Chapter 852

No one can understand the king's mood.

In the past period of time, in fact, unconsciously, she had developed feelings for Li Xiao that she shouldn't have.

Yao recalled that when she met Li Xiao for the first time, she was merciless and almost dragged this guy away.

But what happened later made her feelings for Li Xiao deeper and deeper.

Every night in the dead of night, the king would always think, what would happen if he gave up the millennium inheritance of the Raging Fire Royal Court, gave up everything that King Zhaoyang should do, and just simply be with Li Xiao?

The result can only be that she dies in agony.

Because King Zhaoyang's millennium inheritance account was after Huofeng's reincarnation completed nine rebirths of raging fire, and ninety-nine returned to one.

The king needs to pull this guy into the royal court, and in front of the tablets of Zhaoyang kings in the past, he will use the blood of the fire phoenix to start the reversal of fate.

From then on, it completely changed the curse that King Zhaoyang's face was different day and night.

Only then will the king be a normal person.

She can go after everything she wants normally.

But without Li Xiao, would she still have any pursuits in life?

With such a big conflict in her heart, who can think for the king, she just thinks that it is so difficult to simply stay with Li Xiao when everything has not reached the final irreversible point.

The roar of the machines in the factory continued.

King Zhaoyang turned his eyes from Li Xiao, and looked at the loyal female envoys she grew up with, and finally shook his head helplessly: "Give me another three days, and after three days, I will return to the royal court." .”

After saying this, the king suddenly turned and left.

She didn't say anything more, and she didn't need to say anything.

As the King of Zhaoyang, being able to make promises to these female envoys is already a great kindness. If Shilan and the others insist on killing Li Xiao, then they are really betraying the Royal Fire Court, and they will bear the punishment that life would be worse than death.

Three days is enough.

Shilan and the others have been waiting for more than a year, how could they not afford to wait for three days.

The roar of the machinery stopped abruptly, and Li Xiao's feet were only a few centimeters away from the rotating blades of the mixer.

He himself seemed to be still in a coma, without the slightest movement.

In fact, the heart is already turbulent and magnificent, and it is impossible to calm down at all.

Qing Wu personally released him from the hanging place, and kissed him on the forehead as if full of apology, and then all the hidden people here evacuated.

They were not worried about any accidents happening to Li Xiao, after all, this place was carefully selected by Shilan and the others, and all possible accidental factors around them were completely eliminated by them a few days ago.

Although the anesthetic is powerful, there is always a time when the effect of the drug wears off.

It would be a joke if Li Xiao woke up and couldn't go home.

Li Xiao lay quietly on the ground, and waited until he could no longer detect any signs of living people around him, then slowly opened his eyes, sat there and fell into deep thought.

All the past events came to mind. He remembered Xiao Zhao's innocent appearance that day, and even thought that it would not be a problem to really treat Xiao Zhao as a relative and raise him as a cute little niece.

But today all the good things were completely shattered.

Although he never felt too fiercely hostile towards that King Zhaoyang in his heart, what the king said was not wrong.

In the end, the two will still stand on the opposite side of life and death.

No one would remain indifferent knowing that the person who wanted to kill him was right in front of him, but when Li Xiao returned to the hospital and saw that silly and cute Xiao Zhao again, he really didn't know what to do.

He remembered Miss Yi.

It can be said that Sister Yi definitely devoted more emotion to Xiao Zhao than she did to any relative.

If Sister Yi knew the truth, how much harm would she suffer?

If Sister Yi knew that Xiao Zhao was going to kill Li Xiao, or that Li Xiao had killed Xiao Zhao, how would she feel?
"Little uncle, where have you been? If you run away quietly like this again, I won't be happy."

King Zhaoyang, completely unaware that Li Xiao had already seen the truth, still acted like this little girl who lost her wits.

Even if Li Xiao was a little out of his mind, the king thought it was because of Qing Wu that he became like this.

The atmosphere of silence lasted for a while, before Li Xiao raised his head and looked directly into Xiao Zhao's eyes, his lips moved: "Xiao Zhao, I want to ask you something, if I don't help you find your relatives, I will take you to a place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant , would you like to go?"

God knows what kind of mood Li Xiao said these words.

But King Zhaoyang didn't realize what the problem was. He only remembered that Li Xiao had said that he would take her home. While he was full of excitement and joy, he raised his ignorant face and asked, "What is the place where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant?"

"It's my home, where I grew up."


Xiao Zhao happily grabbed Li Xiao's hand.

Li Xiao suddenly withdrew his arm as if he had been electrocuted, making Xiao Zhao a little dazed.

If she hadn't shown such excitement, Li Xiao might not have thought much about it, but King Zhaoyang was so happy, did he really just plan to go sightseeing with him?

The people living in Sanjiangyuan are all Li Xiao's close relatives.

And how could he go there with Xiao Zhao, an unstable factor, a monster that no one can resist once he gets angry.

He couldn't imagine how terrible things would happen after he really brought Xiao Zhao back.

"Little uncle, what's the matter with you?"

"No, it's okay. I'm just a little tired. Xiao Zhao, wait for me here, and I'll take a rest. When I've had enough rest, I'll take you home."

After saying this, Li Xiao left the ward without looking back.

This was the first time that King Zhaoyang didn't have any doubts about Li Xiao, and he didn't even think about going somewhere with that guy.

She was like a little girl who had been alone for a long time, and someone suddenly said that she would take her to experience the warmth of home, and then her heart was filled with hope for the warm situation that was about to usher.

She waited with peace of mind, waiting for her own happiness.

But she would never have imagined that this class would be far away.

Three days passed in a flash, and it was still the same ward, where King Zhaoyang sat there as if he had been petrified.

On the opposite side, Shi Lan couldn't bear it, but she still said firmly: "Your Majesty, let's go."

"I won't leave. He said that he will take me home when he has enough rest. I will wait for him to come back."

"Your Majesty, you can't wait any longer. Li Xiao had already boarded the train to Qinghai an hour ago, and he abandoned you."

"Impossible, he won't abandon me!"

King Zhaoyang, who had always existed in a majestic manner, was like a poor girl who had lost her love at this moment, tears bursting from her eyes.

That scene broke Shi Lan's heart.

But before Shilan really stepped forward to express comfort, King Zhaoyang suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly.

No one knew what kind of emotion was contained in that laughter, Shi Lan only felt that the small sound made her feel sad and fearful.

"Let's go back to the royal court and clean up the rebellion!"

The king stood up abruptly, and some special emotions disappeared completely with the tears that fell down!

(End of this chapter)

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