Chapter 87
On the main road near Nanjiao Reservoir, three vans followed the ambulance and roared away.

Standing on the side of the road, Li Xiao could clearly see through the car window that brother Hu was looking at him with horror and anger.

It's just a small bastard, he really doesn't pay attention to that kind of low-level role, but...

"Why can they go by car, but I have to walk back on two legs? Depressed!"

Standing on the side of the road and waiting for a long time without seeing any taxis, Li Xiao secretly vowed in his heart that after the reward of 5000 million yuan is in place, he will buy three luxury cars first and buy three luxury cars whenever he goes out. The cars follow behind, and when you are tired from walking, you can sit in whichever car you want.

After setting the first small goal after getting rich, I felt much better for no reason.

Shaking his head vigorously, he took a step... eh?

Let me ask you, when you are in a good mood, what kind of experience is it like to turn your head and see a scruffy old beggar?
Anyway, Li Xiao, who doesn't wear colored glasses for any class, is still a little bit depressed.

He reached into his pocket and rummaged for a long time, but he couldn't find half a steel coin, so he could only face the old beggar opposite, and spread his hands helplessly.

How obvious is that, no money.

Unexpectedly, the old beggar on the opposite side was still blocking his way forward, and the two eyes revealed behind the dirty and white Liuhai looked him up and down several times before grinning: "Brother, I'll observe you It's been a long time. Seeing that you have a full heaven, a round earth pavilion, exquisite bones, and a face full of peach blossoms, you must be a big man among the dragons and phoenixes. I have a special treasure for you here, I wonder if my brother is interested?"

"Ha ha."

"Hey, little brother, don't go away. My baby has gone through ninety-nine and eighty-one setbacks before it finally took shape. Once it gets investment, it will surely bloom brilliantly. valuable."

"Uncle, have you read Journey to the West too much? I don't have any money on me. I want to deceive people. Can I trouble you to find the right target?"

Li Xiao saw that the old beggar took out a small potion bottle out of nowhere, and when it shook slightly, the transparent potion liquid in the potion reflected the brilliant colors of the sun.

At this moment, don't mention how broken his heart is.

In what age, there are still people who make a living by selling fake medicines along the street, please beg for a little bit of professional ethics, okay?

He raised his legs and took a step, bypassing the old beggar, and continued walking in the direction of the city.

Not long after he walked out, a rapid car horn sounded behind him. He subconsciously turned his head and looked over, and saw that the old beggar had stopped another car.

The old beggar didn't make any money from Li Xiao, so he ran to find other targets, all for the sake of making a living, and there was nothing to pay attention to.

But when the rear window of the black car opened and a beautiful woman's face appeared, Li Xiao couldn't move his eyes away.

Su man language!
He remembered this woman, when he first came to Qinghe, he had saved her life.

It is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation not to reciprocate kindness, but if the person who gave kindness encounters difficulties, the one who is saved must not stand by and watch.

For example, take a ride back to the city and borrow 800 yuan for living expenses.

That woman who can have a special driver to pick her up will definitely not care about such a small matter, and it will save her from seeing Ning Xiaoxi's ugly face when she goes back.

With a thought in Li Xiao's mind, Shi Shiran stepped back.

Before he even got close, from a distance, he heard the old beggar start to make meaningless excuses about selling fake medicines.

"Ms. Su, with such a distinguished status, you should be able to understand the importance of the formula of T potion. There are no fewer than five versions of T potion in the world, but the only one with a reasonable ratio is the one in my hand. As long as you are willing to invest, I guarantee that I can successfully research the most correct formula within a year. By then..."

Barbara, that old beggar was eloquent, as if he was giving a high-end speech.

Li Xiao couldn't understand what the old man said, he just felt that the guy looked down on others.

It's also selling fake medicines, talking about the elixir of the Supreme Lord, that kind of nonsense that no one would believe.When he turned around and met a woman, he began to speak some high-level professional vocabulary.

What does this mean?
Is it treated differently?
I didn't show any signs of impatience for your sloppy smell just now, but you turned around and regarded me as a low-end person, and divided me into two levels with the big boss who rides a car. Cheat with different words.

Moreover, Su Manyu, who was sitting in the car, had obviously bright eyes, as if he was about to be fooled by the old beggar.

Li Xiao felt that he couldn't just sit idly by.

"Beauty, I saved your life last time, and saved your money this time. If you don't send me back to the city, it's really unreasonable."

He smiled and thought to himself, quickened his pace and walked there.

But he didn't understand what Su Manyu was feeling at the moment.

In the world, how could an old beggar who popped up at random be able to say such a secret term as "T potion".

As the vice president of Huazhong Pharmaceutical, he must have some knowledge about the research and development of strategic drugs around the world, and T drug is a special drug that every major country is devoting its efforts to research and development.

It is said that a North American pharmaceutical expert first proposed the idea of ​​"Tyrant virus drug" a hundred years ago. Once successfully developed, it is enough to restrain the spread of pan-type cancer cells, and even kill cancer cells, achieving fruitful results in overcoming traditional cancers.

Just like what the old man said just now, there are no less than five versions of the real formula of Potion T around the world.

Every version has had some effect, but there haven't been any real success stories.

Huazhong Pharmaceutical also has a related scientific research team engaged in the research and development of T medicine. This work has been going on for more than ten years, and the progress is slow. However, the old man in front of him said that as long as there is sufficient investment, it can be successfully developed within a year.

It's no wonder Su Manyu wasn't interested.

Of course, if you are interested, you are interested, and what the real result will be must be left to professionals for analysis and research.

Also, we must confirm the identity of the old beggar in front of us.

Her eyes fell on the potion bottle in the old beggar's hand, and she kept thinking about what kind of down-and-out medical research institute in Qinghe could match the person in front of her.

While she was thinking, the window glass in front of her suddenly began to close, blocking her gaze.

Then Yang Yang asked nervously: "Boss Su, we were discovered by that guy, do you want to leave immediately?"

(End of this chapter)

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