The toughest man in the city

Chapter 864 Do You Regret

Chapter 864 Do You Regret
In fact, it's not just Shitou and the idiot, even Li Xiao has ignored a problem since he was a child.

Animals like "Night Tour God", they have been here intermittently for a year, and they have eaten thousands of them. God knows how many there will be in a few years, but they have never seen the number of that thing decrease. After coming here, they just moved a few pieces. Stones can be found.

what does this mean?
This means that this kind of creature has survived for an unknown number of years, and it has already flooded here.

Crustaceous amphibians are inherently long-lived, the most important of which is the soft-shelled turtle.

The race of the Yeyoushen is similar to that of the soft-shelled turtle. According to the ancient saying of the thousand-year-old king and 8-year-old tortoise, who dares to say that there is no Yeyoushen with a lifespan of a thousand years here.

Even if there is no millennium, there should be a hundred years.

A single tree can turn into a grove of things grown in a hundred years, let alone this kind of animal that grew up eating meat.

The behemoth that Li Xiao saw when he was a child, used in the night tour god group, is the outer guard guarding the gate of the lair.

But now Li Xiao had quietly avoided the group of guards and stood in front of the portal.

If he just walked through it all the way and left on the other side of the waterfall, he would be fine.

However, he kicked away the "leader" who was blocking the door, and as a result, it is conceivable that all the guards on the periphery were blown up.

Not only was there a second one, there were even more Night Walkers who couldn't see how many at a glance. They swarmed over. The one closest to Li Xiao raised its sharp claws and smashed it at Li Xiao.

The narrow space did not give Li Xiao much room to perform, so he had to retreat in a hurry.

As a result, this withdrawal happened to be stepping on the entrance of the dark night tour god's lair. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to make a sound, and slipped down the underground passage while falling asleep.

Li Xiao didn't make a sound, but it doesn't mean that his fall into the abyss didn't cause any chain reaction.

The night god's old nest has been quiet for too long, except for those who go out to look for food, or the mother night god comes out to lay eggs, there is no vibration at all other times.

Even if there is a vibration, it's just a small night wandering god burrowing in the ground, so don't care about it at all.

But Li Xiao is a living person. Can a living person have the same impact as an animal?

The one who slipped down the tunnel was after the meeting, trying to find help to fix his body, but reached out to grab the side, and all he caught were night wandering gods of different sizes.

If he met this when he was a child, he would definitely be so happy that he couldn't sleep the whole night. With so many nocturnal gods, he can eat them for a lifetime.

But now, Li Xiao has begun to wonder whether he will become the food of these night wandering gods.

As more and more night wandering gods were alarmed, until a certain moment, under the deepest part of the pool below the waterfall, a sound of special frequency erupted suddenly.

While he was still sticking his butt out to catch the little Night Walker's rocks and idiots, he was horrified to find that a large area of ​​broken corpses nearby was uncovered. Countless Night Walkers, completely deviating from their normal behavior, were crawling toward the waterhole at extremely fast speeds. Then he jumped into the pool like a moth to a flame.

There was a constant plopping sound.

Shitou swallowed hard, and muttered to himself, "I really want to call everyone in the village to see the miracle."

The second fool was still awake, so he rushed out and threw himself directly on the body of the great night wanderer.

"Shitou, don't be dazed, grab it quickly. This guy is big, and he will definitely beat Li Xiao."

"Yes, grab it, grab it quickly, there are so many, it's enough for the whole village to eat."

Shi Shi and Er Lengzi were extremely happy, as if they had reaped a good harvest, they caught one night wandering god, saw the other one was bigger, dropped the one in their hands, and went to catch another one.

This is the situation where the bear breaks the stick.

The two were happily catching, and seemed to have forgotten something important.

Uncle Wolf in the distance also sensed the abnormality here, and picked up the binoculars to look at this side. The music saw the thermal imaging figure bent over and busy, so he didn't take it seriously.

It's just a matter of catching a few night wandering gods. These little guys have been doing this kind of thing since they were young. How could an accident happen?

No one seems to be aware of the problem.

Why didn't they think about it, where did that guy Li Xiao go?

In the village in front of the mountain, the mistress gently took his wife's hand and said, "Old man, where is Xiao? My right eyelid keeps twitching tonight, so nothing will happen."

"What's the matter? I just saw Shitou and Erlianzi going to the back mountain with their cloth bags, and they should go to catch the night wandering god again. These kids love to do this kind of thing when they were young, let them play."

"That's fine, that's fine."

The teacher's wife breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes were still full of worry.

"Xiao Zi came back this time, and he never said what difficulties he encountered outside. But I see him lying alone in the back mountain every night, I, I feel distressed."

If there is anyone in this world who is sincere and completely considers Li Xiao, it must be the teacher's wife.

After so many years, the teacher's wife has long regarded Li Xiao as her own child, and has poured into her infinite maternal love.

Like all mothers, the most fearful thing is to lose their heart and soul.

Li Xiao's master is not like this, it's just that men are not good at expressing emotions.

He gently stretched out his hand, stopped the teacher's wife's shoulder, and said with a smile: "You, you just like to worry. Didn't the third master go out last year and come back again? He said that the kid now has his own career, and this ability He's too big. You treat him as a child. I'm afraid the wolf guards in the whole village, together with you and me, may not be able to do anything to him."

"But, but I'm not worried. Tell me, in case the family finds out about his life experience..."

"Don't say it!"

The master hastily stretched out his hand to press the lips of the teacher's wife.

The room fell completely silent.

Even if some things are rotten in their hearts, they must not be said out loud, otherwise, any accidents between the two of them will be God's decision, and if Li Xiao is in danger, they will only die of pain.

The teacher's wife nodded obediently.

Only then did the master breathe a sigh of relief.

"Come on, let me see if your eyelids are still twitching, just find a piece of paper and stick it on."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to take off the mask on the teacher's wife's face.

The face that was burned by the fire could not be seen clearly at all, but in the eyes of this man, it was still the most beautiful wife when he was young.The master's gaze became hot, and the master's wife couldn't help lowering her head.

"Am I getting ugly?"

"Not ugly. You are the most beautiful in the world, and I am also the most handsome in the world. We are a couple with good looks."

While the master was speaking, he also took off the mask on his face.

It seemed that he was very proud, and he had returned to his youthful demeanor.

The teacher's wife chuckled, but it was quickly replaced by a trace of sadness.

"Old man, do you regret it?"

"Haha, in fact, it was a little bit at the beginning, but seeing Xiao Zi like this now, and we are both alive, I don't regret it."

If they had insisted on doing something back then, perhaps they would not have survived to this day.

The teacher's wife nodded slightly: "Yes, it's a good thing that we are all still alive."

There was a murmur, but unexpectedly, the result was a thunderous explosion in the sky.

With a bang, the outer courtyard door was pushed open, and the stone rushed in rolling and crawling.

"It's not good, Li Xiao is dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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