The toughest man in the city

Chapter 718 I'm optimistic about you

Chapter 718 I'm optimistic about you
Li Xiao never imagined that he would encounter such a weird thing as being selected by his agent.

But having said that, this guy's words also brought him a lot of flashes of inspiration.

He intends to make money by making movies, but no matter how much money he makes, it may not be more comfortable than his own success.

Life is in the past few decades. Who doesn't want to have a lot of praiseworthy things to tell their children and grandchildren when they recall their own life after a hundred years.

Nowadays, with the advanced technology of society, everyone can take a few short videos and save them for their children and grandchildren to watch decades later.

But this is not as meaningful as having a brilliant achievement in film and television.

Previously, he only thought about finding entertainment stars to cooperate with, but now Li Xiao felt that he could not find others at all. With the funds and resources in his hands, it was not easy to start his own company and win countless stars.

Sure enough, listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books.

At that moment, Li Xiao was still very grateful to the manager opposite.

It's a pity that his expression fell into the eyes of the other party, and it completely changed into another meaning.

Manager Chen sneered in his heart, as expected, he was a country bumpkin who had never seen the world, and he took it seriously when he casually fooled him. Do you think it is so easy to be a star? There are many people with good image and temperament in this world. there's a few.

If I didn't just need your help, I wouldn't bother to talk to you.

"Li Xiao, there is no such thing as a pie in this world. If you really want me to make you a star, then you have to do one thing for me next. If it's done, I promise to fulfill all the promises I made to you. "

"What's the matter?"

"Tell me first, do you agree or not?"

"Agree, I have no reason to disagree."

Raise your hand for the joy of helping others, and give someone a rose with a lingering fragrance in your hand. You have provided such good advice and options to our boss Li, and it is only natural to thank you for helping you.

More importantly, Li Xiao also wanted to know the purpose of this woman in front of him.

"Okay, Li Xiao, since you agree, then I will tell you. I will take you to see our vice president of Huayi later, and you, as the person in charge of Xiaolong Company, tell our vice president , You must agree to the cooperation between the two companies. If you disagree, you will go to cooperate with the Su Group. You have already found President Su of the Su Group. For tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of cooperation, whoever will catch it first It's up to whom."

What Manager Chen said really confused Li Xiao.

Why does this involve the Su Group? Who has had contact with their President Su?
Even though he has only just arrived in Hong Kong Island for a few days, Li Xiao knows that Lao Cheng's work here is difficult every step of the way. For such a long time, that is, he has cooperated with Huayi, and other entertainment companies have not even been able to enter the door.

He didn't even know that the Su Group also had business operations and branches on Hong Kong Island.

If he had known about this earlier, he might have considered contacting Su Manyu from the beginning.

By the way, I haven't seen the beautiful Su for a long time, and I don't know how she is doing recently.

Since his return, Li Xiao has devoted himself to the development of Xiaolong Company, and has vaguely cut off contact with all the people he knew before, so that he doesn't know how many people have died because of him in the past year or so. Completely changed the previous trajectory of life.

Li Xiao fell into deep thought again.

Manager Chen over there was minding her own business and continued to elaborate on her requirements.

It's easy to understand, this woman doesn't want to offend either side, so she can only choose a scapegoat to bear all the risks.Su Manyu was originally invited by her, but now she seems to use Li Xiao's concept of stealing and pleasing to make Mr. Su the person invited by Xiaolong's company.

The plan to bring disaster to the east was conceived on the spur of the moment, with many loopholes.

The biggest obstacle is whether the guy in front of her can do what she says and get things done for her.

"Hey, what are you thinking about? Time is limited. Do you agree with my request or not?"

"I-didn't you ask me to lie to others?"

"If you do things seriously, I can bring you here? Why are you so brainless? Let me tell you that after the matter is completed, you will be my contracted artist, and everything will be worthwhile when you become famous Yes, it's better than you being an ordinary employee in that little broken Xiaolong company."

"Xiao Po Xiao Long Company?"

Can you imagine how much Li Xiao has to say about his company being humiliated in front of his face?

"Broker Chen, if I agree to your request, it will be a loss to our company. My boss will definitely not let me go by then."

"What are you afraid of? I'm covering you. A small Xiaolong company owner is nothing. I'll make you a star, and he will have to curry favor with you. Don't worry, I'm optimistic about you."

In order to fool Li Xiao, Manager Chen really spoke big words, not afraid that Feng Da would flash his tongue.

Li Xiao's face was almost black.

I am the boss of Xiaolong Company, do you dare to say that I am a ball?

"Okay, since we've reached this point, I'll do as you say!"

Li Xiao sneered and agreed.

It's just that, what kind of result will happen in the end, I'm afraid that Manager Chen can't think of it.

"Go, take me to see your vice president."

Li Xiao straightened his clothes and strode out.

Manager Chen nodded slightly, and said in his heart, he really chose the right person this time, the little guy was tempted by the benefits and was willing to take the blame for her, this ambition has the potential to become a star.

The two walked out of the bathroom one after the other.

Just happened to meet Cheng Yuliang outside.

Lao Cheng couldn't wait any longer in the lounge. He listened to the people here's sarcasm and couldn't help but wanted to find Li Xiao. Everyone left quickly to avoid this cowardice.

When he saw Li Xiao, he raised his hand and wanted to speak.

But when he saw the woman who came out together, Lao Cheng was stunned.

Subconsciously, he looked up at the sign on the wall, and confirmed that it was the men's restroom. The whole person felt as if he had swallowed a big goose egg and found it difficult to calm down.

Why did the boss get together with that agent after going out for a while? Could it be that in order to promote the role of a female number two, he has to sacrifice his luster?

It's pitiful, but this matter can be done...

Fortunately, Cheng Cheng didn't have more contact with this guy.

God knows what a complicated psychological journey Lao Cheng has gone through.

Li Xiao didn't pay much attention, and just turned around and pointed to an office over there.

"Broker Chen, the vice president you asked me to find is in this room, right?"

"Yes, yes."

As soon as Manager Chen came out, he saw Cheng Yuliang. He was still in a guilty state, but when he heard Li Xiao's question, he just nodded subconsciously in response.

The next moment, what happened directly overturned everyone's perception.

Li Xiao stepped over and kicked over the door.

(End of this chapter)

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