The toughest man in the city

Chapter 869 The Terrible Mission

Chapter 869 The Terrible Mission
Zhao Shen asked everyone to make a choice before the official recall began.

In fact, it has two meanings.

First, this mission is highly confidential, no one can easily leave after knowing the secret, so make a choice quickly before you go in first.

Sometimes being an ignorant person is far happier and safer than being an all-knowing person.

The second meaning is very clear.

The mission is very difficult, and more than [-]% of them may lose their lives during the mission. They are afraid that death will not become a battle spirit, so it is good for everyone to get out as soon as possible.

Zhao Shen was very satisfied, none of the ten young people present wanted to leave.

At the same time, he was also very sad, because if these people did not leave, it meant that he would personally send these young people to the Jedi.

"Okay, since no one chooses to quit, from now on, everything you see and know must be kept secret, and you must do your best to complete the task, understand?"


The voice of Qi Shushua's response fell, and Zhao Shen turned his head and waved his hand.

Guo Lin nodded immediately and said, "Comrades, before releasing the mission news, let me show you a video."

The projector is turned on and the screen is displayed.

Everyone was prepared in their hearts, just like Zhang Boshu, who had a strange brain circuit. In fact, he even imagined a zombie virus outbreak somewhere and asked them to fight against the living dead, but they didn't even think about what they saw. .

In a desert, the camera was originally very far away, and only a small white dot could be seen moving forward on the vast golden land.

But as the distance got closer, the little white dot also became a giant.

How to describe that kind of thing.

If Li Xiao was here, he would definitely exclaim "White Night God?"
That's right, it's an animal like the Night God.

It's just very different from the one under the waterfall in the back mountain of Jiangyuan Village.

First of all, the Yeyoushen in Jiangyuan Village is black, but the thing shown in the video is white, with a thick layer of fur covering its body, as if the polar bear's skin was peeled off and put on the Yeyoushen's body.

Secondly, this thing is not the night tour god that Li Xiao is familiar with, but has an alias of victory.

Snow Gu!

It is an artificial breeding experiment in which the genes of ferocious carnivorous animals in severe cold regions such as polar bears and snow wolves are recombined with the genome of the originally not aggressive but extremely defensive Yeyoushen, after cracking the special genetic code. room product.

Mass-produced in the laboratory, and then raised in the same area, from the initial tens of thousands, through the internal bloody fight of the survival of the fittest, and finally one in a million, raised into a giant monster.

Its rearing method is similar to that of Gu worms.

Hence the name Snow Gu.

No matter who it is, when seeing such a monster for the first time, it will feel like watching a sci-fi movie, without any real feeling at all.

But how can there be fake things broadcast in this kind of place.

In the boundless desert, that Snow Gu moved forward at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, in the other direction, a cross-country combat training vehicle with a red flag was flying towards the road ahead of Snow Gu.

It was obvious that several soldiers with guns could be seen in the car. They seemed very nervous and talked with the technicians who were controlling the drones in the sky from time to time.

In less than a minute, the car and Snow Gu were in the same scene.

Without waiting for the people in the car to take any action, the snow gu's huge claws suddenly opened, as if a bulldozer ran over the road, directly splitting the whole car apart, and the people in the car fell in a pool of blood in a moment, creaking How clear the sound of chewing is.

What was even more frightening was that the eating Snow Gu raised its huge head very consciously, and glanced at the direction of the drone.

The tongs twisted, and a large piece of car wreckage was lifted up and smashed directly into the sky.

There was a loud bang, and the video was interrupted.


Ten days ago, in the cold waters of the North Atlantic, a cruise ship carrying a large amount of cargo was driving quietly on the route.

Several crew members on the deck were still chatting livelyly, waiting for the ship to dock, where to go for a good drink.

Suddenly, someone saw a huge white object floating on the sea.

At first, the watch crew thought it was a floating iceberg, so they hurriedly notified the main control room, and the ferry made a detour.

When the cruise ship slowly moved away from the side of the white object, the people on board were horrified to find that it was not an iceberg at all.

Because of so many years of sailing at sea, I have never seen an iceberg covered with a large polar bear fur.

With great curiosity, everyone hurriedly took photos and recorded videos as souvenirs.

It was during the recording process that the huge white object that was more than [-] meters away suddenly accelerated towards it, and then collided with the bow of the ship with a bloody mouth.

a week ago.

At the northernmost tip of the island country in the North Pacific, fishermen out to sea dragged a shark they had just caught, preparing to dock.

In the port, there are people coming and going, including tourists and busy whaling workers.

A young girl turned her back to Dahao, as if she wanted to record some wonderful video and send it to her boyfriend.

But right in the middle of the phone screen, she saw something unbelievable.

Fluffy floats on the sea surface, the speed is getting faster and faster.

The girl subconsciously turned her head to look at the sea, remembering that she saw a pair of sharp claws suddenly stretched out from the sea, tearing the shark in half before it could be dragged ashore, and swallowed it in one gulp.

There was a moment of silence in the port, and then it fell into panic and chaos.

There’s also the northern Gulf of North America, and the vast northern coast of Siberia.

In just over ten days, seven appalling incidents of unidentified creatures attacking humans were discovered in the northernmost part of the world's continents.

Relevant agencies reacted quickly to try to suppress the news.

This horrible news was indeed suppressed.

However, no one realized that suppressing the news could not suppress the products of these terrifying life weapons, and some of them had penetrated deep into the inland areas.

"The picture you just saw at the beginning was transmitted from northern Xinjiang. It is still unclear how this one bypassed the northern coastline of the world and appeared in the inland desert. But what is certain is that, This is a premeditated and very threatening attack of a global nature."

Guo Lin's expression became more serious as he spoke.

"We have made rigorous judgments, and even sent an elite team to sneak into the Arctic region in disguise, and finally determined the source of these objects. But unfortunately, just a few hours ago, we completely lost contact with the early team. So ..."

While speaking, Guo Lin looked around.

"Everyone, get ready and wait for the last reserve member of the battle spirit, Li Xiao, to return to the team, carry out the mission, and carry out the rescue!"

(End of this chapter)

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