The toughest man in the city

Chapter 745 Old Ning is Angry

Chapter 745 Old Ning is Angry
No one expected that a charity dinner would become Jin Ming's closing performance.

Boss Jin, who could have been the professional manager of Huayi until retirement, tried to harm Li Xiao because of his own selfishness. Instead, he caused the entire Huayi to lose a large amount of liquidity for no reason, and even affected the normal operation of the company. run.

Not long after the dinner was over, he was dismissed from his current position by Huayi's board of directors.

A series of activities were carried out to deal with the shortage of funds along with the entire Huayi high-level shake-up.

But money is easy to spend, and if you want to earn it back, it is not a matter of a day or two.

When Huayi was struggling to support, Xiaolong Entertainment sent a lot of recruitment notices, and no one could stop Huayi's employees from leaving jobs one after another.

Xiao Long, who has gradually completed his staffing, planned another talent show with the support of Xiao Hong, the godfather of entertainment who once stirred up the circle of Hong Kong Island.

In less than half a month since Li Xiao came to Hong Kong Island, he seized the market here like a rainbow.

It seemed that all the entertainment pages were reporting about Li Xiao, and Ning Xiaoxi didn't want to pay attention to this information, but the photos of Li Xiao that appeared in various entertainment news kept coming into her sight.

Not to mention Ning Xiaoxi, Lin Huahua felt a little broken.

After all, she is a good best friend who has been by Xiao Xi's side for a long time, so she really can't bear to look at Ning Xiaoxi with a sad face every day.

However, before she could think of any way to relieve Ning Xiaoxi's mood, something even worse happened.

With great fanfare, Jin Ze boarded the gate of the Ning family compound with the dowry.

"Xiao Xi, Director Ning called just now and told you to go home. Jin Ze, ahem, Young Master Jin went home to propose marriage."

"What does his proposal of marriage have to do with me? There are so many sisters in the family, whoever he likes to marry, anyway, I won't marry that guy. Get out and leave me alone."

Ning Xiaoxi waved Lin Huahua away and continued to sulk in the room.

Lin Huahua had no choice but to call back.

Ning Guanming was also speechless.

For Ning Xiaoxi's marriage, Ning Guanming, who is the father, started planning two years ago.After tossing and tossing, in the end, it turned out that Li Xiao, the little bodyguard he despised the most at the beginning, was the candidate to be the best son-in-law.

Originally, the entire Ning family was ready for Li Xiao and Ning Xiaoxi to tie the knot.

Who would have thought that after the family crisis a year ago, the two parted ways.

Things have dragged on until now, and my daughter is not too young, so how can I continue to drag it on.

"Nephew Jin Xian, please wait a moment. Xiao Xi is still dealing with matters in the company and should be back soon."

Ning Guanming looked at the gorgeous Jinze, and was really embarrassed to tell the truth, it is rare in the world that my father-in-law is so guilty of facing a person who may become a son-in-law.

Kanazawa is no fool either.

He knows better than anyone else what Ning Xiaoxi's attitude is towards him, and he can guess better. It is ninety-nine percent impossible for Ning Xiaoxi to come back today.

However, many things cannot be solved by that young lady's willful and reckless behavior.

Do you really think that no one can stop Ning Xiaoxi? Where does this leave Ning Lao?
"Uncle, it's okay. Just right, I heard that Grandpa Ning is not in good health recently, so I'll go and visit him."

"Okay, come from the east, and accompany Jinze to the backyard to see your grandfather."

Ning Guanming greeted, and Ning Donglai, the youngest of the Ning family, hurriedly led the way.

Not to mention Jinze, there are not many people in the entire aristocratic circle who think highly of Ning Donglai.

Looking at all the aristocratic families, who doesn't have excellent males who are enough to support the family, but in the Ning family, Ning Donglai, as the eldest son and grandson, has no ability at all. After Ning Guanming retired to the second line, the entire Ning Group Ning Xiaoxi is still needed to support.

It doesn't matter that someone once joked that whoever marries Ning Xiaoxi is equivalent to controlling everything in Chang'an's Ning family.

The more people look down on him, the more cowardly Ning Donglai will appear.

Up to now, it seems to have become a leading role.

Jin Ze was full of disdain, but he still stopped Ning Donglai's shoulder familiarly.

"Brother Ning, from now on, you may be my big brother. Whether this relationship can go further depends on you speaking well in front of my little sister Xiaoxi."

"Uh, Brother Jin, don't dare. I can't talk to Xiao Xi."

Ning Donglai's humble expression made Jinze look down on this guy even more.

They are both the eldest son and grandson of the family. This Ning Donglai really doesn't have the slightest courage. He can't even raise his head or speak in front of his own sister. What else can he accomplish.

"Haha, Brother Ning, you are too modest. As long as you say a few nice words to me at Mr. Ning, it will also help me."

"Don't dare, I won't be able to speak to my father-in-law."

Family man?

Jin Ze made several detours before he understood the meaning of this word. At that time, he wanted to slap Ning Dong to death. Are you showing off your knowledge, or are you bullying people who have not read the book?
And you can't talk to anyone, so what's the point of your life?
Jin Ze took several deep breaths, slowly tightened his arms around Ning Donglai's shoulders, and this time he leaned directly to First Young Master Ning's ear and whispered: "Brother Ning, do you want to be able to speak at home? talk."


A gleam of light flashed in Ning Donglai's eyes, but it was only fleeting.

Who said that mediocre people have no ambitions? When Ning Donglai came, he still wanted to steal a woman from his third uncle Ning Guanming. Unfortunately, two years ago, when Mrs. Ning celebrated his birthday, many talented people gathered together, and Li Xiao took the lead.

Ning Dong was hit hard on the day he came, and since then he has been devastated and has become a mediocre man who is free to eat.

Two years have passed, and he gave up struggling, but Kanazawa's words aroused his ambition again.

But how can one sentence change reality.

"Brother Ning, as long as I become the son-in-law of the Ning family and gradually fade out of the core of the Ning family with Ning Xiaoxi, at that time the Ning Group will still be under your control."

"Jin Shao, you are joking, and my third uncle is still here."

"Haha, it's true to say so, but this world belongs to us young people after all, isn't it?"

Jin Ze's eyes were burning, making Ning Donglai feel a little uncomfortable.

Before he could say much, Jin Ze let go of Ning Donglai's shoulders, took two quick steps and stood in front of the door of the East Wing, bowing his hands together.

"Jinze, the No. 12 generation battle spirit captain of the Mengnei Jin family, meet Mrs. Ning and the war spirit veteran."

Shout out like a rainbow.

Ning Donglai was slightly shocked by Jinze's special identity. He only knew that Jinze was the eldest son of the Mengneijin family. He was arrogant but kept a low profile. He had never even participated in the Family Alliance, but he didn't expect this guy to have a fighting spirit. With such a special status as a team member, this is a figure in the same line as Mr. Ning.

His thoughts were flying, and he was about to push the door and go in to report without stopping.

Unexpectedly, before Ning Donglai put his hand on the edge of the door, a majestic shout came from inside the door.

"Get out! The Ning family doesn't welcome you."

(End of this chapter)

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