Chapter 806

The Shanghua Hotel was not called by this name, and the real big boss was not Qu Shangyang, but Shilan, one of the eight envoys under His Majesty the King.

But ever since there was a rebellion in the royal court, Shilan suffered a blow, and almost all the assets under her name were occupied by those rebels, and this hotel was also robbed by Qu Shangyang.

No longer open for business like before, it simply became Qu Shangyang's private residence, where he used to plot "big things" with some people.

Qu Shangyang has always felt that the property he robbed here is his blessed land.

Because every time he discussed things and made decisions here, it always went smoothly, and he gradually saw the dawn of hope to escape from the control of the royal court.

But today, the good luck seems to have run out.

The most important technical templates were delivered to the door, but they failed to return to him, and were taken away by irrelevant people instead.

All the people were assigned to look for the guy who took something that shouldn't be taken. Before the result was reached, another bad news came.

Another accident occurred in the Mechanical Life Laboratory, which specializes in living body experiments. Two semi-finished experimental bodies destroyed his underground factory and escaped.

This is more troublesome than losing the core technology plank.

Once a template is lost, it is lost and cannot be retrieved, and a new one can be made.

But if the experimental subject ran out and caused trouble, his research base would be closed, and all the previous hard work was in vain.

Filled with irritability, he smashed the teacup in front of him and stood up abruptly.

"Vice President Han, I will leave it to you to find someone. If there is no result before dark, you'd better disappear together. Otherwise, heh, the laboratory is running out of live test specimens and needs to be supplemented."

There are no threatening words, which scare Vice President Han more than this kind of words.

He is not qualified to know what kind of research Mr. Qu is doing, but he clearly knows that some homeless people have never appeared after being captured by Mr. Qu's henchmen.

Is it dead or alive?

Or even if he is alive, he is already not living like a person?
"Mr. Qu, don't worry, even if I try my best, I will find him back for you."

The swearing guarantee is meaningless at all, what's the use of asking for this guy's life, what Qu Shangyang wants is his "hope".

Not much to say, walking like walking outside the door.

The bodyguards with eyesight immediately went to open the door. Unexpectedly, the moment the door opened, a golden light rolled and rushed into the door, almost causing the bodyguards to kill the intruders on the spot. Do not give an iota of explanation.

Fortunately, that Boss Han had quick eyesight and quick hands, and rushed forward with a stride, blocking Huang Mao.

"My own."

The voice of the loud reminder fell, followed by Huangmao's hysterical cry: "Brother-in-law, here we come, that, that monster is coming."

"What monster?"

"It's, it's..."

Huangmao turned his head and pointed to the door, but he couldn't say the words behind him no matter what.

The great King Zhaoyang just stood outside the door calmly, looking coldly at everyone in the house.

Vice President Han's eyes changed from confusion at first to shock, and finally became extremely sharp, and he hurriedly turned to look at Qu Shangyang.

"Mr. Qu, my brother-in-law will make up for his mistakes and give, give the person you are looking for..."

Vice President Han is an old-fashioned old fritter who knows how to turn a normal thing into an advantage for him to win the appreciation of his superiors. It is obviously his incompetent brother-in-law who makes people crawl back and crawl back in fright. In exchange for him That mouth said, it turned out to be the arrest of the person.

It's just that such flattering words were not spoken at all.

Vice President Han saw the most unbelievable scene in his life.

Mr. Qu knelt down.

Qu Shangyang, the super boss who is omnipotent in Vice President Han's eyes, even unworthy of lifting shoes, has no status at the moment, facing the harmless little girl outside the door , with a plop, fell to his knees.

Not to mention that Vice President Han was in a daze, the bodyguards who had followed Qu Shangyang for many years felt that they had seen the most incomprehensible thing in the world.

"Mr. Qu, you..."

"Don't move, don't move!"

Qu Shangyang raised his hand to stop everyone around him, and lay down on the ground with an extremely devout attitude, not daring to raise his head at all.

As one of the king's subordinates, if he has the ability to steal Shilan's assets, it is enough to prove that his status is higher than that of the female envoy. If he has a higher status, he will have more knowledge. How could he not recognize the king of the Raging Fire Court.

The King Zhaoyang, who has been missing for more than a year and is rumored to have returned to heaven, is standing in front of him alive at this moment.

The other party only needs to move his little finger a little bit, and he can say goodbye to the whole world forever, so how dare he move.

The atmosphere is very weird.

The others looked at Mr. Qu lying on the ground trembling slightly, and at the little girl outside the door who couldn't see anything special at all, their three views were completely refreshed.

Until a certain moment, King Zhaoyang slowly said: "Qu Shangyang, I remember you, so it is easy to understand why Wang Ting's research results were seen in the hands of outsiders. Come on, take me to your place to have a look."

King Zhaoyang has never been a puppet who doesn't care about ordinary things, even though the elders have always handled the affairs of the royal court on their behalf, but she has been exposed to this information since she was a child, how could she not understand what kind of people under her hands.

Those who have the heart of rebellion definitely did not start to rebel after she disappeared.

Qu Shangyang is also a registered unstable factor in the royal court.

However, no matter how unstable the factors are, they will be forcibly stabilized when King Zhaoyang comes forward in person.

Qu Shangyang did not dare to raise his head from the beginning to the end, and bowed his body to make a gesture of invitation,
Xiao Zhao turned around, thought for a while, and then turned to look at Vice President Han who was still in a daze.

"The person who came with me, don't tell him where I went. Find him something to do, such as where there is a beautiful girl, you send him to have fun."

Xiao Zhao casually said a word, and left in the air.

This arrangement is perfect.

Xiao Zhao is really considerate and knows how to make a man feel the beauty of life.

However, she had been away for a long time, and Vice President Han and Huang Mao who were present still couldn't recover from the shock.

"Brother-in-law, that little girl just now..."

A slap hit Huang Mao's face hard.

"You kid wants to die, don't pull me. Keep your mouth shut."

Vice President Han didn't know the identity of King Zhaoyang, but he knew that calling that woman a little girl film was purely courting death, so he calmed down a little, and then thought of an important question.

"What about the person who came with that, that one?"


Huang Mao was in a daze, thinking that he didn't see anyone.

As the two of them looked at each other in blank dismay, they saw the beautiful little secretary hurrying over.

"Vice President Han, Brother Chang said that there is a guy making trouble in the restaurant, do you want to tell everyone to clean up?"

"Ah? Oh. No! Let Shun Shuichang stop, offend the boss, I'll deal with him first!"

Vice President Han let out a strange cry, and rushed towards the restaurant like he was running for his life.

(End of this chapter)

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