The toughest man in the city

Chapter 873 They ran away!

Chapter 873 They ran away!

The ship that Li Xiao and the others were on was a finely refitted icebreaker. According to the organization that provided the ship, even if it encountered an entire iceberg, it would not affect the ship's mobility.

But the fact is that within one nautical mile of Fuyun Island in the bureau, the ship's power system was completely damaged by an unknown object, leaving only the ability to float forward with inertia.

Those members of the Eagle Star team who didn't know who was in their minds ran to the crew room to express their strong dissatisfaction with the people who drove the ship.

Of course Li Xiao would not do such meaningless things, he just led his teammates out of the cabin, stood on the deck and looked forward.

The gorgeous aurora illuminated a large area ahead.

Looking out, not only Li Xiao, everyone here deeply understands a truth.

The most terrifying thing in this world is not the invincible enemy, but being blocked by unknown difficulties before even seeing the enemy's face.

On the large sea area ahead, glaciers and countless abandoned ships lined up alternately, swaying on the sea surface, like a fierce beast with its mouth wide open in the dark night, trying to swallow all life completely.

That is the wreckage left by all the ships that strayed here in the past few decades.

Of course, there is also the fact that it was injured from the icy region of the North Atlantic Ocean, floated here with the ocean current, and was lifted up by the ambush on the bottom of the sea.

If there are any ocean exploration movies and TV series to be filmed, this place is definitely the best filming location.

To put it bluntly, this is the place where the ship was buried.

With a click, all the lights on the icebreaker were extinguished, and everyone was plunged into darkness.

Immediately afterwards, the staff at the bottom of the cabin climbed up screaming in panic, intermittently telling that there was something strange at the bottom of the boat that tore the bottom protective plate, and was about to drill in.

Those teams from other regions who had been arguing with the upper-level crew just now ran down to check the situation, yelling.

Li Xiao curled his lips speechlessly, and sighed secretly, idiot!

After searching the icebreaker like this, I don’t need to explain too much how hard the protective plate used on the bottom is. Something that can tear that thing apart cannot be stopped by human power. If you run at this time, who knows what you will encounter. Terrible stuff.

If it was before, Li Xiao might still think it didn't matter.

But he, who just had a face-to-face confrontation with some kind of creature that is not in the category of human understanding in the back mountain of Jiangyuan village, knew how troublesome this matter must be.

Well, taking a step back, here are all elite personnel, and the weapons and equipment are the most advanced in the world.

But why didn't they think about it, the bottom protective plate was torn, could it be just a simple invasion of strange creatures, compared to the entry of those unknown lives, the first thing they would encounter would be the endless cold sea water passed down.

Did these people come here specifically to practice diving? How did they die?

All kinds of complaints about those idiots in the same boat in my heart, suddenly, there was a strange creaking sound from the rear of the entire icebreaker, and the hull shook violently.

Without any hesitation, Li Xiao shouted in a low voice, "Abandon ship!"

The ten battle spirit reserve members around did not hesitate at all, and all rushed towards the direction of penetrating the deck.

Before the mission, they had received clear instructions, and they followed Li Xiao's command for this operation. Even if there was a sea of ​​fire and magma in front of them, and Li Xiao asked them to jump, they could not have the slightest hesitation. This is the bounden duty of obeying orders.

Of course, Li Xiao would never kill his teammates.

Even if he died, he would not want to see anyone here harmed.

Li Xiao, who was leading the way, chose his position very clearly. He looked for the stern of the anchored ship closest to their ship, calculated the straight-line distance on both sides, rushed to the side of the guardrail, squatted slightly, and placed his hands crossed by his body. front position.

Han Dali, who was running up behind him, kept walking, without any need to discuss in advance, he flew up and stepped on Li Xiao's palm.

With its own jumping power, coupled with the driving force of Li Xiaotuo's lifting, it is not a problem at all to cross the originally long distance.

Han Dali in the air stretched his body as much as possible, and when he was about to land, he suddenly adjusted his posture, rolling and landing in the most gentle posture, so as not to cause too much impact on the landing point.

After stopping to stabilize his figure, he took out the fixing device from behind as quickly as possible, fixed the landing position in just a few seconds, and then raised his hand and waved it.


Simple one word.

Han Dali took out his portable micro-charger, turned his head to face the unexplored place of the abandoned ship, in case of any accidents, and at the same time gave his back to the most trustworthy comrades in the rear.

On the other hand, on Li Xiao's side, Li Xiao still stood at the guardrail and maintained his previous movements.

The last two people in the team squatted down with weapons in hand, guarding the rear.

It is said to be a joint operation, but in this situation where the connection with the outside world is completely disconnected, who knows if those people will work behind the scenes to inflict trauma on them first and seize the fruits of victory.

As the saying goes, you must not have the heart to harm others, but you must not have the heart to guard against others.

The road ahead is clear, and the future is worry-free.

Lian Jing, Zhang Boshu, and Gu Ta took advantage of Li Xiao's lift to leap onto the opposite ship.

They didn't stop after landing, but tacitly stayed on alert, and started to move forward cautiously, exploring the internal situation of Zheshou's anchored ship.

It has entered a state of combat and may be attacked at any time. No one can relax at all.

The battle spirit team is the elite among the elites who have been carefully selected through countless life and death trials. Once they start to act, their speed is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, most of the people had already reached the opposite side, and even the two people responsible for guarding the rear jumped over one after another.

At this time, no one entered the abandoned ship to investigate, and the five people continued to guard Li Xiao's back with guns from a distance.

Li Xiao stood on the deck, took a few steps back, took a deep breath, and ran quickly.

It was also at the last moment of the run-up that the long-lost feeling of life being threatened once again hit the whole body.

This is a special existence in the body, and then give him an early warning that someone is going to kill him.

If he acted alone, Li Xiao would definitely give up jumping and evade temporarily.

But when he saw Lian Jing who was waiting in full force, his strong sense of trust prevented him from doing anything meaningless.

Even if there is a hail of bullets behind him, as long as there are trustworthy teammates in front of him to help him guard, there is no need to worry at all.

Facts have proved that Li Xiao's induction is never wrong.

A member of the Eagle Star Squad happened to come out of the crew room and shouted, "The people from the Soul of War have escaped!"

Then he pointed the gun at Li Xiao's back.

The next moment, there was a bang, and the flames erupted from the bullet passing through the muzzle, shining extremely brightly in the night.

(End of this chapter)

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