The toughest man in the city

Chapter 833 I finally meet

Chapter 833 I finally meet

The night is already deep.

Tang Muzhao dragged his tired body, and finally walked into the elevator going home.

For the cooperation agreement given by Chen Jiuge, she held a meeting with all the senior executives and designers in the company until now, and finally finally came to a clear decision.

Just wait until tomorrow to contact Star Chen Jiuge for an answer.

Anyone who has been working to this point in time will feel tired.

But the physical fatigue is far inferior to Tang Muzhao's heavy heart at this moment. Don't forget, she is broken in love.

Today, I mustered up the courage to pursue my love, but in the end I found out that the family has long been known.

It's right to think about it, for such an excellent person, there might be a long queue of those pursuing him, how could it be her turn to make a move.

"Perhaps, this is fate."

Tang Muzhao walked to the door in a daze, took out the key, reached out and grabbed the doorknob, and opened the door...Huh?

She was stunned, feeling as if she had caught something disgusting in her hand, and subconsciously wanted to let go of the handle, but her whole hand was stuck to it, unable to take it off.

Is this the one who received a thousand dollars and put super adhesive on the door of her house?
A dignified and beautiful boss, unexpectedly trapped by the door of his own house, who can ask for reason!
The body turned around vigorously, and accidentally, the skirt was stuck to the door panel, and with a thud, the clothes were torn off.

Tang Muzhao didn't even dare to call for help.

She didn't know how long she struggled before she could pull her palm off the door. The burning pain in her palm, accompanied by infinite heartache, made her burst into tears.


Even when someone deliberately made things difficult for her and wanted to snatch her company building, she had never been so wronged as she is today.

"It must be that bastard on the other side, damn scum!"

Filled with grief and indignation that turned into boundless anger, Tang Muzhao picked up the golf club behind the door and rushed out, using all his strength to smash the opposite door.

"Come out, bastard, scum, come out for me."

It's a pity that there is no one in the room at all, so we can't let the air come out.

When Tang Muzhao was tired from the pounding, he looked up at the devastated door opposite, and turned his head back to his home in despair.

She swore that tomorrow she would put aside everything and fight to the end with the shameless guy opposite. She didn't believe that there was no reasonable place in the world.

The door closed with a bang, Tang Muzhao threw away the golf clubs, and fell on the bed, his head was groggy, and there was always a shadow that couldn't get away.

She knew that person's name was Li Xiao, and she wanted to reach out her hand to grab Li Xiao, and even wanted to go back to that day, that moment on a certain audition stage, to feel again the feeling of having a solid arm to rely on.

"If he is here, he will definitely help me vent my anger."

Tears wet the sheets, and Tang Muzhao fell into a drowsy sleep.

With a soft ding sound, the elevator door opened, and Li Xiao stepped out, dragging his tired body as well.

He hadn't had a good rest for several days. Before, he ran out in the middle of the night to investigate special incidents. Today, he wasted even more energy to save people in such a dangerous situation.

Such a tossing method, even the iron man can't support it.

He really wanted to lie in bed and sleep for a while, until he woke up naturally.

It's a pity that some people are born to work hard, and there is no good treatment for sleeping.

When he came back this trip, he had to go back to the hospital to take care of Xiao Zhao with his luggage.

Come to the door, reach for the key and open it...wait!
What's wrong with this door?
Li Xiao took two steps back, looking at the devastated door, his whole body was about to explode.

This is the house Old Man Yang used as his grandson's wedding room. It was the one who didn't want to die, who dared to smash so many holes in the door, how could he explain to Old Man Yang.


Burning with anger for a moment, Li Xiao turned his head subconsciously, and saw that several pieces of stickers were obviously missing on the opposite door, how could he not guess that it was made by the unscrupulous woman opposite.

"What about people, come out for me!"

He raised his fist and slammed on the door.

This was the last bit of reason that Li Xiao maintained. If he really had no scruples at all, how could the door in front of him be able to block him.

Tang Muzhao, who was sleeping drowsily in the room, heard a knock on the door like thunder, and someone shouted loudly.

He frowned, and shouted without raising his eyelids: "Go away, don't bother me."

The voice was not loud, but Li Xiao heard it clearly.

Well, you woman, you broke the door of my house and told me not to bother you?
I... can't, calm down, must calm down.

Thinking of the humiliating feeling of being stared at by community security guards yesterday, Li Xiao gave up his plan to continue banging on the door. There are some people who you can’t explain rationally to. Victim, I disgust you from the commanding heights of reason.

Li Xiao is not the kind of person who has never experienced the fickleness of the world, and knows that now is not the time to be violent.

Taking a deep breath, he shouted loudly: "Listen to the woman inside, I will come back when I have time, and I will teach you to be a good man!"

The dignified Huofeng has also been reduced to the point where she can only speak harshly to others, and she really feels aggrieved.

But there was no other way, he had to go back to the hospital to take care of Xiao Zhao, how could he not be delayed by an unscrupulous woman.

Turning around and going back to his home, the door slammed loudly.

It doesn't matter, anyway, this door can't be taken anymore, it's just right if it breaks.

He was ready to settle down, packed up his things and left.

But Tang Muzhao, who was on the opposite side, gradually regained his sobriety after being tormented by him, and suddenly realized the meaning of what happened just now.

The scum on the other side is back.

Well, you bastard, I didn't even look for you, but you still dare to come to me on your own initiative.

Whoever you are, I must fight you hard today!
Tang Muzhao was also a little angry for getting up, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him. He pulled on his slippers, picked up the golf club, and rushed out.

With a bang, another deep imprint was left on the opposite door panel.

I think our Boss Li is also a person who came out of the bloody wind. He never expected that he capsized in this small gutter. He just entered the room, relaxed all over, and was startled by the sudden loud noise. Jumping, thinking that there were some special people chasing here, they all pulled out the military thorns and waited for them.


"Come out, come out for me!"

Li Xiao's face turned dark when he heard this shout with a different pitch.

The woman on the opposite side ate the bear's heart and leopard's guts.

Tang Muzhao didn't care so much, he raised the golf club in his hand again, and smashed it down again.

This time the club head was deeply embedded in the top of the door panel and could not be pulled off.

She was pulling back with all her might, when she suddenly felt an irresistible force coming from her hands.

Li Xiao angrily opened the door, and directly brought Tang Muzhao into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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