The toughest man in the city

Chapter 791 You Lose

Chapter 791 You Lose

At this moment, the situation in the entire ancient city of Kurk is a bit like the scene of rebellion in the ancient palace.

There are people everywhere, people who steal, smash, and plunder.

Of course, this is only a minority, the vast majority have given up the work at hand and what they have been doing for many years, and are all heading towards the rough stone trading area, just to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a good share .

You must know that this ancient Kurk is located underground.

What does it mean to be underground?
It means that at least 50 people are required to focus on the key areas, aiming at the load-bearing equipment of the ancient underground city to prevent collapse accidents.

In addition, at least 30 people are required to maintain the operation of the ventilation device at the key location of the elder brother in the ancient city. The underground air is not circulated, and the wind and sand on the ground make it difficult to breathe. This requires professionals to use professional equipment to ensure that people who live underground Able to breathe normally.

In addition, there are water conservation, garbage collection, chefs who cook, and various ordinary service personnel.

To put it bluntly, it is the existence of these low-level working people that can ensure the normal operation of the entire underground city and ensure that Ye Ershao can live here without having to suffer much from outside.

But now, everyone is gone.

Even the gatekeepers and corridor guards on the periphery ran away completely. This is not called rebellion, but destruction, the complete destruction of the entire ancient underground city.

And the person who caused all this was Li Xiao.

"Uh, isn't it too big to play?"

When Li Xiao saw that the entire trading area was overcrowded, and that except for the forcibly enclosed open space in the center, there was almost no water in other places, he couldn't help but touch the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

Beside him, Pete was speechless and asked the sky.

Brother, do you still know how to play big?
When you said those words just now, didn't you think about the consequences?

"Mr. Li, the people here are crazy. If you can't satisfy them, we can't leave."

"It seems to be the case."

Li Xiao was like an ignorant Xiaobai, making people want to beat him to death.

Fortunately, this guy didn't continue to challenge Peter's patience. He lowered his voice and said, "Peter, don't be afraid. We will try to divert trouble later, and we still have a chance to leave."

"How to lead?"

Li Xiao did not answer Peter's question, but focused on the central area, where he was still cutting the rough stone.

At least, the people in Gukurk still maintained the last ounce of simplicity. They didn't cause any trouble here, but after learning that there was still a stone gambling situation, they all cooperated and watched from the outside.

Everyone is not stupid. If the money-sprinklers are happy, they will really give them money.

If the big investors are unhappy or even die, where else can they find this kind of opportunity to make money.

Let's watch it first, when the atmosphere is warm, it's time to seriously ask for benefits.

It took a lot of space to talk about it. In fact, it has only been ten minutes since Li Xiao said he wanted to spread the money. The first rough stone of the bet between him and Mrs. Yuemu has not been completely cut yet.

Long Dao and Zac only paused for a while when Li Xiao stood in the middle to speak at the very beginning.

But then, they just keep doing their job.

Professional cutters, even if the world is collapsing outside, have to complete the rough stones to be cut, because the jade that can be handed down comes from their hands, and they don't do it, so there is no future.

It is hard to imagine that there can be a moment of silence in the presence of so many people.

That is, after this slight silence, a cry rang in everyone's ears.

"I see jade, it's an ice species!"

The audience was in an uproar, not all jade can be called ice species.

The jade produced here is divided into various grades, and the quality is of the highest quality, just like clear water frozen, it is an ice species.

Even a piece of a fingernail can be worth tens of thousands.

And the one that appeared under the long knife at this moment is definitely as big as dozens of fingernails.

The size can be superimposed, but the value of jade is definitely doubled geometrically.

Robert's old face was full of gratification, and he was finally able to prove himself with a success.

"Boss, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life."

Turning back to Yue Mu, he bent slightly and said these words.

Mrs. Yuemu was of course very happy, just because of such a big ice species, even if the harvest of her trip completely exceeded expectations, even if she went back home immediately, there would be no problem.

But what to expect is completely unimportant at this moment, what is important is what can be unearthed from that rough stone opposite Li Xiao.

"Unless it's a glass species, it's hard to win."

Someone in the crowd uttered this sentence.

That was the big bosses from other regions who also came to Gukurk these days and planned to conduct transactions here.

There was such a big shock in the whole Kurk. These bosses would never just sit still. Compared with other people with other purposes, these big bosses who just want to do business, of course, will go where there is an opportunity to make money.

They all have bodyguards around them, making it easier to come to the center.

Seeing the situation clearly, he also envied the ice species, and of course more wanted to get a share of the pie.

If someone else had opened such an ice type, these people would have been in a hurry to bid for it and buy it with all their might.

Generally, stone customers come here for money, and if they open jade, they will only sell it on the spot to make a fortune.

And these big bosses in front of them are the ones who buy jade. After they buy it and do a little processing, they can sell it at a higher price. If they are in the mood to perform precise carving, the benefits they can get in the end are absolutely immeasurable.

It's a pity that when everyone saw clearly that it was the ice seed opened by Mrs. Yuemu, they gave up the idea of ​​bidding.

No one can buy jade from that big lady, only she can buy other people's shares.

There is no benefit here, why not look for opportunities from the opposite side.

Even if that little-known young man loses the bet, he can still sell jade to make money. I believe that guy is also a money-loving guy, so he won't stop selling it.

The key lies in what can be obtained from the rough stone he selected.

None of these people knew about Li Xiao, but that didn't matter, the focus of their attention was also the focus of everyone's attention.

I saw that Zach had cut the original stone of the square bench down to the size of his palm. In terms of size alone, it was definitely not as good as Robert's ice species.

As someone said before, unless it's the glass variety.

No, as the original stone became smaller and no jade was visible, everyone realized that even the glass type was not as valuable as the ice type that was so large.

Even through the veil, many people around could detect that Mrs. Yuemu was smiling.

Smiling happily, he waved lightly towards Li Xiao: "You lost the first round."

(End of this chapter)

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