The toughest man in the city

Chapter 848 People are scary, scary to death

Chapter 848 People are scary, scary to death

It's just a pair of shoes. Ordinary people rarely pay attention to such details.

Li Xiao is not a very careful person, but this accidental discovery made him feel a little unusual.

Is this King Zhaoyang living in the hospital?
It shouldn't be, why such a monstrous person is lurking in the hospital, he hasn't even found out before.

More importantly, what was the king doing in the hospital?

Li Xiao tried hard to recall, the remaining information and memory about the King in his mind was when he first met Shen Shilan, the other party told him that the King was missing, that the Fiery Royal Court was betrayed, and would soon fall apart.

If this person doesn't hurry back and take charge of the overall situation, he will always be tossing around in the hospital.

What's more, what is the purpose of this kind of person? He saved so many children last night with all his efforts, and today he wants to take him to explore the secrets of this broken place.

All kinds of doubts lingered in Li Xiao's mind, and he followed King Zhaoyang based on a subconscious behavior.

And King Zhaoyang didn't realize what a low-level mistake she made.

Listening to Li Xiao's words in the hospital before, it seemed to stir Wang Shang's heart that had been dusty for a long time, and it made her stunned for a long time. When it was completely dark and Li Xiao had left for a long time, she realized that she should Do something.

In the rush to change clothes, I completely forgot that the shoes also needed to be changed.

The two of them kept walking like this, each with their own concerns, until King Zhaoyang stopped in front of a certain door.

Li Xiao, who didn't notice the stop at all, bumped into it directly.

At that moment, a burning feeling spread throughout the king's body, as if some kind of fire was about to spread from the place where Li Xiao touched her, burning her to death on the spot.

And Li Xiao also felt the difference. The special existence in his body, the moment he met King Zhaoyang, seemed to be screaming and conveying dangerous messages to him, urging him to escape quickly.

Such different feelings had the same effect, which was to make both of them regain consciousness.

"Be careful!"
The king's cold voice reached his ears.

Li Xiao took two steps back, didn't say much, maintained the necessary vigilance, raised his head to look upwards, and then appeared in a daze for a moment.

"Why did you bring me to the morgue?"
"Find someone."
The king raised his hand and pushed open the swing door in front of him. The moment the door opened, there was a gust of wind.The strong aura of death hit his face.

No one really likes death.

Even Li Xiao, who has been drifting in the bloody wind for a long time without knowing it, is no exception. If he had a choice, he would refuse to go to any place with a bad breath of life.

But King Zhaoyang not only brought him here, but also stood in front of a morgue and asked him to open the cabinet.

This is a cabinet for pretending to be dead. Why did you open this thing for no reason?

I don't know if doing this is a great disrespect to the deceased inside.

For such a weird request from King Zhaoyang, Li Xiao refused in his heart.

But when the king said something, his thoughts were completely different.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday that there is a problem with this hospital, the source of those children's illnesses is here, and the poison doctor you have been unable to find is also here, it is up to you whether you want to find it or not. "
Li Xiao didn't say much, he came all the time, if he didn't settle the matter, wouldn't that be a waste of time.

Take a step forward, grab the handle of the morgue door, hold your breath, and do everything you can to prevent emergencies.

With a click, the door opened instantly.

A black shadow suddenly jumped out from inside.

Li Xiaomeng dodged sideways, and kicked straight towards the black shadow, and the feeling of kicking something was still very clear.

But it's not the same as imagined.

He felt that anything that could jump out of the morgue must be an evil object. More than [-]% of it might be the corpse of a fake corpse, but the black shadow was not big and did not look like a dead adult.

He wondered if it was a baby who became a goblin after death.

As a result, after the hit hit, I looked closely and almost collapsed at that time.

a mouse!

It was a white rat that was commonly seen in the laboratory, but it was dirty and had long since lost its original appearance. He had just kicked it against the wall, breaking its bones and killing it on the spot.

The thing that made him extremely nervous after making a fuss for a long time was just a little mouse?

The dignified fire phoenix was jumped by the mouse, is there any reason for this!
Thinking of the silver bell-like laughter in the morgue, it seemed a bit out of place.

King Zhaoyang seemed to have seen some very funny performance, and he seemed to have known what was in the mortuary for a long time, and deliberately watched Li Xiao make a fool of himself. When Li Xiao made a fool of himself, she was very happy.

"Is this interesting?"
Li Xiao frowned and asked this sentence.

The king's smile continued: "Of course it's interesting."
A small mouse made the atmosphere here a lot more joyful, and there were no dead people in the morgue at all.

Then the problem is coming.

How can mice survive in the freezer.

Li Xiao walked to the base of the wall, looked down for a moment, and quickly found the problem.

The little white mouse used in this experiment had obviously undergone some special medical experiments.

Its own shape and structure have undergone special changes.

"Don't tell me it's the mouse that's the problem."
Li Xiao subconsciously turned around and asked King Zhaoyang.

As a result, the scene behind him made him feel the whole world's slow malice towards him.

The king is gone!
"Hey, don't play, people are scary, don't you know!"
In the cold morgue, Li Xiao's words echoed alone.

Can you imagine how weird the atmosphere would be if a living person suddenly disappeared in such a place.

Li Xiao walked back and forth a few steps, the area was only that big, and there was no place for Tibetans to be seen at all, except...the mortuary cabinet that had been opened.

After hesitating for a while, Li Xiao finally decided, walked up to him, and looked up into the dark cabinet.

In the next second, a white thing flew out in a swish, wrapping around Li Xiao's neck with lightning speed.

Then there was a force that he couldn't resist, directly dragging his whole body into the morgue, the pulleys turned with a clatter, the morgue was automatically closed by the impact, and the whole mortuary returned to calm.

It's like no one has ever been here.

Now Li Xiao wanted to scold the street, scold the king opposite to death, but he really couldn't beat him, so he could just curse a few words in his heart.

Without such a joke, the other party threw out a white ribbon and dragged him into the morgue. Isn't this killing people?
Well, those don't matter anymore.

Because after entering the morgue and standing on the ground somewhere, Li Xiao felt that he had entered a special world.

(End of this chapter)

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