

In the eyes of these people, the success of the mission is secondary. If Huofeng can be eliminated here, it is more meaningful than how many times such missions are completed.

It's a pity that Eagle Star's idea is doomed not to become a reality.

Before he finished speaking, Li Xiao's Lian Jing and Han Dali had already come to the rear of the line to guard.

In such a small space, it is not yet known who will lose in the event of a battle.

Fortunately, this is not the best time for conflict to break out.

It was Zhan Ji who stepped forward again and stopped Ying Xing.

"Wait a minute, the situation is not clear, at least there are soul callers to lead the way, so we will suffer less losses."

"Lead the way, where there is still a way for them to guide."

"Didn't you see they were building the cable bridge?"

"Hehe, I don't know how long the ship in front has been abandoned. How could the rotten deck of the cabin support the weight of a person? Okay, I want to see how the gang of Zhanhun go. If they seek their own death, they will die got us into trouble."

Captain Eagle Star's tone was full of disdain.

But in the bottom of my heart, I was happy, wishing that Li Xiao would get on the iron chain quickly, and then fall into the sea, and die without a whole body.

The dirty thoughts of these people are completely out of the scope of Li Xiao's consideration, he just stretched out his hand to stop a reserve team member who took the initiative to grab the iron chain and forcibly advance, and said in a deep voice, "I'll do it."


Everyone present was stunned.

Who doesn't know that this is a risky behavior. As Captain Eagle Star judged, the ship in front of the target point has been abandoned for some time. Walking halfway, the fixed point over there suddenly broke, and the final outcome could only be falling into the sea, with little hope of survival.

In this case, Li Xiao, as the captain, absolutely cannot take any risks.

But he insisted that he come first.

In fact, from the first time everyone acted just now, you can see Li Xiao's behavior style. When the danger is behind him, he is the last one to go. When the danger is ahead, he is of course the first to rush forward. .

"If something happens to me, Han Dali will be in command. This order will always be in effect until the end of the entire mission."

After saying this, I will not give anyone a chance to refute.

Li Xiao turned over slowly, grabbed the steel cable, and crawled on the thin chain in an extremely gentle way.

Even so, everyone still clearly heard a creaking sound from the deck of the opposite ship.

The long steel cable suddenly dropped a little.

Han Dali and Lian Jing were extremely nervous, but they didn't dare to look back at all, they were already staring at Ying Xing and the others opposite.

The Eagle Star captain, at this time, did not consider suddenly attacking. Instead, he was so excited that he kept praying to God to let Li Xiao fall into the sea.

In contrast, the teams from Gaul War Princess and other regions do not have the evil thoughts of Eagle Star, but they can't help but exclaim in a low voice: "Are the people in War Spirit crazy, so desperate for life?"

Whether you want to die or not is not up to others.

Li Xiao knew very well that his life should not be terminated.

After going through the initial turmoil, he was absolutely sure that this way of moving forward was not dangerous, just because the special existence in his body didn't give him a life-threatening warning at all.

With the confidence, it will be much more logical to act.

It took him a full minute to pass the distance of tens of meters safely.

During the whole process, Eagle Xing's mood was ups and downs, several times he wanted to let his subordinates start shooting, but there were probably other members of the War Spirit who were on guard in front, and finally watched Li Xiao safely landed on the opposite ship.

Li Xiao, who landed successfully, felt lingering fears in his heart.

Seeing that the rope barb here has reached its limit, I am afraid that it may not be able to hold on for a few more seconds.

But he has come here, which proves that everyone is fine.

Gao Gao waved his hand, and the ancient pagoda on the opposite side immediately understood, and two more barb steel cables were fired over.

There are a total of three rope passages. After Li Xiao's strict fixation on the opposite side, the dangerous sea passage has become an extremely safe passage in the eyes of everyone.

The Gaul warrior girl who saw the whole process in the rear, really sighed from the bottom of her heart: "The people of the war spirit can really create miracles, and this can pass. Everyone, what they can do, we can do the same. Wait Let's go together later."

Unexpectedly, as soon as her words fell, Ying Xing snorted coldly with disdain: "Zhan Ji, do you think that group of people will leave the steel rope to us?"


That's right, everyone's relationship doesn't seem to be very harmonious, how could the people of War Soul leave the road built with their lives to them.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Li Xiao, who had very sharp ears, laughed loudly: "Yingxing, our battle spirits don't have your nasty mentality of throwing stones into trouble. The road is here, and whoever wants to go, just go."

After the words fell, except for Zhang Boshu and the two who had already hidden, the remaining members of the fighting spirit all went to the front and disappeared from everyone's sight again.

Zhan Ji couldn't help but shook her head and smiled wryly, and said softly, "Is this their old saying, to measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?"

(End of this chapter)

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