Chapter 815
When Li Xiao returned to his residence, it was already early morning.

To be honest, it was quite a tossing night. After all, it was a very exhausting task to comfort an old man who was terrified and extremely sad, try to restore his normal thinking ability, and then teach the old man how to speak and explain what happened on the random graveyard. Work.

But the result is good.

Old man Yang calmed down, and with the help of Li Xiao, he sent Gangzi to the hospital.

People are alive, but they are in a coma, and no one knows what they will look like after waking up.

Old man Yang found his grandson who had been missing for a long time, and he didn't care about anything else, just two words, happy, even if he stayed with his grandson in the hospital until he died, he would be willing.

As for Li Xiao, after dismantling the "prosthetic limb", he got the core of it.

A metal object of the same texture, but the workmanship is not as fine as the one he swallowed.

Just such a small piece of metal controlled a person.

Who would do such a thing.

The only thing Li Xiao could think of was Vice President Han of Shanghua Hotel.

But the problem is that both Vice President Han and Shun Shuichang who are doing business have been locked up, so who else is there?

By the way, yellow hair!
Li Xiao has never met Qu Shangyang, let alone know what kind of trouble Xiao Zhao has created for him behind his back.

All he knows is that this kind of thing in front of him must not be spread without fully understanding the source. Once it spreads, the resulting panic among the public is immeasurable.

Find a box and put that piece of metal in it.

He vaguely felt that this visit to Changqing might take longer than expected.

Helping Xiao Zhao find his family is secondary, the main thing is to find out the origin of this harmful thing, he will see who is behind all this, and try to attack him.

After the whole person relaxed, he turned his head and looked at the bedroom.

That girl Xiao Zhao is still asleep.

It's great to lose your mind. If you keep your child's IQ all the time, you will have less troubles.

With a sigh in my heart, I lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

In the darkness, Xiao Zhao opened his eyes slightly, and also looked at Li Xiao who was lying on the sofa, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The game has just started, and the king still has to watch how Li Xiao brings him fun.

The quiet and harmonious night just passed away.

It's another new day, and for the vast majority of people in the world, it may be another day that repeats yesterday's life.

But for Tang Muzhao, today is absolutely different.

Because of the pain of the thigh strain, it was difficult for her to even walk.

"No, I still have to draw up an endorsement contract with Chen Jiuge today, so I have to go to the company."

The sadness of a single professional woman, no matter how much pain she suffers, she must hide it and face everything with the brightest smile.

This was the most difficult morning Tang Muzhao had ever had. Fortunately, it hurt a lot, and he didn't have so many problems when he got used to it.

But when she opened the door and was about to go to work, when she saw the opposite side at a glance, her mood could no longer be calm.

Is the family on the opposite side back?
No matter what, let the family know what abominable things they did and what terrible consequences they caused!

With great resentment, Tang Muzhao slammed on the opposite door.

She was sure that this kind of noise would wake up even the hibernating blind bear.

But a full 3 minutes passed, but no one responded.

Is there no one?

Did something bad, and the house across the street ran away?

The injury suffered by the beautiful president was not in vain, and there was no room for reasoning.

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he felt, Tang Muzhao wished he could lift his foot... Ah, it hurts so much!
"You, you guys should die!"

Finally, he slammed the door opposite, and to his surprise, a roar suddenly came from the room.


As the saying goes, it is better to mess with a drunk than a sleepy man.

A one-year-old kid has the urge to get up, let alone Li Xiao.

I only came back in the early morning, and I slept for a few hours in total, and the door of the room was smashed like it was being renovated.

Li Xiao didn't want to pay attention to it at first. Even if people outside smashed flowers, they had to wait until he woke up.After being hard for three minutes and then stopping for more than ten seconds, he thought that the people outside had given up and left. He adjusted his mood and was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, there was a noise louder than all the previous movements, which made him unable to calm down anymore.

With this roar, Li Xiao sat up straight, staring blankly at the table in front of him, falling into a state of ethereal thoughts.

At the same time, Tang Muzhao outside the door was so angry that he was going to explode.

There are people in the room, and if you don't respond for such a long time, if you respond, you will be scolding.


Today I have to call out the other party and talk about it.

Thinking of this, she raised her hand and was about to slam it down again, but an instant change of thought made her withdraw her arm suddenly.

No, porcelain can't go head-to-head with crock pots.

There was a man in the room, and he was an unqualified man. Who knew if he was a violent or psychopathic guy. What if he was unreasonable and directly hurt her.

Although Tang Muzhao has practiced taekwondo for several years and has a little knowledge of women's self-defense, but now he has injuries and it is difficult to walk. How can he fight with the opponent.

"For a long-term plan, first investigate who the person living opposite is. You must not rashly put yourself in danger."

Thinking of this, Tang Muzhao shrank back a few steps, pointed at the door in front of him, and muttered softly: "You wait for me."

Puzzled by her harsh words, she rummaged through her small bag to find a post-it note, wrote down a few large characters, and pasted it directly on Li Xiao's door. Then she nodded in satisfaction, and then ran away, little He ran towards the elevator in small steps.

At the same time, Li Xiao finally broke free from the mood of getting up.

With a helpless sigh, he got up and walked towards the door with a very peaceful attitude.

If you live in someone else's home, you should keep a low profile. Besides, this is a hotel-style management. What if the cleaning lady knocks on the door?

Offending the cleaning aunt, the result is very tragic, Li Xiao really doesn't want to do the housework by himself.

With a bang, the door opened and he looked up to go out.

There was not even a person outside, but it happened that the elevator doors closed, and half of the long legs in black silk high heels flashed away.

He recognized that leg. It was in the cat's eyes yesterday, but he had been looking at it for a long time.

Could it be the neighbor who knocked on the door, that dishonest woman?

Li Xiao frowned and cursed secretly.

I really don't understand, what is the mentality of such a woman, do they take it as fun to smash the doors of other people's houses early in the morning.

Forget it, people have run away, so what if they catch up, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Sighing and shaking his head, back off, off...huh?

Li Xiao's eyes fell on the door, and his expression changed from calm to weird.

A small post-it note came into view, with four large characters on it.


(End of this chapter)

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