Chapter 800
The chaos in Kurk has been going on for some time.

Whether it was human factors under Li Xiao's remote control or a coincidence of divine arrangements, the final result was that everyone gathered in the trading area.

These people are all aborigines who have lived in Kurk for who knows how many years. They don't care who really controls this underground ancient city, but they will never ignore an important object.

Millennium Blood Jade!
When these four words resounded throughout the trading area, everyone was shocked no matter where they were.

This thing is not much more valuable than chalcedony and jade mercury, but it is the belief of all Kurk.

For a thousand-year-old blood jade, they can pay the price of their lives, just because they mastered this thing in the legend, they mastered everything.

There was a crash, and the crowd surged.

The scene was even more intense than the big family throwing money, and everyone tried to start a desperate snatch with their eyes wide open.

Even Li Xiao, who was able to control the overall situation, didn't have much confidence at this moment. He snatched the second blood jade from Zac's hand in a flash, then stretched out his hand and hugged Xiao Zhao with one arm, turned his head towards the direction with the fewest people, and leapt past.

"Run, are you waiting to die here?"

The voice has not yet fallen, and the person has gone away.

In any case, today's trip can be regarded as overfulfilling the task.

Originally, he just wanted a thousand-year-old blood jade, but Xiao Zhao sent one, and cut another piece out from the stone cutter. If he doesn't leave now, let alone when.

Pete was taken aback for a moment, and he hurriedly called the bodyguards around him to follow Li Xiao's footsteps.

The ruthless people are going to run away, if he thinks he can stay here to stop the "thousands of troops", then he is out of his mind.

Following closely behind Peter were naturally Mrs. Yuemu's group.

Li Xiao thought that Yuemu ran away with him, but in fact Yuemu was to protect the king, even if the king is the person who needs protection the least here, he still needs to save face.

Afterwards, of course it was Zhang Boshu and the others.

Just now Li Xiao yelled loudly, in fact, he was reminding these comrades in arms that when it is time to admit cowardice, it is impossible for them to solve all the problems here with just one head and one bullet. It's better to get out quickly.

As for the task of capturing Ye Lingkong.

Anyway, that guy is still in the ancient city, that is, a mouse trapped in a cage, and it is absolutely impossible to escape.

No matter which way he flees, he always has to leave through the exit on the ground, and now, all the exits outside have been strictly blocked by the follow-up battle spirit reserve team.

It's just that others don't know what's going on outside.

In addition, the most important first-hand operation is that Zhang Boshu has already controlled the micro-robot to go to Ye Lingkong's location. Even if that guy goes to the sky and enters the earth, there will be a micro-robot as a guide to ensure that he cannot run away.

In short, the entire underground ancient city once again staged a scene of chaos.

If you want to say who is the happiest person here, it is definitely Jin Duo.

After tossing and tossing for so long, being chased and intercepted by various unexpected situations and being forced to come here, in the end, Li Xiao attracted everyone away.

He and Ye Lingkong were the only two left, and they couldn't even see some bodyguards who were in the way.

Don't run at this time, wait until later.

He chose the opposite direction to Li Xiao, and rushed directly to the Zhengnan exit.

Thinking about it, this trip must be smooth...

A gunshot erupted.

It was the first time a chaotic Kulk erupted into gunfire.

Everyone was stunned. Even Li Xiao, who was running at the front and could turn the corner and leave the trading area in the next step, couldn't help but stop.

The glaring blood stimulated everyone's nerves.

No one could believe that the bullet hit Ye Lingkong's heart for a moment.

Who fired the shot, who fired the shot?

Li Xiao knew the answer.

Jin Duo wanted to know the answer even more.

He took countless risks and fled with Ye Lingkong for so long, just to bring this guy out alive. He was about to succeed, and he would immediately obtain immeasurable benefits for the Jin family.

As a result, a shot in the dark broke all his previous efforts and unlimited hopes for the future.

No, it's not time to despair.

Ye Lingkong is still angry!

Jin Duo couldn't care less about other things, he dragged his wheelchair and found a cover to get in, then grabbed Ye Lingkong's collar tightly, and asked sharply: "Say, tell me everything you know!"

At that second, the entire trading area was quiet.

The next second, Ye Lingkong, who was vomiting blood, opened his mouth, but chaos at the scene also broke out.

Jin Duo felt the malice he had never felt in his life. The whole world seemed to be full of resentment towards him. Even if he put his ear to Ye Lingkong's mouth, he didn't hear a single sound.

No, he did hear it.

After hearing Ye Lingkong talk on and off for a while, apart from what information he was conveying, he finally heard three words clearly.

"They all have to die."

With his last breath left, Ye Lingkong tremblingly reached into his jacket pocket.

How could it be that Jin Duo didn't know what it was? It contained the ultimate method Ye Lingkong had prepared, which was the remote control to control the blasting device in the entire underground ancient city.

Jin Duo's scalp almost exploded.

Is life more important than secrets?
If you don't die, then the secret will really become a secret.

He subconsciously reached out and wanted to snatch the remote control from Ye Lingkong's hand first, but in the end he was a step too late. He watched Ye Lingkong's hand reach into his pocket, and then there was a click sound.

The detonator has already been activated, so what's the point of grabbing the remote control.


Jin Duo broke out at the fastest speed in his life and fled outwards, never in his life was he in such a hurry as a bereaved dog at this moment.

It was also the moment he fled, and the trading area was instantly plunged into darkness.

Seeing Jin Duo running away, Li Xiao also realized the problem.

"Notify our people, retreat quickly, and withdraw from the dungeon as quickly as possible."

Fortunately, the people Li Xiao cared about had already left early, and those who stayed were all by his side at this moment.

The road to escape may not be easy, but it is better than having no way out.

No one can remember how long this chaos lasted, and all those who survived, when they recalled it later, only remembered that it was the darkest moment in their lives.

The entire underground ancient city trembled in the darkness.

The originally noisy trading area turned into an empty no-man's land in the blink of an eye. Ye Lingkong, who was left with his last breath, spat out a mouthful of blood again, and took out his trembling hand from his pocket.

He wanted to cry, but also wanted to laugh.

He wanted to ask more, why.

Why the last resort he planned to use to die with Li Xiao would become a big joke.

What kind of broken remote control is that?

When did his detonating device become a circuit remote control switch in the dungeon?
Who stole the beam and replaced the pillar, taking away the last hope in his life.

In the darkness, Ye Guang's remote control buttons formed a weird smiling face, mocking Ye Lingkong, and accompanied him through the last moment of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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