The toughest man in the city

Chapter 862 A Good Time in the Village

Chapter 862 A Good Time in the Village

It is actually a joke that the more you live, the more regressed you are.

When Li Xiao took out a large bag of luxury women's clothing and sent it to his master's wife, and all the women in the village were chattering together with extremely happy faces, he realized that the ten years he had been away had not been in vain.

What kind of woman is difficult to raise, it's all nonsense.

Except for women, nothing is easy to raise. As long as there are bags and clothes, women are not so scary.

After a sumptuous dinner, the quiet night enveloped Jiangyuan Village.

On the rock behind the village, Li Xiao sat there, looking up at the sky.

It has been less than half a month since he came home, and in the first few days, he thought he could choose to stay like this forever, never have to leave, never have to fight for anything outside, and just live in peace like this.

The teacher also said that Wenyi is a good boy. I don't know how the fifth master has been raised these years, but I remember a sentence deeply.

When Li Xiao didn't face her when he was young, he wanted to be responsible to her and become her husband.

Even Wenyi actually understands a lot of truths, and knows that women outside don't touch their faces, they touch everything, and nothing will happen.

But the girl was still waiting firmly in the village.

If Li Xiao is willing, the master's wife will go and talk to Fifth Grandma and let the master and Fifth Master discuss a good life.

Anyway, they are all from the folks in the village, not so particular, and don't need too many gifts. After all, Wenyi is also the nominal president of a luxury clothing company. Now Li Xiao only relies on the income of Xiaolong Company. Yi's daily income was flat.

Li Xiao was not happy at the time, saying that his wife gave him soft food.

The wife said that eating soft food is also a skill, mainly to make her Xiaozi not live so tired.


Li Xiao asked himself, in fact, he has become accustomed to the ups and downs over the years and has long forgotten what tiredness is.

Especially in the past two years, he has completely forgotten how to live.

Sometimes, he would think about what he did all that for.

But in the end, only two people came to mind.

One is Ning Xiaoxi. In fact, Li Xiao feels that the time he spent simply with Ning Xiaoxi was his most comfortable time.If what happened later had not happened, he thought, Ning Xiaoxi would have been able to get along very harmoniously with his wife based on the way she looked when she saw her.

Forget it, what do you think.

The two of them are no longer from the same world, to be exact, they never were.

I just don't know how Ning Xiaoxi's physical condition is.

After Ning Xiaoxi, Li Xiao himself was surprised why he thought of Xiao Zhao.

Perhaps, leaving without saying goodbye this time made him feel guilty, but it has to be said that Li Xiao thought very simply at first.

If there is no way to help Xiao Zhao's demented girl find a home, then bring that silly girl to his house, where there will be no competition with the world, Xiao Zhao can live a better life, and his wife can have a companion.

Perhaps one day in the future, Xiao Zhao can talk about friends with Shitou or Erlianzi. Those two idiots are still very similar to Xiao Zhao's stupid energy.

But when the figure of the ghost woman in white overlapped with Xiao Zhao completely, all Li Xiao's beautiful fantasies were completely shattered.

What a ridiculous thing.

I don't even understand why that King Zhaoyang did so many unreasonable things.

Time passed slowly while Li Xiao was thinking wildly, suddenly a small stone seemed to have eyes, slid across a beautiful parabola in mid-air, and hit his shoulder.

Turning his head slightly, he could see Shitou and Erlianzi waving at him with smiles on their faces.

"Let's go catch the Night God."

With just this sentence, all the distracting thoughts in Li Xiao's heart were driven away.

"Night Wandering God" is the nickname Li Xiao and the others gave to a certain animal when they were young. It is a species that lies on the ground and moves forward slowly. It has a hard shell on its back, usually about the size of a palm, and has a protein-rich soft shell on its belly. , meat, put it on iron tongs, put it on the fire and roast it gently for three to five minutes. The fragrance will spread for ten miles.

Up to now, Li Xiao has seen and learned so much outside, but he has never seen such a thing as a night tour god in other places.

But that didn't stop him from recalling how delicious that thing was.

When it was free, a carp straightened up and jumped off the ground.

"Go, grab it, I haven't eaten it for many years, I think about it very much."

The three young men crossed their shoulders and walked towards the back of the mountain with laughter.

There is a small waterfall ten meters high, and the pool formed under the waterfall is the place where the night tour gods live.

Shitou said that the night wandering god should be the kind of thing that has a litter all its life. Otherwise, they caught dozens of them and roasted them every night. After so many years, why can they still be seen.

When I was young, the uncle made a rule that no children were allowed to run up the mountain behind.

The main reason is that I am afraid that the child will get lost, and it is really difficult to find it in the depths of this mountain.

At that time, Li Xiao and the others would sneak out and make trouble in the middle of the night, and they would not lose their way once they knew the way.

Now that they have grown up, that rule is also abolished in front of them, but they have been used to sneaking around in the middle of the night for so many years, and they can't change this habit.

More importantly, all the fun comes from the feeling of being a monster behind your back. If you do it openly, there will be no fun in playing and no taste in eating.

Not long after the three of them walked out, they all got together and got into the waist-high grass.

I still remember that at that time, they did the same thing. Only by crawling forward in concealment could they be sure to watch the "Uncle Wolf" guarding the back mountain.

At that time, the few of them thought they were smart and good at hiding, and even Uncle Wolf couldn't find their traces.

Now, Li Xiao realized that in fact, Uncle Lang who was guarding the back mountain had no intention of catching them. With their little concealment ability, they could detect them from a long distance away.

Today was no exception. The three of them just got into the grass and walked not far away. Li Xiao could clearly see the guarding Uncle Wolf glanced in this direction, with a faint smile on his face, pretending to be dozing off, I closed my eyes again.

Maybe Uncle Wolf misses this feeling too.

Since Li Xiao left the village, he seldom saw Shitou and Erlangzi acting alone, and it was a lot less fun during the night watch.

What's more, these little guys probably haven't found out until now. When they caught dozens of night wandering gods in one night, there would always be less than half of them. In fact, Uncle Wolf secretly "draws".

Tonight, though, it might not be so easy to steal away from being detected.

I heard from Uncle Wolf in front that that kid Li Xiao is very capable.

Then don't whip it secretly, ask them directly, dare not give it, the whip in our Uncle Wolf's hand is designed to beat these disobedient bastards.

Under the quiet night, the conscientious guard smiled and looked at the moon in the night sky, feeling as if he had returned to the good old days when he followed a bunch of little kids to protect their safety.

(End of this chapter)

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