Chapter 772
Rough cutting continues, but some people are no longer concerned about it.

Li Xiao took off his overalls and handed it to Pete.

"Mr. Pete, you are a witness. Please let Mr. Banggu change into this dress later. People may not be self-aware, but they must know respect. Working people are the most respectable people in this world. "

Pete nodded with a smile, motioning his subordinates to take the clothes.

To supervise the old man's fulfillment of the bet, there is no need for the big boss to come forward in person.

At this moment, what Pete really wants to figure out is...

"Mr. Li, how did you determine that Banggu would lose? After all, he is also a miner trained by me with a lot of money. There is no reason for him to miss all three rough stones."

"Haha, if it was any other time, he might not miss it once. But when he meets me, he will only lose."


"Because, luck!"

Li Xiao looked at Pete and said with a light smile, "My luck has always been good, especially in gambling. I have never lost. Believe it or not, that's the truth."

When he said this, Li Xiao was more domineering than ever before.

Pete's eyes were burning, he was stunned for a moment, and then he clapped his hands and laughed.

"Okay! Mr. Li, you are really the most courageous of all the people I have met. No one is gambling with his life. If he can win everything, the so-called gods are nothing more than that. In order to express my respect, A small gift, please accept it, Mr. Li."

Pete has now completely given up on Banggu.

There is no other reason, as long as they are talking, the second rough stone has already been cut.

Zach on Li Xiao's side, once again appeared a piece of jade in his hand, which was eye-catching.

On the other hand, Banggu and Changdao both looked gloomy.

Compared to a miner who was wrong twice in a row, maintaining a boss who thought his luck was off the charts, that's what he should do most.

Bending slightly, he offered a carefully carved jade with both hands. The outer layer is crystal clear, the white jade is soft in texture, and the inside is filled with blood. .

This craftsmanship alone can be called a master handwriting.

I have to mention here, the production line of Gukurk.

If the previous benefactors, miners, and cutters turned decay into magic, then the engravers here are definitely people who make magic shine.

After any jade is cut out, it is extremely irregular.

Of course, it does not rule out the miracles of the Creator such as the Millennium Blood Jade or the Jade King, which do not need to be carved at all once they are born.

Miracles are always rare, and irregularity is the normal state of new jade.

Jade requires a sculptor to perfect the processing, and according to the requirements of the boss, carve it into the shape that the boss likes.

With the development of technology, modern young engravers only need to design a three-dimensional image on the computer for the boss to appreciate. After confirming that there is no problem, the image is transmitted to the precision instrument, and the template is formed in an instant.

Throw jade stones into the machine, and within half an hour at most, it can become what the boss wants.

And the chance of engraving failure is very small.

But although these people play with high technology and can make magic even more magical, not everyone likes it.It is the hand carvers who are truly loved, respected, and even admired here.

Basically, they are all gray-haired old guys with special lenses and a carving knife in hand, using the most exquisite manual skills to carve jade.

People say that jade can psychic.

The processing of modern machines will dissipate the aura of jade.

Only hand-carved jade can guarantee the preservation of aura to the greatest extent.

Of course, if you choose a hand-carved master, there are also conditions. Poor jade will not be favored by the master. If the master is fond of it, it may not be able to guarantee [-]% success in engraving. Even if you are not afraid of failure, you will have to wait.

Sometimes in order to carve a small pattern, it may take an old carving master more than a month to complete it.

Work slowly and work hard.

But once formed, it is definitely the most precious jade in time.

The jade pendant in Pete's hand is engraved with the pattern of a western monster dragon, and matched with the natural blood pattern of the blood jade, it is lifelike and can be called a classic.

This is a work of art that Pete hired a hand-carver with a lot of money and took a full year to complete.

"Mr. Li, I think you have a special liking for blood jade. This small gift should be given to you to witness our friendship."

I have to say that Pete is very generous.

Just such a piece of jade pendant is worth more than one million, and it was given to Li Xiao just for the word of friendship, which shows that he really wants to make friends with Li Xiao.

Li Xiao is not a person with low EQ, he knows how to deal with it.

However, compared to the value of the jade, at this moment, what surprised him more was the faint bloodline that the jade pendant itself exuded.

In the air, the red blood line seemed to be twisting like a spirit snake. Halfway through the rush, it turned into the appearance of a western dragon and rushed into his body.

If you guessed right, this blood jade is most likely the blood of a snake-like animal coagulated into the jade, and later transformed into a dragon shape by the hands of a master sculptor, so that there will be such a change in the shape of the aura.

It feels good.

However, the age will definitely not be too long. This piece of jade is almost a hundred years old, which is not what Li Xiao wants at all.

Disappointed in his heart, but with joy on his face, he raised his hand and took the jade from Peter's hand.

"Mr. Pete, thank you. Also to witness our friendship, I will give you a gift later."

Li Xiao didn't have anything of value on him, and he said he would give it away later, even if Pete thought about it with his toes, he could guess that this big guy was going to gamble with stones and jades here.With the boss's good luck, He Chou didn't have any good things.

Even if there is no substantive benefit in his hands, it is worthwhile to establish a deep friendship with such a ruthless person.

Peter turned his head and looked over there. Three rough stones were broken, and the gray gravel was all over the table. Banggu was slumped on the ground as if he was mourning, knowing that there was no need to use this so-called master miner today.

Winking at someone holding the clothes.

Don't worry about the rest.

Pete turned around and made a gesture of invitation. Bodyguards opened the way, and Li Xiao happily walked towards the core area of ​​the transaction together.

These peripheral things cannot be seen by Pete and Li Xiao.

It's just different from before. When they came, everyone acted against Banggu. Now that they are leaving, those people who eat melons all regard Li Xiao as a god-man, and no one even raised the question of blasphemy.

In the cognition of these people, those who can choose jade are the gods, and those who cannot choose, ghosts will not believe you.

The apprentice cutter Zach trotted to follow, his intention was self-evident, at least today, he wanted to be a queen cutter with Boss Li.

Smart people must know who to follow, so that they can improve together.

Just like a beggar's friend will always be a beggar, there will never be poor people around the richest man in the world.

Excellence will also get together.

The crowd walked forward with momentum. In such a big battle, there are still some people who are not open-eyed, blocking their way forward, unmoved.

(End of this chapter)

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